Putin owns Trump…

This just in:  Before I get into the Putin/Trump thing…let’s just notice that the “Guns Killing Kids” issue has started to abate.  So now the NRA and Republican Party can get back to raking in Russian money.

As for Trump…

I have often wondered, possibly as often as several times a day….”How is it possible that Trump so consistently does the EXACT OPPOSITE of the right thing….every time he does anything?”

Could it be that he and I are exact opposites?  Possible, but it seems that we would agree on something every now and then.

But we never do…ever.

There is a reason for this that was recently divulged to Mueller who is investigating Trump.

It turns out that Putin told Trump not to make Romney his Secretary of State.  He wanted someone more friendly to Russia like Tillerson (Who Russia awarded with some sort of Best Friends Forever award).  Russia wanted someone that would help Trump NOT IMPLEMENT SANCTIONS.

Tillerson got the job.  Sanctions have not been implemented and Tillerson continues to cut away at the State Department; taking steps daily to ensure it is weaker than the day before.

So…was this the only thing Putin said.  Did it go like this “Just make Tillerson the Secretary of State and we’ll forget all about the decades you have worked with us to launder money.”  Is that what happened?

Or is Putin telling Trump daily “Do what I say or spend the rest of your life in jail.”

If I were Putin….I would want would love a trade war between the United States and the rest of the world.  I would love a U.S. president that praises Russia and refused to implement sanctions.  I would want a president that would not investigate Russian meddling in elections.

If I were Putin I would want turmoil in the White House.  I would want others in the White House that also launder money like Kushner so my reach would broaden.

I’d want a W.H. that would destroy the U.S. economy through unfathomably bad tax plans and budgets.  I would want divisive issues to be flamed; things like immigration and gun control.

I could go on and on but it is clear to me that either Trump is completely under Putin’s control or there are a heck of a lot of coincidences going on.

It is worth noting that our Constitution protects us from this by balancing power between the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches.  Out Founding Fathers, however, didn’t count on the possibility that a foreign power would control both the Presidency and Congress.  By Congress I mean, the Republican Party.

My prediction is that Democrats will take the house and senate in the midterms.  Mueller will finish his investigation and Trump will be impeached.  Trump will then refuse to step down.

What happens after that will be up to our generals.

Up, up and away…


“We’ve been waiting for you.” – Obama

This just in:  I miss president Obama.  I miss the sanity.  I miss the quiet that comes from knowing the man in charge is not an emotionally damaged child.

The quote that titles this post is Obama talking about the kids taking charge in the gun control debate.

While they are standing up and demanding action, I saw an adult on Facebook blame gun violence on bad parenting, lack of child discipline and not enough God.

I’m supposing he means “his God”.

I just can’t get behind the idea that we can “Beat the mass shootings” out of our children.

I just can’t get behind the idea that more Sunday School will will help.

I just can’t understand how the very people that think More Sunday School will help are actually the main supporters of a position that will ultimately lead to more “conceal and carry” in church to keep us all safe from those kids that were not beaten severely enough as children.

I am waiting for a few things myself….

  1. If you are a woman thinking of running for a political office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  2. If you are under 40 and thinking of running for political office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  3. If you believe in the sciences and want to run for political office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  4. If you believe in equality for all and want to run for office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  5. If you want to help those that need it the most and want to run for office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  6. If you are progressive, always looking forward and want to run for office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  7. If you prefer peaceful solutions over tanks and want to run for office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  8. If you think “ideals” not “money” are important for elected officials and you want to run for office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  9. If you think education makes us stronger and want to run for office…I’ve been waiting for you.
  10. If you think”content of character” is important…I’ve been waiting for you.
  11. If you think facts matter and want to run for office…I’ve been waiting for you.


If you prefer fear; if you prefer opinion over fact; if you think the best way to lead into the future is to pull us into the past; if you think facts don’t matter; if you think the truth is optional; if you think Money = Free speech…then be advised…Your time it coming.  Your days are numbered and when you are gone…I will not weep.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The “hardening” of America

This just in:  The NRA and Trump (who received $31 million from Russia via the NRA) think that we need to “harden” our schools against attack.

I disagree.

I think gun control is the answer.  Here is a link to my ideas about gun control.

However, let’s go with the NRA/Trump idea…

Let’s harden our schools.  Let’s spend money on training and arming teachers. Let’s use metal detectors and auto-locking doors and name tags.  Let’s double the current spending on public schools with 100% of that increase going into “hardening” the classrooms of our kids.

Or…and I’m just saying…we could improve gun control.

However….let’s continue with the logical outcome of the Trump/NRA policy; one that basically says, “The only way to keep us safe from guns is to make sure more people have more guns.”

Once our schools are taken care of, let’s look at the next soft target.  I think we need to arm the cashiers at my local market and at the local mall.  Let’s arm all of the people in every public place so that the bad guy knows return fire is guaranteed.

Then we have my neighborhood.  I thought I needed a lock on my door but that is apparently not enough for the gangs of armed thugs.

Yes, we could make sure thugs don’t have guns but that is not in accordance with the Trump/NRA agenda.

So, I apparently need more than a lock and more than a 115 pound dog.  I need a handgun.

The bad guys know this so they get automatic rifles.

Not wanting to be “outgunned”, I now need an automatic rifle.

In short, I am being sucked into the Trump/NRA platform of fighting guns with even more guns.

Or…and I’m still just saying….we could improve gun control

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Connecting a Few Dots…

This just in:  Sometimes completely unrelated things happen in such a way as to appear that there may be a relationship, where there is not.  Here is a website that is dedicated to such things.  This is really interesting and I recommend you check out the link.


At other times, things that appear related may actually be related.

I want to take a minute to look at a few of these relationships.

Of course…this is all about Trump.

  1. Trump has clearly worked with Russia to get elected
  2. There appears to be a payback to Russia for their help when Trump refuses to implement sanctions against Russia
  3. Russia funnelled money to the NRA who in turn, gave it to Trump
  4. The NRA is one of the major funders of the Republican Party
  5. Only NRA funded Republicans, and NRA funded Trump appear to feel there is no solution to gun violence other than “thoughts and prayers”
  6. Russian bots immediately started posting fake news (gunman was a secret muslim) about the Florida shooter.
  7. Trump, in a message about Florida, didn’t even mention the word “gun”
  8. Fox News supports all things Trump and Republican

So, if I was to make a bed and fill it with members of the same team, that bed would contain: President Trump, Russia, the NRA, Fox News and the entire Republican Party.

It’s nice for them to all be in same place.  I can, at a glance, look at who I want to vote out of office later this year. (Trump in in until 2020 but a Democrat Congress will kick him out sooner).

Vote in 2018 and save the world.

Up, up and away…


Republican = Russian…and they don’t even know it

This just in:  Congress overwhelmingly passed sanctions against Russia last year to punish them for influencing our elections.

Trump has refused to implement these sanctions based on the idea that “The Russians have learned their lesson.”

At the exact same time, every national security agency is saying loud and clear, “Russia has not learned any lesson and is already trying to influence the 2018 elections.”

On a completely unrelated note:  Collusion between Trump and Russia to influence the last election is not a crime UNLESS….Trump offers Russia something in return for their help.  Something like….refusing to implement sanctions.

On the Fetish Page…

Somewhere in my youth, I heard the word “fetish”.  This is a term that I somehow have come to associate with the idea that some men find women’s feet particularly sexy.    Interesting.  I don’t get it but interesting none-the-less.

Today, “fetish” to me is a reminder that we all have secrets.  We all have these little things we keep to ourselves, about ourselves because we have determined that we are ashamed of them.

I don’t have a problem with this and my guess is that I’m about average when it comes to “dirty little secrets.”

However, there is a class of “dirty little secrets” that has become rather transparent.

That class is “Trump Supporter.”

When someone supports Trump, I immediately assume that several of the following “dirty little secrets” apply to them:

  1. They are too lazy to educate themselves about facts.
  2. They are gullible.
  3. They are fearful.
  4. They are bad at math and the sciences.
  5. They are selfish.
  6. They are short-sighted.
  7. They are racist.
  8. They are evangelical.
  9. They are poor (and will be taken advantage of)
  10. They are rich (and willing to take advantage of others)
  11. They watch Fox News.
  12. They are excellent at mental gymnastics needed to justify Trump’s actions.
  13. They are white, male and over 55 years of age.
  14. They believe in conspiracies.
  15. They believe that their failure in life is due to someone else.
  16. They gobble up Cherry Picked data that supports their position.

These are all things, that if they belonged to me, would be filed in my “dirty little secret” box.  I would be ashamed to let you know these things about me.

But…when someone says, “Gotta get me some more Trump!”  They are spilling this secret box for all to see.

And I pity them for it.

Up, up and away…




The Sky Is Falling!!!!

This just in:  Trump and the GOP are becoming the “party that cried wolf” as one scandal after another is shown to be nothingburgers.

About a week ago, texts between two FBI sweethearts referred to a “secret society.”  Fox News, the entire Republican Party and, of course, President Trump, took this ball and ran with it.  They claimed, with zero evidence, that this was proof the FBI was biased against Trump and his minions.

Turns out the “secret society” comment was just a joke.  100% of the panic surrounding this issue was fabricated to justify the numerous Republicans that got TV facetime claiming to get to the bottom of this.

This did not stop the Cycle-O-Panic from restarting yesterday when Fox News posted bombshell emails from Obama.  Trump, in accordance with his conditioning, tweeted his “bombshell”…which was debunked in a matter of hours.

The “memo” is probably the biggest nothing burger.  In short, the FBI has been investigating a Trump guy due to his activities with Russia.  They issued a FISA warrant which allows this “oversight”.  The process involves giving judges information and asking for permission to spy on someone.  It needs to be renewed, apparently, every quarter.

In the “memo”, it was determined that although the FISA warrant had already been approved 3 times, on the 4th time, there was some reference to the Steele Dossier (in addition to pages of other evidence).   No one actually knows what was told to the judges to convince them to renew the warrant a 4th time but speculation went like this…

CNN:  Why are you upset about this memo?

Republican:  Because it mentioned the Steele Dossier.

CNN:  What else was mentioned?

Republican:  I have no idea but I heard the FBI is against Trump.

CNN:  What does that have to do with the FISA warrant?

Republican:  It means, it means….No!  You shut up!

CNN:  What evidence do you have of FBI bad behavior.

Republican:  Someone told me they were bad…M’Kay?

CNN:  Who told you that?

Republican:  Another Republican.

So….another nothingburger.

The only amazing thing about this is that people vote for these clowns.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


And the Answer is…

This just in:  The United States has a very large population of uneducated racists that will believe anything they are told.

That is the problem.

Trump releases a memo that basically says, “Carter Page has been under FBI investigation for about a year because of suspected ties to Russia.”

Trump then holds this up and says, “See!  The FBI is biased against me!”

To me, this makes about as much sense as stubbing your toe and then screaming, “Carrots cause rabies!”

But people in rural America will only hear Trump and nod in agreement.

This morning, Trump tweeted about thousands of British that were in the streets protesting against their universal healthcare plan.  In truth, people were protesting that the government needed to spend even more to make the healthcare even better.

In short, Trump tweeted the exact opposite of what was going on because he wants to turn us against universal healthcare.  His supporters….they will nod in agreement that healthcare is bad…M’kay.

Trump is actively deporting people willing to take the most menial jobs; ignoring that we need those people to help our economy grow.

Trump only wants to bring in people that can take high paying job positions; ignoring the fact that they will be taking those from current citizens.

In short, he is kicking out low wage earners to bring in high wage earners and claims that this will create high paying jobs.  Jobs we don’t need as unemployment approaches record lows.

And yet…Trump supporters nod at his wise counsel.

This is a problem.

In a democracy, the people govern themselves.

In our democracy, the people are not qualified to govern themselves.  Unless, we consider counter-science to be something we want to strive towards,

Trump is not the problem.  Get rid of him and we still have 60 million people that think what he is doing to our country is a good thing.

This is sort of a bummer to me as I have no clear path forward from here.  Cut off the head and we still have a body rife with cancer.

Maybe the answer is not “get money out of politics” or “stop electing racists”.

Maybe the answer is as simple as “Improve education.”

The sciences matter.  History matters.  Economics matters.

Racism comes from entrenched beliefs in ideals that are demonstrably false.

Fix education and you may find that an educated population is, in fact, capable of governing themselves.

Up, up and away…


Wait For It

This just in:  I have no doubt that Trump is problematic.  It could be the lying.  It could be Russia.  It could be the protectionism.  It could be the racism.  It could be the childish behavior.  It could be a lot of things.

What has been a bit of a mystery to me is how supportive the Republican Party is of this Orange Disaster.  How could they support someone that is so, so… Trumpish?

At first I thought, “They just want him for the Healthcare or Tax plan.”

Seemed reasonable.

But why do they continue to try and protect him?  Why are they sacrificing the FBI’s reputation to protect him?  Why are they continuing to turn their back on things like him profiting from his office or the nepotism, or the attacks on the Free Press.  Or his attacks on basically everything democratic?


Then something happened.

It turns out that Russia was funneling money to Trump through the NRA.

In 2016, the NRA gave $30 million to Trump’s campaign.  However, they also gave $55 million to other Republicans.

Where is the NRA getting this kind of money?

Turns out…they may be getting it from Russia.

What does this imply?

Perhaps, Trump is not the only person being controlled by Russia.  Perhaps some or even the entire Republican Party are connected as well.

My guess is that many are unwittingly being funded by Russia.  However, those at the top….they are well aware.

So….you heard it here first.  Let’s see how long it take before the news media sees this link.

I hope I’m wrong…and I probably am.  But it certainly explains a lot to me.

Up, up and away…



This just in:  I don’t care about anyone’s opinion about things like abortion or gun control or food stamps.

I don’t care because I welcome the diversity of views.  Tell me about what you believe and I’ll respond and we can discuss the issues and hopefully come to learn more about each other’s position.  In the end, we may still disagree and I can accept that; thus, the harsh “I don’t care.”  In other words, when we are done, let’s both move on.

Trump is a different beast.

I don’t care about a lot of stuff he does.  I don’t care about the Porn Star thing.  In fact, I expect that.  I don’t care that he plays golf.  I don’t care that he watches a lot of television and is obese.

However, there are things he does that fundamentally threaten the world and my place in it.

I grew up singing “American the Beautiful.”  We were always on the right side of things.  We took care of the poor.  We stood against oppression.  We formed alliances that were mutually beneficial.  We created a huge military based on the idea that if we were too big to fight, there would be no fight.

We stood for human rights.  We led the way in pursuit of science and innovation.  Our economy was the biggest and getting bigger.

Our Constitution reigned supreme.  First Amendment rights were our crown jewel.

We took care of each other and saw ourselves as the Good Shepherd guiding the world with a soft hand.

Now that is no longer the case.

We have passed into the dark side of the moon.  A place where we shun logic.  Human rights outside of our borders are unimportant.  We won’t play with others, expecting them to bend to our will and then watch as they simply turn to others for leadership.

Internally, money is king.  Money runs the government, making the idea of “American Democracy” a global joke.

We break up families for no real reason other than it appears to give the president a boner.

We are alienated from nearly every ally that we’ve had for the last 100 years.  Even the UK hates us.

We justify things like lying, money laundering, fear mongering.  Even worse, we embrace hate, racism and religious targeting.

Our Constitution is worthless in the face of a president that ignores it and a Congress that supports him.

Now you have my attention.

Now I care.

What Trump and the Republican Party are doing is affecting my view of myself.

I can do nothing short of resisting.

Thus…I blog…while wishing I had a bigger soapbox.

Still, I feel better having resisted.

Up, up and away…



This just in:  If you are like most people over the last year you are probably wondering “What the F*&k is going on in Washington?”

I’m here to help.

I’ll just look at the big things…

The United States is desperately low in workers at all levels.

Trump responds to this by cancelling DACA, a program meant to protect children brought into the United States at a young age.

Trump and the Republican party immediately point to the now cancelled DACA and say, “We can fix DACA but only if the Democrats approve a $25 billion wall that can be climbed over using a $20 ladder.”

This ignores the fact that Trump, with a swipe of his pen, can reinstate DACA as easily as he cancelled it.


Congress has let a program expire that gives healthcare to millions of poor children in the country.  The Republican Party could pass bill funding this program but refuse to do so unless…your guessed it…”Only if the Democrats approve a $25 billion wall that can be climbed over using a $20 ladder.”

The GOP is actually saying, “We can’t believe the Democrats don’t care about DACA families or the health of poor children.”

Yes…this is actually what the Republican Party is doing.


Trump says he will help the Russia investigation and then immediately tells Bannon to say “Nothing” while testifying before congress.

Meanwhile, the investigation is starting to focus on money.  Looks like Trump has mob ties, Russian ties, money laundering issues etc.  Today it even came out that it looks like the Russians funnelled money to Trump through the NRA.

Trump took a physical and passed.  His weight is stated as 239.  This is just under the “obesity threshold” for someone that this 6’3″ tall.  Trump would only be that tall if he was at the Event Horizon of a Black Hole and Spagettification was starting to take hold.  As for his weight….looking at his shape I’d say he might be 239 pounds if he was 90% hollow.

Trump also took a cognitive test.  I looked at the test and it’s a beast.  There are questions like “What is today’s date?”  He passed the test.  I see this as a problem.  It means he is doing what he is doing ON PURPOSE!

Trump is also being accused of a sexual relationship with a porn star within months of his son’s birth.  She said that he said she reminded him of his daughter.  eewwwww……

The GOP and the Democrats finally got together on an immigration bill but Trump got flipped by someone at the last minute.  He pushed the bill away claiming we don’t want people coming here from shithole countries.  Shithole being code for countries without a white majority.

Right this very minute, Republicans and Democrats are working together to try and prevent a government shutdown.  The problem is that they have no idea what the president wants.  He’s told them several times but each time its completely different.

So…that about summarizes the last day or two of Whitehouse activity lead by a very stable genius.

I continue to marvel at people that continue to support him.

Up, up and away…
