Trump’s Hail Marys

This just in:  We all know that Trump lies.  There are questions about his actual understanding of this.  At times, he actually doesn’t seem to know that he’s lying. There are times when he lies in the face of direct evidence to the contrary.  He even sometimes lies by having two consecutive sentences contradict each other.

In the end, we throw up our hands and say, “Perhaps he’s just insane.”

However, Trump has really ramped up the Lie Factory output in recent days.  Let’s look at a couple of his big ones.

The 10% tax cut:  Trump announced this at a rally.  He claimed that there would be a 10% tax cut passed in a week that would target the middle class.  Here is the problem with this.  No one, anywhere, knew about this.  Congress, which takes months to craft a tax cut had no idea what he was talking about.  In fact, he said, “next week” when in fact, Congress was on recess and would not even be in town next week.

He just made this up.  Everyone knew he made it up. And yet, the people at the rally applauded loudly.

There is the Caravan Lie.  I’ve already covered this biggie.  However, let’s not lose track of what this lie really is – A Dog Whistle to his racist base that wants non-whites kept out of the country.

Now he claims he has the ability to change the Constitution of the United States by Executive Order.  He wants to get rid of the 14th Amendment which says that if you are born in the United States, you are a citizen.  This is just another Dog Whistle calling to White Supremacists as Trump continues to try and keep American white.

I might go another way than Trump on this issue.  I might suggest that if your dad was wealthy enough to buy you 5 draft deferrals, you lose your citizenship.

Trump claimed “riots in California” over sanctuary cities.  Need I say it….Dog Whistle.

This entire immigration deal is about white supremacists. I’ve been saying for well over a year, “We need more immigrants, not less!!”  Our economy is stalling due to lack of labor.  We need more people.  Finally, I saw an economist on television say this very same thing.

Election Day is just 6 days away.  If you are like me, you don’t vote along party lines but rather, you vote for the best candidate.  This year is different.  All Republicans are complicit in Trump’s Path of Destruction.  They are either complicitly silent or actively supportive of him.  A vote for a Republican is a vote for Trump.

Knowing that, vote next week (or earlier if you can).

Help to save the world.

Up, up and away…


“Let there be fear!” – Republican Platform

This just in:  I first went snorkeling in the Philippines. Having just been stung by a jellyfish, my assumption was that everything in the water wanted to kill me.  So, I put on this mask which only let me see what was straight ahead.  I ended up swivelling my head back and forth the entire time.  I was afraid of what I couldn’t see.  I was afraid of the unknown.

I’ve carried this experience with me for decades.  I use it in my professional life where I am a Change Agent.  I have found that people resist change, in large part, because they “know” the current situation while the new situation is “unknown.”  When I educate them and take away the “unknown”, I also take away the fear and resistance.

This brings me to the Republican Platform; a platform which can be summarized in the following way: “Create fear and fight any information that would take that fear away.”

A prime example is the issue of immigration.  Yes, we should not let illegal immigrants into the country.  This doesn’t mean that we need a wall.  This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t find ways to make it easier or faster for people to enter our country.  In fact, if we are to continue our economic growth, we need immigrants by the millions.

Republicans say, “Democrats want open borders.”

Republican say, “The caravan coming up from Mexico is filled with terrorists, gang members and diseases like leprosy.”

Republicans send 5,000 troops to fight off the caravan.

If people knew the truth, none of this would matter.  The caravan is made up of less people than it takes to fill a high school football stadium.  It’s made up of women and children.  When they get to the border, they will have the same rights that every other person has when they come to our country.  5,000 troops is about one soldier per child.

This is easy information to research.  Get online and look it up.

The problem is, too many Republicans are hearing what they want to hear and therefore look no further for answers.  They want Non-Whites out of the country and if they need to fear this caravan to justify that…then that is what they will do.

This same fear is applied elsewhere.  We drop out of trade agreements because, “They are unfair and the world is ripping us off.”  This is nonsense but…creates fear.

We keep Muslims from entering the country to appease the Conservatives (those that long for a pretend history of white and Christian America) and we use fear of terrorism to justify this.

The Far Right (A combination of Republican and Red Bull) send out pipe bombs and shoot up a synagogue.  Republicans see that this is causing fear so they immediately say, “Democrats are blowing themselves up so that you will blame Republicans.”

Trump has said that without his guidance, the United States will turn into Venezuela.  That is fear.

Trump calls the press an Enemy of the State.  This is an attempt to keep you from reading and thus believing any narrative that didn’t come from him.  He wants you to be fearful and knows that knowledge will make that more difficult.

My recommendation is twofold.  First…read a book.  If you want to understand tariffs, watch a couple of youtube videos on the issue.  If you want to understand the Fed and interest rates, take 15 minutes and you’ll understand.  If you want to find out about the world…watch a combination of sources.  If you want to know what the Republicans are doing about healthcare…it’s all online.

Secondly…vote.  I truly believe that if everyone in American understood the Republican stance on any issue, they would turn away from them.  Well…almost all.  There are white Nationalists that understand Trump completely and he is their man.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The King of Lies

This just in:  We all know that Trump lies.  What we need to remember is that the entire Republican Party is complicit in these lies as they either remain quiet or actually stand and applaud as he makes stuff up.

We also need to remember that he lies because his base eats those lies up like Tic Tacs.

I challenge you to go to a Republican voter and ask them:  “How will Trump pass a 10% tax cut next week when such a bill has not even been written or discussed and Congress is actually not in session?”

Trump pulled this tax cut out of thin air and his fans went bananas.  Such a great leader to tell us that he is going to give us a tax cut!  Not a one of them said, “Hey…this smells like bullshit.”

Trump justified his belief in Saudi Arabia story by using money and jobs.  You may recall that the Saudis essentially said, “The journalist was playing jump-rope and fell.  When he hit the ground, he fell against a bone saw that completely dismembered him.”  Trump has claimed the Saudis have $110 billion in orders from the United States.  He then raised this number to $450 billion.  The true number is about $3 billion.  That’s right….three billion.

Out of thin air, Trump announced that people in California are rioting over Sanctuary Cities.  This is not happening.  He just made this up; probably a second before he said it.

Then there is the Army of Illegal Immigrants coming up from Honduras.  Keep in mind, the size of this “army” is about what you’d find at a mid-sized high school football game.

With no evidence, Trump claims that there are Middle Easterners and MS13 gang members in the caravan.  He just made this up.  By the way, Middle Easterners are welcome to apply for entry into the United States.  Trump throws that in there because he knows that stressing the “non-white” makeup of the crowd will play well to Republicans.

We have two problems here: (1) Trump lies about everything and (2) Republicans are too intellectually lazy to question him.  They just believe.

Now, not all Republicans are intellectually lazy, just like not all Republicans are racist.  However, to vote Republican is to support a racist President and a Party that subtly panders to the racist component of its base.

The only way to get out of this is to vote.

Up, up and away…


Vote next month

This just in:  When we go to vote next month, I think it is very important to remember that a vote for a Republican is a vote for Trump.  If you like Trump, then vote Republican.  If you don’t like Trump but like a Republican candidate, remember that candidate will do whatever Trump tells him and his party to do.

I’m in a bit of a hurry but I wanted to throw together a list of the latest Trump issues…

Trump is making the United States look evil by being the only country in the world that is willing to accept that a journalist was accidentally killed and dismembered by the Saudis.

Trump is getting ready to pull out of the Nuclear deal with Russia that was signed in 1987.  Yes, Russia is cheating.  Yes, the existing deal ties our hands with respect to the growing China threat.  However, is quitting the deal before an alternative is in place really what we want to do?  With no deal, we are guaranteed to enter a new global arms race.

Other deals Trump has pulled out of include NAFTA, TPP, Paris Climate Accord, contractual agreements with people that did work on his hotels.

Did you know that the tax scam passed by the Republican Party had a last minute inclusion that would allow real estate people to not pay taxes on profits like the rest of us?

Trump told a rally the other day that it was a good idea to beat up a journalist.

The NY Times has published proof that Trump owes $400,000,000 in back taxes.   This same article says “Trump got about $400 million from his day, not the $1 million he claims”.

Trump tweeted that a woman has a face like a horse.

Trump made fun of a woman that claimed she was sexually abused.

Republicans blame the high national debt on Social Security and Medicare instead of on the Trillion Dollar tax cut they gave to billionaires.

Trump falsely claimed that people in California were rioting in the streets because they wanted to get out of sanctuary cities.

While working hard to abolish every part of Obamacare, including “pre-existing” conditions, Trump claimed the Democrats were trying to get rid of “pre-existing” conditions.  In other words, he knows what voters want and is claiming that he is trying to get it while actively working to get rid of it.

Trump is acting like 5,000 people crossing Mexico as they look for a better life for their families is actually a Red Hoard that needs to be fought off using the national guard.

Recent emails show that Trump has ordered that rationale for getting rid of Endangered Species protections be kept quiet.

And here is the biggie…

Trump is now conferring with White House officials to find a way to tie up election results in court should the Democrats look like they are getting ready to take control of the House and maybe the Senate.

All of this is supported by the Republican Party.

Time to save the world….VOTE.


Immigration – The Racist Dog Whistle

This just in:  Trump and the Republican Party are hanging their hats on the immigration issue.  This is really saying, “We are the party of white people.”

Let’s unpack this a little bit to see why I might say this…

I was watching Republican Rick Santorum on CNN this morning.  He actually said, “Democrats are campaigning for open borders.”

When it was pointed out to him that no Democrat has ever said that, Santorum responded with, “They are saying that everyone has an opportunity to come to the United States.”  He is falsely claiming that this is the same as saying, “The doors are wide open and you can come right in.”

What Democrats are saying (and everyone should also be saying) is that you have an “opportunity.”  This means everyone is welcome to apply.  Everyone is welcome to knock at the door and seek a life in the United States.  Everyone has the opportunity to come.  It does not say all will make it through the door.

Santorum also said, “Immigrants are taking all of our low paying jobs.”  The term “all” is the problem here.

Our country has more jobs that people to fill them.  There are plenty of “low paying jobs” if someone wants one.  I know this because I work in manufacturing all over the country and every site has the same complaint: “We can’t expand our operations because there are not enough people to fill the jobs.

So….Both of his points, (1) Democrats want open borders and (2) They are taking our jobs, are false.  However, if you want to keep Non-Whites out of your neighbor, then you will find the anger you need to support this nonsense.

But let’s continue…

Barely a day goes by when I don’t see a headline where a Republican official is found to be a member of a white Supremacist group.  This does not mean that if you are a Republican, you must be racist.  What it seems to say is that if you are racist, it is very likely you will respond to Republican Racist messaging; messaging like “Mexicans are taking your jobs.”

Immigrants commit crimes at a higher rate than White Male Americans…right?  Wrong.  You will certainly find that some immigrants commit crimes, but data shows that they do it at a far lower rate than American Citizens.

Immigrants come to our country to get free food and healthcare…right?  I suppose you could argue this because they are looking for a better life.  Many come here to escape rampant crime or extreme poverty.  However, when they get here…they go to work.  They pay taxes.  They buy stuff.  They build stuff.  They contribute to our economy.

So, the racist says “They are taking our jobs and just come here for free stuff.”

These same racists vote for people like Trump who, according to the state of New York, didn’t pay about $400,000,000 in taxes that he owed.

So, immigration issue is about race.  It’s not about jobs.  It’s not about the money.  It’s about non-white people and the need to hate them.

If you are a Republican and vote Republican, you are supporting this type of belief.

Up, up and away…


Do they really “all do it?”

This just in:  Today I want to talk about the idea of “false equivalency.”

False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which two completely opposing arguments appear to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency.

For this blog, one side of the argument will be “They all do it.”  The other side will be “No, they don’t.”

Let’s start with a story…

There is a path that cuts through the middle of a small village.  In this village, there are 1,000 people on each side of the road.  Travelers have learned that to be wary as pass through as about 500 of the people on the eastern side of the road will throw rocks at them.  Also, from time-to-time, a person on the west side of the road will also throw a rock.

One day, the king sent his army to the village to punish the people of the village.  The General road into town and said, “Who is throwing all of the rocks around here?”

The leader of the west said, “Those people on the west are throwing the rocks.”

The leader on the east said, “Hey, both side are throwing rocks.  In fact, one of you threw a rock just last month.”

Which side it correct?

In my view, you can say that technically, both sides have thrown rocks.  I also think that if you are a “rock thrower,” you are 500 times more likely to be from the east.

So, let’s look at politics…

When I say “both sides,” I am referring to Democrats and Republicans.

Both sides take bribes to influence their vote.  If you take a bribe to influence your vote, I think you are much more likely to be a Republican.  As an example, Stanford University just completed a study that showed if you took our the “bots” that posted comments in favor of getting rid of Net Neutrality, then you would find that more than 99% of voters prefer Net Neutrality.  Why did the Republicans vote to get rid of it?  Go to this link to find out.

Both sides have racists.  I believe you are much more likely to be a racist if you are a Republican.  I believe this because every time a member of Congress is found to be racist, he/she seems to be a Republican. Hardly a day goes by without a Republican being outed as part of a white supremacist group or saying something like  “Muslims are the problem”. Also, the Republican Party is openly supporting a racist president.

Both sides claim to believe in the Constitution however, only one is actively working to keep people from voting.  Only one supports a president that opposes the first Amendment.  That would be the Republican Party.  Yes, you will find a Democrat that does this…but it would be rare.

Both sides don’t tell the truth.  But, only the Republican Party supports a president that lies publicly at the rate of more than 4 lies per day.

You can find a rare Republican that believes in climate change.

You can find a rare Democrat that thinks it’s okay for a candidate to the Supreme court to lie to Congress under oath.

You can find a rare Republican that actually votes for measures that will improve healthcare.

You can find a rare Democrat that misused campaign finances.

I think you can see where I am heading here.

It seems to be that people are having to do all sort of gymnastics to justify their support for the Republican Party and president Trump.  Their “go to” justification is that they found someone on the other side that is doing exactly what many of us are accusing the GOP of doing.

In short…they are cherry picking data.

This means they are using “outlier data” as a means of describing an entire population.

It’s like taking 1,000 people of average age and finding that one person that is 100 years old and then declaring, “The people in that group are 100 years old.”

It’s an indication of desperation.

Vote next month and help to save the world.  Not voting is to enable more of the same we are now seeing in Washington, D.C.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


A fairy tale about the economy

This just in: Once upon a time, there was a country made up of 1,000 individuals.

These individuals worked together to create an economy for themselves.  There were hard workers that tended the crops and hard workers that minded the banks.  There were lazy people at the top, living off of inheritances and there were lazy people at the bottom, living off of the government.

There was a wide range of incomes.  The richest person in the land had $100 million in the bank. He’d made some of his money through hard work; some was inherited and some was perhaps a bit shady.  The next richest person had $1 million in the bank.  He owned nearly every company in the country.  There were several people with $100k in the bank.  About 50% of the population had no savings.  The average income in this country was $50K a year.

This country had a government consisting of 1 person.  This person made all of the decisions that any government was expected to make.

One day, the richest person in the country approached the government and said, “I will give you $5 million if cut taxes on businesses.”

The government readily agreed to this.  It cut taxes on all of the country’s businesses.  This caused it to borrow $100 million from China to make up for the lass over the next few years.

The results appeared to be spectacular.

The richest person now had $200 million due to lower taxes.  This caused the average wealth in the nation to go from $50,000 up to $150,000.  The newspaper, which was owned by the richest person, ran headlines that read, “Tax cut triples the average wealth of our citizens!!!”

No mention was made of the newly acquired $100 million debt to China.  No mention was made of the fact that only 1 person in the country actually benefited from this debt.

The government certainly didn’t say anything.  It quietly accepted its payment from the nation’s richest person and acted like nothing had happened at all.

A couple of years later, the country’s economy started to feel the strain of making payments on its China loan.  Since taxes were cut, there was no money left for healthcare, pensions or infrastructure.  The country’s people became poorer and poorer; even as the rich became richer and richer.

In the end, the country’s economy collapsed.  Those with money were able to bail out and live elsewhere.  Those that were left behind…well they lost everything as China showed up to collect their debt and there were no resources available to stop them.

The End.

Up, up and away…



The motive matters

This just in:  I have a lot of political opinions.  However, I usually vote based on Character rather than Position.

Here are a few examples…

Republicans claim “Gun control is useless”.  In fact, they won’t even support a measure to research the issue.  Now, what is their motive?  My belief is that they have 2 motives here.  First, they want the NRA money and endorsement.  Secondly, they want the gun owners that actually believe this statement.  In short, they are allowing people to be killed at the rate of 30,000 per year so they can get some extra votes.

Republicans claim that the “Free Market” is best for healthcare.  Why?  There are two reasons for this.  First, “Free Market” appeals to the uneducated.  They hear this term and think “God Bless America”.  They think the Free Market is fitting in every situation; a belief suitable for someone short of a high school diploma.  Secondly, Obamacare is not their idea.  Republican, Mitt Romney oversaw socialized healthcare in MA where it is still a huge success.  He opposed it nationally because credit for doing that would go to the Democrats.  So, the Republican party is willing to let healthcare kill people or cause bankruptcy for elders so they can get votes.

These are just a couple of examples.

I can hear it now.  “They both do it!”

To this I say, “Beware of the false equivalency.”

I have started posting ridiculous things the GOP is doing along with the comment, “Do you think both parties do this?”  Trump lying in yesterday’s Op-Ed is an example.  No, both parties don’t do that.

However, to an extent, I agree that both parties are misleading.  I saw Hillary misrepresent the cost of national healthcare so she could slam Bernie Sanders.  She lost my vote that moment.  Not because she was against healthcare.  Rather, because she showed she was willing to lie and not do the obviously right thing in order to get votes.

Also, both parties take positions to get votes.  In a way, that is their job description.  However, misrepresenting the situation is a problem.

For example, Yesterday, Trump had an Op-Ed posted where he slammed the Democrats on healthcare.  Fact checkers found lies and misleading statements in nearly every sentence.  He did this for votes.  However, by misrepresenting the truth, he is getting votes from people that want better healthcare that he has no intention of providing.

He should say, “I want the Free Market to rule healthcare” and then make his case for it honestly.  Let people hear his position and compare it to the opposition’s position.  In this way, we can all make good decisions.

For example, the Republican Party should say, “We oppose gun control because many of our voters support it.  We clearly understand that this will cause tens of thousands of gun deaths but its a price we are willing for you to pay.”

I know this is a Pollyanna position for me to take. However, I know it’s within our grasp.  The internet, which is notorious for allowing the spread of misinformation, may, someday, be the very thing that says, “Here are the results of your search and we have annotated those that are fake or misleading.”

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Ramblings from an unfocused mind

This just in:  Every now and then, I just need to clear all the temporary files in my mind.  The result is a random flood of unrelated things with no attempt to weave them into a story.  This is one of those days.

Let’s begin…

When I travel, I allow myself one stop at Popeye’s Chicken and one stop at Taco Bell.  The result of this well-intentioned effort on restraint is that I stop at Popeye’s once and buy enough food for everyone on the block…and one plastic fork.  Today…it was $20 at Taco Bell.  The last few bites were slow going down but still awesome.

51% of of our Senate represent 44% of our population and 26% of our country’s GDP.  Yes, they represent the poor states; those states that have made bad investments in themselves and their economy.  Instead,they rely on the Blue states to subsidize them.

When I read for fun, it’s usually “hard” Science Fiction.  There has to be a couple of spaceships and some sort of war.  Neal Asher is my author of choice.  However, I am now reading a book about two little girls that are solving a neighborhood crime.  It’s called “The Trouble With Goats and Sheep.”  I’m really enjoying it!

I’m going to San Diego to watch Navy play Notre Dame.  It should be a lot of fun as a few of my Naval Academy classmates will be there.  The game will be a horror story as Notre Dame will probably score like a basketball game.

Yesterday, I left my hotel room in the morning as MSNBC was interviewing people about Kavanaugh.  The question was, “Who is more energized by this; Republicans or Democrats?”  I came back 10 hours later are this was still the question they were discussing.

The New York Times ran a story about Trump’s history of tax evasion and tax fraud.  The result:  His fans still love him.  Go figure.  This guy belongs in jail and my hope is that he dies wearing Folsom Orange.

I’m taking a class on “influence.”  Chapter 3 was about the downside of influence.  It talked about traits like Narcissism and how those are basically used for evil.  As an example, the course used Donald Trump.  By the way, this was recorded about 10 years ago.  The course says avoid Narcissistic people because they lie all the time and promise you great things but have no substance.  Pure Trump.

A UN Climate report came out and said, “You have 11 years until the end of the world.”  Everyone in the world is terrified.  Not Trump.  He continues to think Climate Change is a Chinese hoax designed to somehow hurt American manufacturing.

Last word on Kavanaugh…The Republican Party said the following 2 statements (paraphrased here): “We believe Dr. Ford” and “Dr. Ford was a hoax.”  They wavered between these two, depending on the audience.  The Republican Party also defines “Mob” as “Angry women that raise their voices and make old white men uncomfortable.”

As I write this, MSNBC has moved from “Who is the most energized” to “Live coverage of people wading through water while carrying puppies.”  It seems to me that the major news outlets have three modes: (1) Politics because no one is dying right now, (2) Plane crashes because a bunch of people died at once and (3) Hurricanes because “Who doesn’t like watching roofs blow off?”  Honorable mention is the occasional mass shooting (or…act of terrorism if it was committed by a non-white.)

I’ve been doing some work in Canada recently and I would like to report that Canadians are as nice as we think they are.  They look at Trump and understand that we had a temporary lack of good judgement and they will wait patiently for sanity to return to the lower 48.

I guess that’s enough of a data dump for now…I still have a Burrito Supreme that’s not going to eat itself.

Up, up and away…


The Lazy “Single Issue Voter”

This just in:  Today, in an ongoing attempt to understand why ANYONE would vote Republican, I’ll be complaining about the Single Issue Voter.

Let’s start with this:  A single issue voter is one that is intellectually lazy.  They pick a single issue and then cling to the one party that sings the most promising song with regards to that issue. They are like that horse with blinders on.  They pretend that a candidate that supports their issue does not support anything else.

The biggest Single Issues…

Abortion:  Ignore the fact that no one likes abortion.

Some people actually believe to know the will of God.  They can’t name the capitals of the various countries in the world but when it comes to God…they have complete understanding.  The know for a fact that God, while creating a universe, every now and then looks over to make sure we and not having abortions.  In philosophy courses, they refer to a belief in God as “Mystery therefore Magic.”

Now, maybe they are right and God is anti-abortion.  I certainly don’t know one way or the other.  However, the Republican Party wants this vote so they say, “We will work to stop abortions.”  Score 1 for the GOP.

This ignores that making abortions illegal does nothing to stop abortions.  This ignores the fact that this same God Fearing Party is taking kids from their parents at the border.  They are in a constant battle to stop feeding the poor and needy.  In short, they do what it takes to get the vote “Let that baby be born!” and then turn their backs on it.  The GOP has very little to do with the common good.  They call those efforts “liberal”.  But, this is ignored because Pro-Life people are single issue voters and their intellect stops at the womb.

Gun Control: Ignore the fact that everyone wants to end needless gun deaths.

The GOP has discovered that single issue voters that like their guns, will vote for the party that allows virtually unlimited gun ownership.  The GOP has convinced this type of voter that any effort to stem gun violence is equal to the government taking away everyone’s guns.

The intellectually lazy does not look at the facts.  They don’t want to hear about solutions or how other countries are handling this.  They are too lazy (or fearful) to listen to the other side.  They say things like, “If we make laws to control guns, only the bad guys will have guns.”  By this logic, we shouldn’t have any laws because only the good guys will follow them.

Might = Right:  This is a biggie.  The old white males that make up the majority of the Republican Party grew up in a world where the United States won WWII.  They like it when the U.S. flexes its muscle.  When Trump put up tariffs, they cheer because they see this as being “tough”.  Ask them who is really paying for those tariffs.  Ask them what the basic economic terms “elasticity” or “Marginal Cost” mean and they stare at you like a cow.  They have no idea about economics but they like the idea that we are being tough.

White Superiority:  The truth is that we are a nation of immigrants.  The truth is that one of the major issues holding back our economic growth is a lack of labor.  We need immigrants.  However, there are single issue voters that think we are a nation of White People.  They think whites invented stuff.  Whites won the wars.  Being white means being a true American.  They will vote for the political party that subtly supports this idea.  How is it done subtly?  We blame immigrants.  We build walls.  We back off of treaties.  We call acts of terror by whites….crime and by non-white…terrorism.  Trump sees hate at a rally and claims “both sides are equal.”

Christianity:  I was probably 7 years old, sitting in Sunday School when I had the realization that I was studying a fairy tale.  I would ask, “Why would God want Abraham to kill his son?” and get back, “It was a test.”  I knew that was bullshit.  And yet, there are those that think that they not only know the will of God, they also know that God chose America to be the promised land.  God intended for the United States to be Christian.  Now, again, I have no way of knowing if this is true or not.  But…I’m quite certain that absolutely no one knows this to be true.  However, the single issue voter will vote for the party that will keep the other religions out of town.  That would be the Republican Party.

These five issues alone will bring a lot of voters to the Republican side of the table.  The Republicans don’t necessarily believe in any of this stuff but that act like they do and that’s enough.

There are other issues: Education, Global Warming, World Peace, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Taking care of each other, World Trade, Pursuit of the Truth, Space Exploration, the Disappearing Middle Class, Income inequality, Money in Politics.

There are just soooo many important issues and yet….they are ignored by the intellectually lazy.  The GOP goes after the low hanging fruit that is the Single Issue Voter, because their level of ethics allows for them to do that.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
