I looked in the mirror and came away…disapointed

This just in:  Some things really get to me and others just roll off my shoulders, unnoticed.

I woke up this morning and checked my news feed and felt like our country is crumbling before my eyes as I stand by and do nothing – other than pound my chest via this blog.

There are three things that really bothered me in the news today, but first…I want to start with a quote:

“Every country has the government it deserves.” – Joseph de Maistre

In short, what I am about to complain about is my fault.  Rather, its our fault.  It’s our fault because we allow it.   It’s our fault because we feel helpless.  It’s our fault because we do nothing. It’s our fault because we ignore it.  It’s our fault because we think it’s not.

Item #1:  Guns

I’m not going to make an argument about gun control.  I won’t because it won’t change a single mind.  But, I need to be clear…Without guns, the United States wouldn’t have 36,000 gun deaths a year.  I’m tired of hearing things like “We, in congress, will do whatever it takes to make this stop…even if it means sending twice as many thoughts and prayers as normal.”

We have gun deaths because we allow it.  We don’t need to pull triggers to be culpable in every preventable gun death.

Item #2: Religion

I don’t care if you are Christian, Muslim or belong to the Order of the Jedi.  The only thing I truly believe is that if there is a supreme being, it would either be (1) indifferent about us or (2) a total asshole or (3) deeply disappointed in the fact that we use religion like we do.

I think the Pope is a great guy.  I also think he has as much of a direct line to God as my Labrador.  None of us knows the will of God.  Those that tell you they do are just making a power grab.

The biggest problem with religion in the United States is that the same people that don’t think gun deaths are related to guns, also fear that Christianity is going to become a minority “belief system” in the United States.  They think that guy over there will convince someone to believe that he knows the will of God instead of the charlatan that is currently telling you that very same thing.  The biggest problem is that these people vote…in droves.

Item #3: Racism

In the last week, a lawyer went off script in New York because people around him were speaking Spanish.  Two dark skinned guys were detained by an ICE officer because they were speaking Spanish in public (both were U.S. citizens).  A black man was pulled over for not using his turn signal.  They noticed leaves on his windshield and said, “That looks like vegetation” and used that as an excuse to search his car.  Black people are being shot and threatened daily.

Historically, in our country, steps forward in Civil Liberties have always come by way of legislation.  Left to our own devices, we would still have laws that say, “You can’t eat here because the color of your skin if offensive to me.”

Living in a system where Civil Liberties are Legislated, allows me to pretend that we are not racist.  The racism is hidden because that type of behavior is illegal.

Now that we have a racist president, it has become okay to be racist again.  You can call the cops because there is a black man walking down “your” street.  You can call the FBI because a Muslim is talking into a cell phone in “your” mall.

So there you have it…my morning rant.

We don’t have to be country that puts up with any of this.  In fact, we were born into  the world were these behaviors would have been unthinkable.  I can’t see our Forefathers writing a Constitution that says: (1) Unlimited and unregulated guns will make us great or (2) To be a citizen you must first pledge allegiance to a Christian sect of your choice or (3) Only white people will have rights.

I you disagree with me, I’d love to hear about it.  If you agree, then I suggest you start doing something about it….Something like voting in November.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…



Said in my best “not fake news” voice

This just in:  I saw some responses from Trump supporters when they were asked about the Mueller investigation.  They used terms like “witch hunt” and “fake news”.  In spite of the fact that there are about 20 indictments and 5 guilty findings so far, people seem to think this is all about nothing.  My guess is that they watch Fox News.  However, I watch other stations and maybe I’m being influenced as well.

So, I thought that I would report some facts and leave out the commentary.  This will let you, the reader, make up your own mind without my influence.

Here we go…

  1. Trump Lawyer Cohen set up a company that has received millions of dollars from other countries and businesses based on Cohen’s promise of access to the president.
  2. A mysterious source of banned CFC emissions has been discovered coming from East Asia. These are the banned ozone-destroying chemicals.
  3. Trump wants to help China save 75,000 Chinese jobs by helping a telephone manufacturing company that the United States has found to be a danger to national security.
  4. China is providing $500,000,000 to a Trump-linked project in Indonesia. (Note:  The announcement about this money and Trump saving China jobs came within about 2 days of each other).
  5. Canada is pissed that Israeli snipers shot a Canadian doctor at the Israeli border with Palestine. The doctor was in Doctor Garb and helping a wounded man at the time he was shot.  60 Palestinian people died that day for protesting at the border.  Note: Some protesters threw fire bombs at the fence/border.
  6. Japan is planning on a $400,000,000 hit on U.S. Goods in response to Trump’s tariff.
  7. Senate investigation concludes Russia wanted to help Trump win the election.
  8. France complains to U.N. about Israeli killings of Palestinian protesters.
  9. European Union President warns world the U.S. President is “A bad friend who acts with capricious assertiveness.”
  10. Ebola outbreak in Congo
  11. E.U. is willing to block U.S. sanctions on Iran.
  12. Trump lawyer asked Qatari government for $1,000,000 which he claimed would be passed along the Trump family.
  13. North Korea calls South Korea “incompetent”
  14. Without evidence, Trump claims Obama put a spy on his campaign.
  15. Two more women claim Trump paid them “hush” money.
  16. China buys record amount of soy from India as they drop U.S. suppliers because of Trump tariffs.
  17. 13% of Americans consider Trump honest and trustworthy.
  18. FBI head warns about Trump deal with China company ZTE.
  19. The UK agrees with France and Germany that they can uphold the Iran deal without the U.S.
  20. Ex-Secretary of State warns of “alternative realities” with Trump administration.
  21. Steve Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to help suppress minority voters.
  22. Trump eliminates job of national Cyber-Security Coordinator.
  23. Trump calls some immigrants “animals”
  24. GOP lawmaker says oceans are rising because “rocks are falling into the water.”
  25. The senate narrowly passed Net Neutrality Bill. 100% of those that voted against it were Republicans.
  26. North Korea says it will not hold talks with U.S. unless concessions are made.
  27. There are 186 things Donald Trump Jr. can’t remember of doesn’t know about the meeting with Russians in the Trump Tower.

So, there you have it. These are the top headlines for today.  Just the facts.  Make your own decision.  For example.  North Korea did say what the headline says.  This is a fact.  No speculation about what this means.

However, if I might be so bold as to notice some things….

  1. It looks like Trump and Russia are wearing the same pajamas.
  2. The world does not like that the U.S. reneged on the Iran deal.
  3. Also, the world is against the U.S. tariffs.
  4. China understands that Trump can be bribed.
  5. North Korea looked like they were going to make it easy for Trump…but then changed their mind.
  6. The GOP doesn’t believe in a lot of things that they are paid to “not believe in.”
  7. Trump is a racist that thinks immigrants are “animals” and Africa is a “shithole.”

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…



Pay to Play

This just in:  Ever since Trump first ran for office, we’ve been hearing about the Emoluments Clause (aka Title of Nobility Clause).  Here is what it says in the Constitution:

The Title of Nobility Clause is a provision in Article ISection 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution,[1] that prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility, and restricts members of the government from receiving giftsemoluments, offices or titles from foreign states without the consent of the United States Congress. Also known as the Emoluments Clause, it was designed to shield the republican character of the United States against so-called “corrupting foreign influences.” This shield is reinforced by the corresponding prohibition on state titles of nobility in Article I, Section 10, and more generally by the Republican Guarantee Clause in Article IV, Section 4.

In simple terms, it says the President should not be bribable.  He should not profit from foreign enterprises.  He should do his job as president.

Now, on a completely unrelated subject…

Trump has decided to help China’s telephone company ZTE because our sanctions are costing them jobs.  We put these sanctions in place because ZTE shipped banned components to Iran.

Trump made this decision about 72 hours after China agreed to contribute $500,000,000 to a Trump linked project in Indonesia.


Trump’s lawyer is in deep trouble for selling access to the president.  He received over $4,000,000 for providing this access.  Money that he can’t account for and some suspect he passed along to his boss…Trump.


Last year, Trump’s son-in-law asked Qatar for a personal  loan of about $500,000,000.  When they said “no”, the United States immediately sided with Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries in punishing Qatar.

Now, if Trump wasn’t associated with a lifetime of corruption, I might be willing to overlook this.  However, it appears to me that he has turned his presidency into a “Cash Grab.”  This include his apparent love of Russia, who bailed him out of several bankruptcies when no one else would.

On the entertainment page...

My wife and I like to find shows we can watch together.  It’s not unusual for us to spend an hour watching an episode of some show we both like, before turning in for the night.  We look for shows that have a lot of episodes.  There are two reasons for this.  First, if they probably don’t make a lot of episodes of a show no one will like.  Secondly, we don’t want to have to research for a new batch of shows to watch every few days.  Finding an show with a lot of episodes means we have something to watch for weeks.

We have just started watching two shows that we like: Numb3rs and Chuck.

As for shows that I watch without my wife: Justified and Expanse.

Also…I watched the remake of the Lost in Space series.  I liked it a lot.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Plan B? We don’t need to stinkin Plan B!

This just in:  When we live in a world devoid of facts, we shouldn’t be surprised when our actions, based on fantasy, give us less than optimal results.  This is why it’s important to have a Plan B.

Let’s look at a couple of actions that are either (1) not turning out as expected or (2) probably won’t turn out as expected…

  1. We moved the U.S. Embassy for Israel to Jerusalem.  I accurately predicted that people would die because of this.  Today, more than 50 did just that.  Now, this seems to be a bipartisan issue.  Democrats and Republicans think this was a good idea (I don’t).  The problem is that they all also agree that this move essentially puts an end to any attempt at peace between Palestine and Israel.  If this is not the end, what is the plan?  What is plan B?
  2. Iran’s nuclear development program was stopped and dismantled.  In return, we let them have access to their own money and lifted other sanctions.  Everyone agrees that Iran was in compliance with the deal.  Trump pulls us out of the deal in spite of this. My guess is this has something to do with his National Security Advisor, Bolton.  Bolton is a fellow draft dodger, along with Trump.  It has been his long standing position that the idea of war with Iran gives him an erection.  So now, Iran can go back to building nukes.  If Europe tries to enter a deal with Iran without us, Bolton has said we’ll impose sanctions on Europe.  So, when these things happen, what is our Plan B?  There was no crisis in Iran and now there is…now what?
  3. The Republican Party spent 8 years chanting “Elect us so we can repeal Obamacare and create great insurance for everyone.”  So, the last budget cut out the individual mandate forcing people to buy insurance or pay a penalty.  This is a cornerstone of Obamacare and without it, we can expect to see millions more uninsured and prices shooting up.  So, they broke healthcare and have absolutely no Plan B.
  4. The tax cut passed recently gives the average person almost no relief in taxes.   The top 1% and corporations are raking in billions.  Meanwhile, our national debt is soaring at a rate never seen before.  Essentially, we passed a tax plan that says, “Borrow $1 trillion a year and give it all to the richest people in the country.”  Early data is showing that the economy is no better than before the tax cut.  Yes, unemployment is down but it has been dropping steadily for 8 years.  The tax break had no impact on this.  So, now that it’s clearly not working…what is Plan B?
  5. We are rolling back every environmental protection program we have.  Faced with the fact that Global Warming is going to change everything for our kids and grandkids (and not for the better) what is Plan B?  How will we save Florida when it goes underwater?

Asking for a Plan B is a must with Trump.  Why?  Because he revels in boasting about what he just did and the results that exist only in his mind.  He does this because we let him get away with it.  We forget about lie number 3,002 because he is already basking in the fake outcome that is lie number 3,003.

Trump exists because we don’t hold him accountable.

The Republican Party exists for the exact same reason.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…



It all makes sense now…

This just in:  I read an article a couple of days ago (N.Y. Times or Wapo) that said we shouldn’t keep trying to understand Trump voters.  Then it went on to explain why.

First, let me start with a short story.  I grew up in Wasco, Ca, population 7,000 in the 1960’s.  We had about 40% hispanics and maybe 10% blacks.  The rest were white.  I have fond memories of growing up in this small nest in the middle of nowhere.  Life was good.

Last year, Wasco made the list of the top 10 places in California that you don’t want to live in.  Crime was so high you had a 1 in 12 chance in being involved in a crime in a single year.  Years ago they had built a prison nearby.  The population surged  to about 25,000.  The demographics changed strongly in the direction of hispanics.  The last time I drove through, all of the stores had Mexican names.  It felt like I was in a different country.

I longed for my hometown to return to its Mayberry roots.  No crime.  Small.  Simple.

There you have it.  My little story.  I’m not blaming the prison or the Latinos or any other specific influencer for the change.  I’m just saying that it changed.

So, what about the story I read in the paper.

It basically said, “Trump supporters have noticed that the United States, is no longer a predominant White, Christian nation…and they resent this.”  It went on to say they support Trump because they think he will stop this.

When I thought about this…everything became clear.

People are not conservatives because they want to return to the past.  They are conservatives because they are uncomfortable with the future.

Trump comes along and promised to basically erase anything and everything that is not White and Christian.  He has lots of other loopy ideas as well but for those that fear change…he had them at “White and Christian.”

It turns out that race is a very divisive issue.  More than half of the Russian Troll Machine posts had to do with race.

So, to fear that we are becoming a non-white country seems to be a powerful thing for some people.

This is a fundamental part of their psyche.  You can’t argue them out of this rut because to give it up would be to give up what makes them who they are.

It’s not wrong to long for the past.  It is wrong to think you can turn back the clock.

You can’t because time only moves forward.

Long for the past but continue to look forward.


Because that is where the future is.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Iran: Manufactured Crisis/Diversion

This just in:  Yesterday, Trump pulled the United States out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal.  On a completely unrelated note; Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, took in millions of dollars from Russia, AT&T and a Pharmaceutical company.  He took it in through a shell company and speculation is that he was selling influence and access to Trump.

Getting out of the Iranian deal basically tells the world that the United States does not feel obligated to hold up its end of the bargain.  I’m sure North Korea is watching this carefully.

I would like to make three points.

  1. First, Iran has been in complete agreement with the accord.  They have been off the nuclear threat map since the deal was cut.
  2. Getting out of the deal is not the United States breaking a deal with Iran.  We are breaking a deal with all of the participants of the deal which includes the UK, France, Germany, China and Russia.  All of these countries told the United States to stay in the agreement.
  3. The deal was cut with Iranian moderates.  That is to say, we were able to sit at a table with the less-crazy people from Iran and eventually cut a deal.  Now, we will be dealing with hardliners who would just as soon nuke Israel as not.  Getting out of the deal has strengthened the position of these hardliners who have said all along, “The United States cannot be trusted.”

There is virtually no support for this move.  It hurts U.S. credibility abroad.  It hurts U.S. relations with its allies.  It allows Iran to once again become a nuclear threat to the world.

Furthermore…there is no Plan B.  We have no plan on how to deal with Iran outside of the agreement.

So…why did Trump do this?

Two reasons: First, his National Security Advisor and fellow draft dodger, John Bolton, has always wanted to go to war with Iran.  Secondly, If we are looking at Iran, we might not notice that the Mueller Probe is starting to look like it will result in Trump dying in prison.

So, for no clear reason, Trump has made the world a more dangerous place.

Why?  Who knows.  It could be a distraction.  It could be that he is just not that smart.

I suspect both.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Art of Donald Trump’s Con

This just in:  Trump has failed at nearly every business undertaking except for real estate.  If he had taken his dad’s money and just invested it in a Stock Market Index Fund, he would be worth more than 3 times what he is reportedly worth today.  He has declared bankruptcy several times.  Within the last decade, he has found that banks in the United States would no longer loan him money.  He turned to Russia and now appears to be cash-rich.  He started buying properties at market price and then, without making any improvements, sold those properties to Russians for huge profits; a practice most often associated with money laundering.

Take all of this in and then ask yourself, “Is Trump a genius or a con man?  Is Trump laundering money with help from Russia?  Is there a link between Trump’s benevolent attitude towards Russia and his financial dependence upon them?”

Let’s put all of that aside.  Forget about it.

I now have a new question: Is Trump a genius negotiator or an idiot?  In other words, is he a legitimate president or just a con man?

Let’s look at the deals he’s been involved with since taking office.

Healthcare:  He promised much better healthcare at much lower prices.  It turns out that neither he, nor the Republican Party had a plan.  In fact, Trump has no idea how healthcare works.  He claimed he was going to fix it without knowing what he was talking about.

NAFTA:  Trump calls this the “worst deal ever,” and claims he will negotiate a much better deal for us.  It turns out that his threats to back out of NAFTA have caused two of our top trading partners to look elsewhere for goods.  Trump has never given any indication that he understands what is even in NAFTA.

TPP:  This is another deal Trump calls “the worst deal ever.”  He says this without once mentioning a single thing he does not like or would change.  He apparently does not understand TPP any more than he understands NAFTA or Healthcare.  He calls previous deals “the worst deal ever” so his followers can nod in agreement and pretend, along with Trump, that he has a plan.

Paris Climate Accord:  Another deal that is the “worst ever.”  Trump has demonstrated that he has no idea what is in this agreement saying, “He wants to negotiate a fairer deal for the United States,” even though everything in the accord is voluntary.  If we want to participate less or pay less, then we can.

The Iran Non-Nuclear deal:  Again, “the worse deal ever.”  Trump has been saying the Iranians violated the deal by testing missiles.  Clearly, he didn’t understand that Iran is free to test missile within the bounds of the agreement.  Every other country that joined with the United States on this deal has urged Trump to stay with the agreement.  Instead, Trump is stepping away.

All these deals were already made.  The United States had already agreed to them.  What Trump has done is renege on these deals without understanding even the basics about the deals and having no alternative.  Why?  So he could pretend that he could fix things.

But let’s continue…

Trump is imposing tariffs without understanding the very basics about such an action.  He appears to know less about Economics than someone who has just completed their first week of Econ 101.

Trump supported a tax reform plan that gives virtually nothing to the middle class while enriching the top 1% of the population. In this instance, I’m not sure if he doesn’t understand the tax break or if he did this on purpose.  Notably, there was a last minute “pass through” issue that basically enriches anyone in the real estate business…like Trump.

The Con continues as Trump takes credit for progress between North and South Korea.  He does this expecting us to believe that his tweets about “Rocket Man” have brought the North to its knees.  He has done nothing to help in that part of the world.  Even North Korea says Trump has had nothing to do with the denuclearization talks going on now.

Trump has the Black Midas Touch.  Everything he does make things worse.  His EPA is dismantling itself; allowing for the rapid rise in nearly every area of pollution.  He’s weakened consumer protection.  He’s alienated NATO allies.  He’s shown racist tendencies and legitimatized the rise of white supremacy.  He’s actively supported the NRA while calling for “thoughts and prayers” and armed gym teachers as solutions to violence in schools.   He thinks saying “don’t do drugs” will cure the opioid crisis.  He thinks telling teens “don’t have sex” will lower teen pregnancy.

Notice all of this exists in addition to the Russian Collusion allegations or Trump’s constant lying.

This guy is a train wreck…and we put him in charge.

Just sayin…

Gotta run.  It’s time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Killing of Bear #399

This just in:  Last night I was watching 60 Minutes and they had a segment on a nature photographer.  One of his favorite subjects is grizzly bear (tagged as #399).  Recently, the bear population was healthy enough that there is now talk about allowing some people to hunt bears.  The photographer said many hunters have told him they can’t wait and that they hope to be the one to shoot the famous #399.

I don’t get this.  It is so far from what I could consider as a “good idea” that it makes me feel like there are aliens among us; or at least a branch of the human race made up of gun-toting sociopaths.

The NRA recently had a convention in Texas.  The President and V.P. were both there.  In the President’s speech, he managed to anger both the country of France and the country of England.

Here are Trump’s views on gun violence as far as I can tell…

  1. If the violence was perpetrated by a non-white, then it is terrorism.
  2. If the violence happened at a school, then blame video games and arm your gym teachers.
  3. If the violence was by a white supremacist…silence.

Also, while the NRA convention was taking place, a breakfast place in Dallas put a note on receipts that portion of the receipt would go to organizations that support “reasonable and effective gun regulations.”  How did the NRA visitors respond?  With death threats; threatening to “shoot up the place.”  This…is the NRA…our very own, homegrown terrorist organization.

We’ve become a country where we can make stuff up to suit whatever fantasy we like.

For example:

  • Universal Health care is a government takeover of healthcare.  The facts actually tell a different story.  Countries that have universal healthcare pay much less for much better outcomes.
  • Guns are not the reason we kill each other with guns.  The facts say that we have the same rate of mental illness and video game addiction as other countries and yet…we kill each other with guns at a much higher rate.
  • Tax cuts for the rich will spur economic growth and create high-paying jobs.  The facts say that this economic policy (also known as trickle-down economics) is a failure 100% of the time.
  • Unlimited campaign financing is Freedom of Speech.  Actually, you can link the Supreme Court’s decision on Citizens United to the rapid fall of the Republican Party into a corrupt organization that profits by legislating based on the whims of their billionaire donors.

It’s getting to the point where nothing makes sense anymore.

However, there is hope.  Here is a…something created by the young daughter of a artist friend.

This is so cute I can’t help but have a positive outlook on our future.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Evangelical Effect

This just in: I recall being about 8 years old and thinking “I can’t believe that my parents believe what they are teaching us in Sunday School.”

The apple snake story is a good one, like many others in the bible, but to take it literally seems akin to thinking we should sacrifice virgins to volcanos.

To me, the best case for there being a God is that I want there to be one.

That’s it.  Everything else is speculative.

The idea that anyone, anywhere understands the will of a God capable of creating the Universe is astoundingly absurd.

There was a study done recently that showed the more Evangelicals get involved in politics, the more people turn away from organized religion.  I completely fall within this category.

I watch the Evangelicals twist and turn to justify their support for Trump.  They say things like, “The Bible teaches forgiveness” or “God is just testing us.”

What they should really be saying, if they were being truthful is, “Trump doesn’t like non-whites and non-Christians so we like Trump.”

I watched a segment on the morning news where a boy was suspended from school for wearing t-shirts with guns on them.  One t-shirt had about a dozen different guns on it.  Underneath is said, “Respect Diversity.”  The other t-shirt had guns arranged to spell out the word “LOVE.”

The parents fit the NRA/Trump mode perfectly.  They were both about 300 lbs.  The husband had on a shift that said, “I’m a Christian.”  and both claimed the shirts were about Love and Diversity, not guns.  Plus, their son loved guns and they didn’t want to change him.

Right there is your problem…

These people are Christians willing to inspire gun violence so their son doesn’t have to change his shirt.  They are the American Evangelicals and thus, typify why we are unfit to govern ourselves.

Note: Most Trump supporters make me feel this way. There are certain types that I view as “Likely Trump Supporters.”  One is that they must live in rural America and be willing to vote for a person that does everything he can to fight against their best interests.  They belong to the NRA.  They are not-college educated (unless they are very rich and positioned to become richer through Trump’s actions.)  They must be anti-abortion plus against any food program that will feed our nation’s poor. They must watch Hannity and believe he is real news.  They are closet or openly white supremacists. They are evangelicals who hate Muslims.  They are poor and willing to blame that condition on immigrants.

In the end, I’ve decided that I believe in God but want nothing to do with formal Christian organizations.  The hypocrisy is just too much to bear.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Life Hack #1: Adding value

This just in:  I woke up in a hotel room a couple of months ago with the thought, “I’m wasting too much of my life doing non-productive stuff.”

Now, there’s nothing wrong with being non-productive, unless you think there is.  In my case, I feel guilty when, at the end of a day I think, “Another day wasted.”

So, I put together a list of items that I thought would add value to each day.  The list has grown slightly so there are now 21 items on it.  Daily, I track my accomplishment rate; my goal being to do at least half of the items on the list.

One of those items is to watch a 30-minute lesson on one of my programs purchased from The Learning Company.  My current curriculum is on “How the Universe Works.”  This is a 96-lesson course taught by a professor from Berkeley.

Because of this one item on my checklist, I can go to bed every night knowing a little more about something than I did when I woke up.

I recommend going to www.thegreatcourses.com to have a look at the wide variety of courses you can take.  When I first went there, I would buy a course and have them send the DVD to my house.  Now, I just buy the downloadable version.  I can watch them online or download them to watch later when I don’t have a connection.

More about my “list” another time.

On the “For some reason this works” page...

My mom recommended something to me that her doctor recommended to her.  For better health, more energy and weight loss, simply take 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning and then again in the evening.  I do this with about 3 ounces of water.

I’ve been doing this for about 3 weeks.  I have lost 8 pounds, without dieting, and I feel like I’m 20 years old.

Now, this could be the Placebo Affect…but who cares.  Just as long as it works.

On the “I can believe this is our president” page…

Trump now apparently remembered paying his lawyer to keep Stormy Daniels quiet.  He still says there was no affair but paid her just because.

The Ukraine was providing information the the Mueller investigation until…they wanted Trump to give them missiles.  Trump gave them missiles and they suddenly stopped helping the investigation.

Trump apparently had his private body guard go to his pre-president doctor and take all of his medical records.  This is not only illegal but speaks to Trump’s lack of ethics and reported bullying tactics.  This is bringing up the issue of “How fat is Trump…really?”  Also known as the “Girther Movement.”

There is now overwhelming evidence that the Trump Tax breaks that were supposed to raise wages and spur economic growth and more jobs are having two actual results: (1) A national deficit that exceeds anything we have seen…ever and (2) Companies using the tax break to buy back stock and enrich their investors.  No wages went up. No jobs were created.  This was extremely predictable.

On the “Facebook Free” page…

I quit Facebook on the first of May.  Interestingly, the readership on my blog has risen dramatically since then.  Still, I do miss my Facebook friends.  If you have a FB account, please consider reposting my blog posts there, from time to time.

That’s all the time I have.  The world needs saving.

Up, up and away…
