What I don’t believe

This just in:  Today I thought that instead of saying what I think is the case, I’ll instead make a list of things I don’t believe to be true.

  1. I don’t believe the earth is flat.
  2. I don’t believe God is jealous or has any human traits that we humans have assigned to him.
  3. I don’t believe the governor of Texas cares about abortion.
  4. I don’t believe the governor of Florida cares about stopping the spread of COVID .
  5. I don’t believe that God acts in mysterious ways.
  6. I don’t believe that universal healthcare is beyond the ability of our country to implement.
  7. I don’t believe Bill Gates is trying to put tracking chips in me (but that would be very cool).
  8. I don’t believe sacrificial virgins help crops to grow if you throw them into a volcano (the virgins, not the crops)
  9. I don’t believe that global warming is a Chinese plot.
  10. I don’t believe that Trickle-down economics is anything more than a scam
  11. I don’t believe that social media in its current form is healthy for America.
  12. I don’t believe new election laws are meant to do anything other than keep people for voting against those that are making the laws.
  13. I don’t believe in hell
  14. I don’t believe pharmaceutical companies are as interested in curing things as they are in creating marketable ways to treat things.
  15. I don’t believe any flavor is better than butterscotch in the pudding hierarchy.
  16. I don’t believe that rich preachers on TV believe in what they are selling
  17. I don’t believe the moon landing was faked
  18. I don’t believe marijuana is a gateway drug
  19. I don’t believe that GOD cares at all if you have an abortion, masturbate or fail to pray to him
  20. I don’t believe that Brett Kavanaugh belongs on the Supreme Court
  21. I don’t believe the furniture store Scandinavian Designs is honest with its customers.
  22. I don’t believe Donald Trump is anything other than a con man.
  23. I don’t believe the United States military needs to be as big as it is.
  24. I don’t believe the Republican Party is not racist at its core
  25. I don’t believe that corporations are people

Actually, this is harder than I thought.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Texas Taliban

This just in: I see little difference between Texas and the Taliban.

With the Taliban, women are controlled by white men that run around armed to the teeth. The only difference between this and Texas is that the Taliban insist their women wear masks. Also, Texas men ride around in F150’s sporting confederate flags while the Taliban has a mix of used Toyotas and giant, indestructable vehicles left behind by the U.S. army.

I have a great Idea for a new show on the History channel. It will be based on the new Texas law banning abortions. I will call it Abortion Bounty Hunters.

Texas makes it a crime similar to terrorism if you get an abortion at 6 weeks or later. Note that most pregnant women are not even aware that they are pregnant at this stage. Anyway…if you are a private citizen, you can get money if you report someone getting an abortion or helping them get an abortion.

Now, the smart Abortion Bounty Hunter will not go after the women. Why? Because making abortions illegal does not lessen the number of abortions; it just makes people get them in alleys where the mortality rate is significantly higher than at a clinic. So, don’t go after the women because they may not live to pay up.

Instead, go after the person that gave them a ride to the abortion alley. Or, go after the person that lent them the phone to call Uber for a ride to abortion alley. Or go after a friend that may have said, “If I were you I would get an abortion.” Each of these can net you $10,000. Ka-Ching!!

On a completely unrelated topic…the governor of Florida is an idiot. In that state, any business or organization that asks for proof of vaccination will be fined $5,000. So, want to keep your patrons safe from anti-vaxxers? Only let people in the door that you have actually seen getting the vaccine.

I feel another History Channel show coming on…maybe something like Anti-Vaxxer/Anti-masker Vigilantes of the Everglades.

I can’t make this stuff up.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


In just one day…the news

This just in: Please make it stop!

Yesterday, the Republican Leader in the House has said publicly that the Republican Party will not forget those companies that comply with a Congressional subpoena with regards to the January 6th insurrection. In other words, if these companies don’t help Republicans obstruct Congress, they will be punished. He said this publicly!

Yesterday, a 27-year old junior Republican Congressman seemed to promote violence as a response to the falsehood of Trump’s election loss being stolen. His spokesman said he was joking. I watched and didn’t see it that way.

Anti-maskers are taking school board meetings by storm. Threatening, shouting and bullying. Why? Because they want their children to have the freedom to spread COVID to other students. It’s really that simple.

Biden got us out of a forever war. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz, who fled Texas when the weather got bad, blames Biden for leaving people behind. Keep in mind that the Biden Administration started telling Americans that they would need to get out of Afghanistan LAST MARCH!!

As an ex-wrestler, I find Gym Jordan discusting.

Is there any difference between (1) believing that horse de-wormer will protect you from COVID and (2) believing that a multi-millionaire preaching on television knows the will of the creator of the universe?

Texas just passed a law that makes an abortion after 6 weeks a crime that is equivalent to terrorism. Doctors report that 90% of women are unaware that they are pregnant at 6 weeks.

At my hotel this morning, I had an egg, potato, ham, bacon and cheese thing for breakfast that was so good I think I may have experienced time travel.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
