“Dog catches Bus!!”

This just in: The GOP is so incompetent that it would be funny, if not so tragic.

The Affordable Healthcare Act was dubbed “Obamacare” by Republicans to demonize what has become an extremely popular bit of legislation. Granted, it’s not perfect. My annual healthcare costs continue to rise. However, it is far better than before.

Once it was passed, Republicans spent years claiming that not only was Obamacare a big failure but that they had a better plan. If only they were in charge, they could fix everything.

Then, in 2016, the Dog Caught the Bus.

By this I mean, the GOP came into power. During the next 4 years, they did nothing to improve healthcare. They had no plan. While this became immediately apparent, it was surprising to find that they didn’t even want to talk about healthcare.

For 4 years, the GOP did ZERO to improve healthcare.

So much barking about healthcare but when they caught the bus, when they were actually in charge, they had no idea what to do.

Fast forward to today. To this afternoon.

Republicans made huge demands on border policy. To get their way, they held ransom, badly needed money for the Ukraine war.

“Give us what we want or we’ll let Putin take Ukraine!!”

So, the Democrats said, “Okay.”

The GOP quickly huddled together and said, “Oh shit. Now what are we going to do?”

Once again, they caught the bus. They got their way and have no idea how to handle it.

Getting their way is the opposite of what they wanted. To them, Obamacare and the Border are the same thing. Just a couple of issues to be pissed off about. A couple of issues to hold up and say, “Vote for us and we will fix this.”

Then they catch the bus. In the case of the border, they got what they wanted and no longer had anything to hold over the Democrats. Why vote for a Republican campaigning on border issues when the Democrats are willing to implement what the Republicans are promising to do if elected?

Their solution: Move the bar.

“Yes, you gave us what we wanted but that is not really what we wanted. We don’t want to solve this issue. We just want to be able to pretend that we will solve it but only if we are elected.”

That last bit is the part that they are not supposed to say out loud, but they have.

In recent days, there have been numerous instances and sources saying that Trump has told them to walk away FROM ANY border deal so he can campaign on the issue. He can’t promise to solve something if it is already solved.

Catching the bus and not knowing what to do with it is the perfect example of the Republican Party’s inability to govern.

Forget the Trump train wreck. Yes, he is the bigger issue but even if he didn’t exist, the GOP is still a mess.

This inability to govern has gone on for decades.

Just had to put this out there.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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