What I don’t believe

This just in:  Today I thought that instead of saying what I think is the case, I’ll instead make a list of things I don’t believe to be true.

  1. I don’t believe the earth is flat.
  2. I don’t believe God is jealous or has any human traits that we humans have assigned to him.
  3. I don’t believe the governor of Texas cares about abortion.
  4. I don’t believe the governor of Florida cares about stopping the spread of COVID .
  5. I don’t believe that God acts in mysterious ways.
  6. I don’t believe that universal healthcare is beyond the ability of our country to implement.
  7. I don’t believe Bill Gates is trying to put tracking chips in me (but that would be very cool).
  8. I don’t believe sacrificial virgins help crops to grow if you throw them into a volcano (the virgins, not the crops)
  9. I don’t believe that global warming is a Chinese plot.
  10. I don’t believe that Trickle-down economics is anything more than a scam
  11. I don’t believe that social media in its current form is healthy for America.
  12. I don’t believe new election laws are meant to do anything other than keep people for voting against those that are making the laws.
  13. I don’t believe in hell
  14. I don’t believe pharmaceutical companies are as interested in curing things as they are in creating marketable ways to treat things.
  15. I don’t believe any flavor is better than butterscotch in the pudding hierarchy.
  16. I don’t believe that rich preachers on TV believe in what they are selling
  17. I don’t believe the moon landing was faked
  18. I don’t believe marijuana is a gateway drug
  19. I don’t believe that GOD cares at all if you have an abortion, masturbate or fail to pray to him
  20. I don’t believe that Brett Kavanaugh belongs on the Supreme Court
  21. I don’t believe the furniture store Scandinavian Designs is honest with its customers.
  22. I don’t believe Donald Trump is anything other than a con man.
  23. I don’t believe the United States military needs to be as big as it is.
  24. I don’t believe the Republican Party is not racist at its core
  25. I don’t believe that corporations are people

Actually, this is harder than I thought.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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