This just in: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair
Yes, there are two sides to every story and every coin. Yes, we have differing opinions and you are certainly welcome to yours. Yes, they all do it.
However, don’t be fooled into a false equivalency. Both sides of an issue are not necessarily equal in merit.
For example, if I point at a rock and say, “That is a rock” and you point at the same rock and say, “That is the Eiffel Tower,” one of us is wrong. Just because we are equal in number and welcome to our own perspectives, we are not necessarily equal in the truth of what we say.
This, and the opening quote, are all intended to set up the following statement…
Congress and the president are offering convoluted explanations to justify their actions; explanations that fall far short of the lowest believability threshold.
My belief is not that they are stupid. My belief is that they pretend to believe certain things because their “salaries depend on it.”
Let’s take climate change. The scientific community is in one voice about this. It is real. However, Republicans and the President, who are largely funded by the fossil fuel industry, find it hard to believe in it. Big oil pays then to not believe in it.
How about “trickle down economics” which is the widely disproven idea that if you give tax breaks to the rich, they will create more jobs. The Republican Party is a huge fan of unlimited campaign contributions from the very rich. These “very rich” pay the Republicans to believe that tax cuts for the rich actually work.
The Russian funded NRA pays Republicans to believe that gun proliferation has nothing to do with the 35,000 annual gun deaths in the United States. Republicans believe this because they are paid to believe it.
Now we get to Donald Trump.
Why does Trump have a hard time saying, “I believe Russia is continuing to hack our elections.”? He has perfect information available to him. He must have an absolute certainty that this is the case; and yet, he denies it.
Trump’s job depends on his not believing that Russia is interfering in our elections.
His job depends on it because Putin told him so. Which, in turn, says that Putin has the ability to end Trump’s presidency.
I absolutely believe this. However, if you pay me enough money, I might be convinced to believe otherwise. A lot of money…
Up, up and away…