
This just in: I can’t post every day so I thought I would just fire off a few shots from the hip.

  1. Street hotdogs are delicious.
  2. Anti-vaxxers are the reason we are still fighting COVID.
  3. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is way better than I thought. I had to stick it out for most of the first episode before I finally got it.
  4. On a plane yesterday, I watched Cosmic Sin starring Bruce Willis. Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.
  5. I trust the jury in the Rittenhouse trial. However, I think that a couple of people would still be alive today if this kid hadn’t decided to play Deputy Dog.
  6. It’s really easy to know when I am talking with someone that gets their news from Fox.
  7. I don’t spend enough time helping others. I am going to change that.
  8. The Republican Party stands for nothing real.
  9. Passing the Voting Rights Act must happen soon.
  10. I really like videos of kittens attacking big dogs.
  11. My golf swing is hampered by my tendency to swing “over the top.”
  12. Good people tolerating bad people is one of the reasons we can’t have nice things.
  13. Passive acceptance of racism is the same as being a racist.
  14. Donald Trump represents the worst in humanity. Those that support him represent the second worst in humanity.
  15. Try the Mac and Cheese sandwich at Panera.
  16. Bitcoin is a house of cards.
  17. Daily breathing exercises…works for me.
  18. I’m 63 and considering going back to college for another degree.
  19. Climate change is real. The biggest roadblock to solving it is the Republican Party and Joe Manchin.
  20. We need to open the borders in an organized manner. We have to do this to support our economy which is currently starting to flounder due to lack of labor.
  21. The writers of Calvin and Hobbs, The Far Side and Bloom county are geniuses.
  22. I believe we have been visited by aliens. However, I don’t understand how they could have gotten here and I don’t believe they are conspiring with any government.
  23. I think we should take notes any time Elizabeth Warren talks about money.
  24. So long as we don’t have universal healthcare, we don’t have a non-corrupt government.
  25. I don’t like that my eyesight gets worse as I age.
  26. I love the holiday season.
  27. Tomorrow I get my COVID booster.
  28. I would chose to eat any of my wife’s homemade soups over any other food.
  29. One rich person cheating on his taxes to the tune of $1,000,000 creates the same needless cost to the government as 347 people scamming food stamps. I am a big fan of food stamps. My point is that white collar crime is vastly underreported and under prosecuted.
  30. I trust science and experts because it saves me time and takes advantage of expertise that I don’t have.
  31. I have been off of Facebook for several months and I don’t miss it at all. I love not being a part of it.
  32. Fox News has successfully argued in court that Tucker Carlson’s show is for entertainment and a reasonable person would know not to believe him.
  33. If you ignore a congressional subpoena, you should go directly to jail without bail.
  34. Republicans rewriting the Jan. 6th riot are the equivalent of the Lost Cause Writers who said that the Civil War was not about slavery.
  35. A man claimed that someone voted as his dead wife and Republicans held this up as an example of rampant voter fraud. That man was just convicted of being the person that voted for his dead wife. Republicans are silent on this.

I liked this format. Got a lot off my chest without too much drama or effort.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


2 thoughts on “Observations

    • Hi Wes. I miss seeing you on Facebook. I actually thought about you when I wrote 21 and considered adding Peanuts to that. Not sure why I didn’t.

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