Shortcuts to the truth

This just in: You don’t need to spend hours every day tracking down facts and watching a variety of news shows to find the truth. Maybe you do you want complete accuracy but for a “general feel” of whether or not something is factual, you have what you need in your head.

Let’s try of few examples…

Is global warming a hoax started by the Chinese?

The first thing to ask yourself is “Why would they do that? How do they benefit?”. The second thing is, “Is this so cleverly executed that no one can find any supporting evidence?” Clearly, China is one of the biggest polluters in the world. If they start a fake program to “clean this place up” then they will have a bigger burden that nearly every other country. It’s actually in their interest to deny global change. As far as a “clever coverup,” Benjamin Franklin said, “Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.” There is just no way this is a secret conspiracy. None.

Did Donald Trump win the last election?

There are several reasons to doubt this. First, it is a claim made by the loser; a person known to tell a lie when the truth would actually work better. Secondly, there is no evidence. No witnesses. No videos. No emails. Nothing other than claims.

Why do Republicans claim the last election was rigged?

Look at the motivators. Republicans are in the minority and cannot win an election if everyone votes. They know the election was not rigged but claiming it is allows them to put laws into place that will let them overturn state elections. Republicans act like they believe this claim because it will help them cheat on the next election.

Why did Joe Manchin not want to support the Build Back Better plan?

Look at his motivators. He gets money from climate damaging industries. The plan he opposed would significantly damage those industries.

Why did Republicans vote against a very popular infrastructure bill that they wanted to support under Trump?

Look at the motivators. Under Trump, the Republicans would have been able to take credit for this bill. However, under Biden, the Democrats would get credit. It is more important to Republicans to get credit than it is to pass a bill that benefits nearly everyone in the country.

Why did Democrat Sinema vote against efforts to lower drug prices?

Look at the motivators. In her case…dollar bills….lots of dollar bills given to her by big Pharma.

Why can’t either party fix immigration?

Look at the motivators. If Democrats are in charge, Republicans complain that Democrats are letting in non-white people that will gobble up all of our good paying jobs and cause crime. If Republicans are in charge Democrats complain about the inhumane treatment of immigrants. Both parties want this problem to exist so they can beat the other party over their head with it.

Why do Republicans focus so much on lowering taxes for rich people and companies?

Look at the motivators. Both of these entities represent nearly all of the money Republicans have. They take care of their donors instead of their constituents because…money.

It’ amazing to me how many people will stretch their belief system to accommodate the most ridiculous conspiracy theories. There are Flat-Earthers. There are those that believe we never landed on the moon. There are those that think a dead JFK jr. will come back to life to run as Trump’s running mate.

These people represent THE reason we can’t have nice things.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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