Upgrading to Windows 11

This just in: I have a very simple, 4-step process for upgrading your computer’s operating system from Windows 10 to Windows 11.

Step one: Go to Setting and click on upgrades and press OK when it asks if you want to upgrade to Windows 11. This will start a process of downloading the software and then installing the software. You can tell when this step has been completed when it gets to some random number (for me it was 61%) completion and then freezes.

Step two: Go to a reputable college and get a doctorate degree in computer science. This will be needed to read through all of the “easy online solutions” that explain why your computer didn’t completely install Windows 11. You will understand things like “Now go to your command prompt and disable quantum tunneling for all audio apps that don’t contain a prime number in their serial ID.”

Step three: Realizing that you will never be able to do this, go through the various stages of grief. I’m currently on stage 8 which, I believe, is hunger. Earlier, I ate a half gallon of Caramel Swirl ice cream. After a brief sugar coma, I awoke feeling much better.

Step four: Go online and buy a new computer that already has Windows 11 installed.

Easy – Peazy – Lemon – Squeezy

Glad to help.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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