Being Republican

This just in: I was at a dinner gathering the other night. One guy was very talkative and after discussing the highlights of his life for everyone, he went on to complain about bleeding liberals.

I kept my mouth shut since these were business associates and my political opinions need not be aired. However, the guy I’m talking about started off with how he lost a job opportunity maybe 40 years ago because he was white. My assumption is that he fell victim to some Affirmative Action program. He is still mad about that.

He rambled on about Liberal Education and such, eventually getting around to describing what we all know to be the policy of G.W. Bush. I’m talking about No Child Left Behind.

This guy couldn’t stop bashing this Liberal policy. Eventually, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and said, “Of course, you are aware that the policy you are talking about was put in by Bush.”

He didn’t even miss a beat. His response was “I know, it is a great policy it’s just that the timing was off.”


Let’s take a look at what policies you are currently supporting if you are supporting ANY Republican:

  1. You support racism
  2. You support no changes to gun control
  3. You support no protection of our election system
  4. You support our current lack of an adult foreign policy
  5. You support tax cuts for the rich
  6. You support skyrocketing debt without any public benefit
  7. You support any lack of infrastructure improvement
  8. You support going back to pre-Obamacare healthcare
  9. You support massive student debt
  10. You support unlimited money in politics
  11. You support attacking our allies
  12. You support befriending dictators
  13. You support attacks on our First Amendment rights
  14. You support gerrymandering and voter suppression
  15. You support massive cuts in government-funded science
  16. You support climate change denial
  17. You support tariffs and the $1,000 cost per family we are incurring
  18. You support reneging on international agreements.
  19. You support the United States retreating from the world stage
  20. You support Trump

Now, I know that if you are a Republican, you will look at this list and say something like “Hey! I am just anti-abortion. I don’t support that other stuff.”

My response is that you are wrong. Single-issue voters, like it or not, support everything the Republican Party does if they vote for these guys. There is no way around it.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


One thought on “Being Republican

  1. I’ve been an educator for 25+ years. I commend you on the remarkable restraint you showed with your GOP dinner companion. He sounds like everything I find absolutely despicable about the Republican Party.

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