Lowering The Bar

This just in: I’ve been quiet for some time now as this season of Trump plays out. However, I need to let off just a bit of steam.

Let’s ignore that Trump says, “You can grab them by the pussy if you’re famous.”

Let’s ignore Trump trashing a Gold Star Family.

Let’s ignore Trump saying, “I like soldiers that weren’t captured.”

Let’s ignore the affairs and the payoffs.

Let’s ignore the “I love Putin” behaviors.

Let’s ignore that daily lies.

Let’s ignore the complete ignorance of how an economy works.

Let’s ignore the breaking of treaties and the damage done to NATO.

Let’s ignore the abandonment of the Kurds to Turkey’s genocidal mercenaries.

Let’s ignore the increased nuclear threat of North Korea and Iran.

Let’s ignore the corruption and the imprisonment of nearly everyone associated with this administration.

Let’s just focus on the latest scandal. The scandal that says the president of the United States withheld desperately needed arms and funds from Ukraine unless they would help smear a political rival.

This started with a whistleblower; a person of no further relevance since everything this person said happened has been verified by several other sources with not a single source denying the claims. Yet….the Republican Party wants to “out” this person in clear violation of Whistleblower laws. There are two reasons for this. The first is a Distraction. They want you to focus on this one person and ignore all of those that followed. The second is Witness Intimidation. The Republican Party wants to send the message that if you defend the Consitution of the United States against this president, you will be put in danger.

Think of the whistleblower issue this way: A person sees a bank robbery in process and calls the police. The robber is caught red-handed. There are videos and witnesses. In comes the defense for the robber. This defender says, “You can’t convict my client because he can’t see the person that called in the crime.” This is the Republican stance.

So we started with a whistleblower and the Republicans screams, “Rumors! Hearsay! No proof of Quid-Pro-Quo (Latin for extortion and bribery)”

Then we got first-hand testimony. That got rid of the “hearsay” but still no quid-pro-quo.

Then we got the quid-pro-quo and the Republican defense became, “Well, he did try to do this but he never actually pulled it off because Ukraine got its support.” This is like saying “attempted murder” is not a crime.

Republicans cried about closed hearing; a process that was created by Republicans in the first place. When the hearings became public, they complained that it was a big show.

Republicans complain that the witnesses are not involved “directly enough” to count. When the Democrats try to get testimony from those that are directly involved, the Republicans defy the subpoenas.

Republicans have ridiculed military service members and career diplomats. Their strong arguments include “He was wearing a bowtie” and “He looks like a nerd.”

I watch all of this and ask myself “Why?” Why would anyone act like this? Why is the defense of Trump so strong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that he is guilty?

The answer is fairly simple: Trump is offering his base and the Republican Party exactly what they want…

They want a White and Christian America.

Keep that last line in your mind any time you question the behavior of a Republican and it will always explain their actions.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Being Republican

This just in: I was at a dinner gathering the other night. One guy was very talkative and after discussing the highlights of his life for everyone, he went on to complain about bleeding liberals.

I kept my mouth shut since these were business associates and my political opinions need not be aired. However, the guy I’m talking about started off with how he lost a job opportunity maybe 40 years ago because he was white. My assumption is that he fell victim to some Affirmative Action program. He is still mad about that.

He rambled on about Liberal Education and such, eventually getting around to describing what we all know to be the policy of G.W. Bush. I’m talking about No Child Left Behind.

This guy couldn’t stop bashing this Liberal policy. Eventually, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and said, “Of course, you are aware that the policy you are talking about was put in by Bush.”

He didn’t even miss a beat. His response was “I know, it is a great policy it’s just that the timing was off.”


Let’s take a look at what policies you are currently supporting if you are supporting ANY Republican:

  1. You support racism
  2. You support no changes to gun control
  3. You support no protection of our election system
  4. You support our current lack of an adult foreign policy
  5. You support tax cuts for the rich
  6. You support skyrocketing debt without any public benefit
  7. You support any lack of infrastructure improvement
  8. You support going back to pre-Obamacare healthcare
  9. You support massive student debt
  10. You support unlimited money in politics
  11. You support attacking our allies
  12. You support befriending dictators
  13. You support attacks on our First Amendment rights
  14. You support gerrymandering and voter suppression
  15. You support massive cuts in government-funded science
  16. You support climate change denial
  17. You support tariffs and the $1,000 cost per family we are incurring
  18. You support reneging on international agreements.
  19. You support the United States retreating from the world stage
  20. You support Trump

Now, I know that if you are a Republican, you will look at this list and say something like “Hey! I am just anti-abortion. I don’t support that other stuff.”

My response is that you are wrong. Single-issue voters, like it or not, support everything the Republican Party does if they vote for these guys. There is no way around it.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Silence = Consent

This just in: Congress has the DUTY of oversight. They are an equal branch of government with the president and a big part of their job is to keep the president from wrong-doing such as criminal activity or ignoring the Constitution. In fact, this is exactly why they are a “co-equal” branch.

However, it appears that the Republican presence in Congress is nothing more than a bunch of Trump puppets.

For example…

Republicans remained silent as Trump decided to spend money on a border wall. Congress gets to control the spending in our government but the president can do so in an emergency. Apparently, a bus load of children and single mothers is an emergency.

Republicans are remaining silent as Trump is refusing to cooperate with subpoenas from Congress. These are legally enforceable requests from Congress. In this case, they are following a pretty obvious trail of criminal obstruction that leads directly to Trump.

Republicans are remaining silent as Trump’s Treasury secretary illegally decided to not provide Trump’s tax records. The law says that these records MUST be provided. This demand is being ignored.

Republicans remain silent as Trump laughs with a supporter about shooting immigrants.

Republicans have remained silent as Trump imposes 25% tariffs on China. These are tariffs that are actually paid by the American public. These are also tariffs that Trump is imposing by saying “National Emergency” when all he is really doing is trying to hurt China (completely ignoring the fact that these really hurt Americans, not the Chinese).

Republican have not only remained silent, but actively worked with Trump to keep the full Mueller report from being released to Congress.

Republicans are silent when Trump actively supports the idea that taxes should be avoided if at all possible.

Republicans have remained silent as Trump’s words and actions scream “I am a racist!”

Republicans have remained silent as Trump’s words and actions have screamed, “I think women are sex object and nothing more.”

Republicans have remained silent as Trump reneges on one treaty or trade agreement after another.

Republicans have remained silent as Trump opens up the United States lands to exploitation by oil companies.

Republicans have remained silent as Trump passes the 10,000 lies mark at just over 2 years into his presidency.

Republicans have remained silent as 15 school shootings this year.

Republicans have remained silent as the NRA is investigated for campaign contribution crimes as well as associations with Russia.

Republicans have remained silent (at the very least) when they actually let Russian sanctions be lifted on a Russian who immediately turned around and invested $200 million in Mitch McConnell’s state.

Republicans have remained silent as Trump has unsupervised and unrecorded meetings with Putin while he is being investigated with regards to his relationship with Putin.

Republicans have remained silent as their tax cut for the very, very rich continues to add $trillions to our national debt.

If Trump wants to do something that the president is not allowed to do, he just claims “National Emergency.”

If Trump doesn’t want to do something that he is legally required to do, like provide requested documents to Congress, he says, “Executive Privilege.”

The the Republican Party, through their complete silence, is allowing this to happen.

I think I could go on and on.

In my view, the Republican Party = Trump. This should scare everyone.

Up, up and away…


The right side of History

This just in: I’ve decided to take a look into my crystal ball (all superheroes have one) and let you know what I see.

At some point in the future, hopefully not too distant, I see the following…

  1. People marvel at the idea of discrimination against people due to their sexual orientation. In fact, they rejoice at the variety of choices they freely indulge in without judgement.
  2. Religion as a “matter of faith” has been completely abandoned as a mainstream practice. It is replaced by science-based searches into “who we are” and “why are we here?”
  3. The color of one’s skin is celebrated as a contribution to the highly valued concept of “Diversity.”
  4. All people, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, beliefs, intellect, wealth, education, heritage, location of birth and every other trait, are considered equally valuable to society and welcomed equally everywhere.
  5. Fact-checking is so instantaneous and widely accepted that News Agencies and Politicians have completely abandoned attempts to mislead.
  6. Science matters.
  7. Protecting the Earth’s ecosystem is the top priority of every person; a priority instilled at the time of birth and maintained throughout one’s life.
  8. Hunger and poverty are so far in the rear view mirror that they have become the stuff of scary stories told around campfires; Stories that scare us and then make us laugh because they are so unlikely.
  9. Freedom from fear is a mantra. The people of the world recognizes this as a wind that blows through all of us. We actively work together to help each other through this when it’s our time in the breeze.
  10. There is no more war; no more guns. Disagreements are worked through with thought and integrity. Violence is eliminated as the proverbial “last resort.”

There you have it. Just a peek. Reading back through all of these, I find #9 to be the most likely precursor to the others. So long and we have unbridled fear, we will behave like the barbarians whose DNA is still strong in all of us.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Immigration – The Racist Dog Whistle

This just in:  Trump and the Republican Party are hanging their hats on the immigration issue.  This is really saying, “We are the party of white people.”

Let’s unpack this a little bit to see why I might say this…

I was watching Republican Rick Santorum on CNN this morning.  He actually said, “Democrats are campaigning for open borders.”

When it was pointed out to him that no Democrat has ever said that, Santorum responded with, “They are saying that everyone has an opportunity to come to the United States.”  He is falsely claiming that this is the same as saying, “The doors are wide open and you can come right in.”

What Democrats are saying (and everyone should also be saying) is that you have an “opportunity.”  This means everyone is welcome to apply.  Everyone is welcome to knock at the door and seek a life in the United States.  Everyone has the opportunity to come.  It does not say all will make it through the door.

Santorum also said, “Immigrants are taking all of our low paying jobs.”  The term “all” is the problem here.

Our country has more jobs that people to fill them.  There are plenty of “low paying jobs” if someone wants one.  I know this because I work in manufacturing all over the country and every site has the same complaint: “We can’t expand our operations because there are not enough people to fill the jobs.

So….Both of his points, (1) Democrats want open borders and (2) They are taking our jobs, are false.  However, if you want to keep Non-Whites out of your neighbor, then you will find the anger you need to support this nonsense.

But let’s continue…

Barely a day goes by when I don’t see a headline where a Republican official is found to be a member of a white Supremacist group.  This does not mean that if you are a Republican, you must be racist.  What it seems to say is that if you are racist, it is very likely you will respond to Republican Racist messaging; messaging like “Mexicans are taking your jobs.”

Immigrants commit crimes at a higher rate than White Male Americans…right?  Wrong.  You will certainly find that some immigrants commit crimes, but data shows that they do it at a far lower rate than American Citizens.

Immigrants come to our country to get free food and healthcare…right?  I suppose you could argue this because they are looking for a better life.  Many come here to escape rampant crime or extreme poverty.  However, when they get here…they go to work.  They pay taxes.  They buy stuff.  They build stuff.  They contribute to our economy.

So, the racist says “They are taking our jobs and just come here for free stuff.”

These same racists vote for people like Trump who, according to the state of New York, didn’t pay about $400,000,000 in taxes that he owed.

So, immigration issue is about race.  It’s not about jobs.  It’s not about the money.  It’s about non-white people and the need to hate them.

If you are a Republican and vote Republican, you are supporting this type of belief.

Up, up and away…


The Shame

This just in: “Every nation gets the government it deserves.” – Joseph de Maistre

Last night I had a dream.  I was some sort of Terminator-type guy and I was fighting off an alien invasion that was enslaving mankind.  In the end, I saved the world.  There was a brief celebration and then everyone turned against each other to see which of them would be the new leader and thus, the new “enslaver of mankind.”

At this point, I turned my back on the populace and walked away knowing I had accomplished…nothing.

I think the moral of the story is that the enemy is within.

Our government is in a shambles.  I can’t blame Trump.  I can’t blame the Republicans.  Why?  Because if we get rid of them, the “system” that gave birth to them will endure and thus…produce replacements that are just as bad.

What do I mean when I say “system”?

I think if I had to choose one issue…it would be the absence of accepted facts.

Pick any issue.  Let’s use tariffs.  I think we should know exactly why the tariffs are in.  We should know exactly how these affect our target (China) and our allies.  We should know how they affect us.  We should know how, as a tool, tariffs stack up against other options that may achieve the same goal.

We don’t clearly know any of this.

What about the tax cut that was passed?  What about immigration?  What about NATO or the Paris Accord?  What about Kavanaugh?  What about auto emissions? What about Net Neutrality?  What’s the impact of income inequality?  Can we do better with healthcare?

Suppose we knew exactly the impact and various solutions to these and many other issues.  We could then make good choices.  Perfect decisions come from perfect information.

This brings me to the title of this post: Shame.

The “Shame” is that we are completely able of finding the answers to these issues and making them public.  We are smart and capable.  We can do this.

But we don’t.

We don’t because people are “influenced” to turn the other way.  It could be “vote this way for me and I’ll vote that way for you” type of thing. It could be “I don’t’ want Trump to give me a nickname.”  It could be, my billionaire campaign contributor won’t back me if I don’t vote a certain way.”  Once influence, the fact are often hidden as they may contradict a desired action.

These types of influencers are what got a tax cut passed that is adding trillions to our debt so the extremely rich have even more money.  These types of influences gives us a circus for Supreme Court nominations where 90% of Kavanaugh’s history is kept secret even from the Judicial committee’s Democrat members and the FBI is directed to apparently “not find anything.”

What’s that you say, “We don’t know what the FBI was directed to do.”  That is true.  So I ask, “Why don’t we know exactly what the FBI was directed to do?”

We now have permission to lie.  We have permission to hate.  We have permission to ignore science.  We have permission to scam the tax system.  We have permission to ignore the plight of women and minorities.

And with this permission came an astonishing revelation:  We have been waiting all along for this to be okay. 

The most shameful thing of all is that the mirror has been turned towards us and the picture is not pretty.

That Shame may also be the hidden blessing.  I can pretend that my face is not dirty so long as you don’t make me look in the mirror.  When confronted with the fact…maybe I’ll decide it’s time to bath.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


My Recipe for Fascist Pie

This just inFascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

That sounds way more familiar than it should.  The question of the day is “How did we get here?”

The following is my own recipe for Fascist Pie


  • 1 Cup of sifted, unlimited, anonymous, campaign contributions
  • 2 Handfuls of a gullible population
  • 1 tablespoon of greed
  • 1/2 Pound of propaganda machine
  • A dash of racism
  • 1 stick of Russia funded NRA
  • 3 chopped Evangelicals
  • A dash of anti-fact
  • 1 Orange (comb-over is optional)

Mix all of these together and them plop them into an oven set on “FEAR”.  Cook for one decade.

In short…you can’t make a pie with just an orange.  There are a lot of reasons we are becoming a Fascist nation and only one of them is named Trump.

Unlimited campaign contributions are probably the main ingredients here.  However, all this money would have no impact if we didn’t have a political party that willingly takes the bribes and then does the bidding of those that paid them, instead of those that voted for them.  This is a symbiotic relationship.  Citizens United would not exist without the Republican Party and they would not exist without unlimited finances from special interests.

Greed tells the Koch brothers that they need more money.  Greed of Republicans make them willing to take Koch money to pass a tax law that harms our economy. Greed makes Republicans take Russian money, via the NRA, and then not address gun control

Racism, along with Evangelicals are the special spices of this mix.  Both want America to return to some imagined White, Christian nation.  They don’t know it but they are acting as if a White, Christian, Fascist nation is what they prefer.

To keep the population at bay, they must be fed a steady diet of “don’t look behind that curtain in the corner.”  Fox News and the NRA provide this mis-direction.  For example:  If there is a mass shooting by a white guy…”send thoughts and prayers”.  If there is a mass shooting by a non-white then “Terrorism strikes the homeland.”  This sustains the racist and evangelical votes.  Trump tariffs are starting to hurt the economy so, let’s do a show about an ugly dog contest at a county fair.

Gullibility is hard to under-estimate.  Here are 2 examples.  (1)George Bush is president and the gas prices are high.  Fox News reports that the president has no control over gas prices.  Then, Obama is president and gas prices are high.  Now Fox News reports that these high prices are the president’s fault. (2) Obama, the candidate, said he would meet with North Korea without preconditions.  Fox News blasted relentlessly for this.  Trump then says the same thing and Fox News praises him as a man of action.  In both of these instances, the gullible watched Fox News and nodded in agreement.

Note:  If you have not read 1984 in the last 10 years, I recommend you have another go at it.

The orange, Trump, is the cherry on top of the pie.  That pie would exist without him but it would not be nearly as perfect.  Trump is without shame.  He has a complete disregard for any facts that don’t suit him.  For example, right now, his new plan is to act as if Russia did interfere but what they really want is for Democrats to win.  Now, in front of the world, Putin said in Helsinki that he wanted Trump to win.  Today, the White House transcripts and video of Putin saying that have be wiped clean of Putin’s statement.  We all saw it but Trump is acting like it never happened.  Fox News will back him up on this and the gullible will nod in agreement.

The result is a big fat heaping of Fascism Pie.  If you don’t like it and would prefer something else…then change the ingredients.  Vote in November.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…



Longing for yesteryear…

This just in:  Trump’s “Make America White Again” crusade has grabbed the world’s attention.

In Iran, they don’t post signs saying “Death to America.”  Instead, they just post pictures of the United States imprisoning 4-year-old kids taken from their parents at the border.

Fox News sides with the president saying that many of these kids will grow up to be gang members.

The Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a Republican leaning organization, is forcing its outlets to air pro-Trump propaganda with regards to taking kids from their parent.

Trump called the immigrants and “infestation.”

But it was not always like this.

I grew up in a world where one of the main lessons of World History was that the United States is made up of immigrants.  It was something to be proud of.

On the Statue of Liberty is says,

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” – Emma Lazarus

Yesterday, Trump wanted to only let in the elite.

In other words, it looks like we are no longer taking in “huddled masses yearning to be free.”  We only want college educated people that can code.

Now, when I say, “Look at what we have become,” I am really saying, “About 25% of all Americans are white supremacists and Trump has made this okay.”

It’s not only Trump, the Republican Party backs him completely.

So remember, when you vote this November, if you vote for a Republican, you are voting for Donald Trump.  You are voting for racism.

Up, up and away…



You have 3 choices

This just in:  Racism, to me, is discrimination and/or belief against or about someone because of the color of their skin or their choice of religion/lifestyle.  That’s quite a mouthful but that’s what I get when trying to put a broadband issue into a single sentence.

Let’s simplify this issue and then see what we have.

Situation: A black man is more likely to be arrested for a crime than a white man.

Why is this?

I have 3 possible choices for you to consider…

Choice #1:  Black people are genetically predisposed to crime.

I want to state right up front that this is nonsense but…let me continue.

This option rests entirely on the idea that black people are inferior and there is nothing that can be done about it since this inferiority is at the DNA level. Their genetics give imbue them with traits that lead to crime.  These include: A predisposition to be lazy, to lie, to cheat.   They are not smart enough to make it through life abiding by the law.  Their DNA makes them take drugs at a higher rate.  They are irresponsible etc.

Genetically Predisposed says the racists are correct:  Black people are inferior because God made them that way.

Choice #2: Alien or unknown influence.

Maybe black people get arrested at a higher rate because some outside influence reached out and made them more likely to be criminal.  By “outside influence” I am relieving society of all guilt.  I’m saying, “It’s not genetics and its not society but rather some unseen and unknown force that is the cause of the black man being arrested at a higher rate than the white man.”

So, the people of Mars have reached out to their Earth experiment and said, “Let’s make black people inferior or more criminal and see what happens.”

Before I get to Choice #3, let me recap.  The black man is inferior because he is genetically created that way, or some unknowable influence is making him that way.

Choice #3:  Society

Suppose that black man is somehow held back by society.  He starts his life with a single mother that is unable to feed or clothe him.  He grows up in a neighborhood where crime is not only prevalent but an acceptable way of “getting by.”  His school is rundown and underfunded.  When he is old enough to look towards his future, he sees little hope for himself in a society that sees and treats him as an inferior.

Reason #3 says that the black man being arrested is our fault; that racism is our fault.

Someone will now stand up and say, “Hey!  That man had all the same opportunities that I had and yet I am not a criminal.  I worked hard and got an education.  He could do the same”

My response is, “You are wrong.  He did have opportunities but when you were choosing your college, he was trying to keep his younger siblings out of gangs.  While you were studying in school, he was home wondering where his next meal was going to come from.  When you moved to a nicer neighborhood, he was told that blacks were not wanted there.  When you applied for your job, you were interviewed by a white man…as was he.”

Yes, there are plenty of whites that grew up poor and made a success of their life.  This can also be said of some blacks.

But…We do not all have the same opportunities.  Life is not fair.  Some of us are smart and others, less so.  Some of us are tall and some are not.  Some are wealthy while others are poor.  Some are black and some are white.

Let’s look at it another way….A white man and a black man are going to run a 100 yard race.  They both have to run fast to win.  They both have to run the same distance.  They both had the opportunity to train and to learn how to run.   But only one of them has his shoelaces tied together.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…




I looked in the mirror and came away…disapointed

This just in:  Some things really get to me and others just roll off my shoulders, unnoticed.

I woke up this morning and checked my news feed and felt like our country is crumbling before my eyes as I stand by and do nothing – other than pound my chest via this blog.

There are three things that really bothered me in the news today, but first…I want to start with a quote:

“Every country has the government it deserves.” – Joseph de Maistre

In short, what I am about to complain about is my fault.  Rather, its our fault.  It’s our fault because we allow it.   It’s our fault because we feel helpless.  It’s our fault because we do nothing. It’s our fault because we ignore it.  It’s our fault because we think it’s not.

Item #1:  Guns

I’m not going to make an argument about gun control.  I won’t because it won’t change a single mind.  But, I need to be clear…Without guns, the United States wouldn’t have 36,000 gun deaths a year.  I’m tired of hearing things like “We, in congress, will do whatever it takes to make this stop…even if it means sending twice as many thoughts and prayers as normal.”

We have gun deaths because we allow it.  We don’t need to pull triggers to be culpable in every preventable gun death.

Item #2: Religion

I don’t care if you are Christian, Muslim or belong to the Order of the Jedi.  The only thing I truly believe is that if there is a supreme being, it would either be (1) indifferent about us or (2) a total asshole or (3) deeply disappointed in the fact that we use religion like we do.

I think the Pope is a great guy.  I also think he has as much of a direct line to God as my Labrador.  None of us knows the will of God.  Those that tell you they do are just making a power grab.

The biggest problem with religion in the United States is that the same people that don’t think gun deaths are related to guns, also fear that Christianity is going to become a minority “belief system” in the United States.  They think that guy over there will convince someone to believe that he knows the will of God instead of the charlatan that is currently telling you that very same thing.  The biggest problem is that these people vote…in droves.

Item #3: Racism

In the last week, a lawyer went off script in New York because people around him were speaking Spanish.  Two dark skinned guys were detained by an ICE officer because they were speaking Spanish in public (both were U.S. citizens).  A black man was pulled over for not using his turn signal.  They noticed leaves on his windshield and said, “That looks like vegetation” and used that as an excuse to search his car.  Black people are being shot and threatened daily.

Historically, in our country, steps forward in Civil Liberties have always come by way of legislation.  Left to our own devices, we would still have laws that say, “You can’t eat here because the color of your skin if offensive to me.”

Living in a system where Civil Liberties are Legislated, allows me to pretend that we are not racist.  The racism is hidden because that type of behavior is illegal.

Now that we have a racist president, it has become okay to be racist again.  You can call the cops because there is a black man walking down “your” street.  You can call the FBI because a Muslim is talking into a cell phone in “your” mall.

So there you have it…my morning rant.

We don’t have to be country that puts up with any of this.  In fact, we were born into  the world were these behaviors would have been unthinkable.  I can’t see our Forefathers writing a Constitution that says: (1) Unlimited and unregulated guns will make us great or (2) To be a citizen you must first pledge allegiance to a Christian sect of your choice or (3) Only white people will have rights.

I you disagree with me, I’d love to hear about it.  If you agree, then I suggest you start doing something about it….Something like voting in November.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
