Republicans…Where’s the beef?

This just in: Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”

Take a moment to think about that.

Now consider the following: While president, 6 months before the next election, Trump claimed there was a conspiracy to “rig” the election against him. With all of the power of the presidency behind him, he was apparently unable to stop the “rigging”. More interesting to me is the fact that he is claiming that there was a coast-to-coast conspiracy against him in the election. Still, he produced not a single bit of evidence.

Republicans: The election was stolen.

Democrats: Show us the evidence.

Republicans: We have it but can’t show it to you until next week.

Conclusion: Since evidence would certainly help the Republican case, the lack of them showing the evidence means that there is NONE.

How about this one:

Republicans: We need to protect our country from the Biden crime family.

Democrats: Show us the evidence.

Republicans: This guy told us.

Democrats: You mean the guy that admitted to lying to the FBI about Biden? The guy that admitted to getting his marching orders from Russian intelligence?

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Conclusion: Since evidence would certainly help the Republican case, the lack of them showing the evidence means that there is NONE.

How about this one:

Republicans: The Biden administration is doing nothing about the southern border.

Democrats: You mean he is doing nothing besides the mammoth immigration bill that was crafted specifically to meet the demands of the Republican party? The same immigration bill that Biden pushed for passage? The same immigration bill Republicans voted down because they wanted to be able to say, “The Biden administration is doing nothing about the southern border.”

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Conclusion: Biden offered to do everything the Republicans wanted. The Republicans turned it down citing that it didn’t do enough. They never specified what would be enough. They are not interested in the border other than using it against their political opponents.

How about this one:

Republicans: Biden is destroying democracy.

Democrats: How so?

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Or this one:

Republicans: Donald Trump will save America.

Democrats: How so?

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Let’s face it. The Republicans have not accomplished a thing for decades. DECADES. If I’m wrong, tell me.

Republican: Trump accomplished a lot by appointing 3 justices to the Supreme Court.

Me: That was not an accomplishment. A toaster could have done that. All he did was what the Constitution said he had to do. BTW, that Supreme Court voided Roe V. Wade.

I challenge you to tell me what Biden is doing to destroy democracy, to destroy freedoms, to destroy the economy.

I challenge you to tell me what Trump or the Republican party is going to do for the country.

Be specific. If you say, “Trump will do great things,” I’ll know you have nothing. If you tell me, “He’ll solve the problem in Israel.” I’ll ask you how…and you will then say, “Trump is a great negotiator,” and then I’ll know that you have nothing.

Note: This post is written out of frustration that Trump supporters seem to be cult members to me rather than rational thinkers.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Republican Trainwreck

This just in: I’m going to try to concisely list what I think is wrong with the Republican party. This will include their leader and presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Let’s start with just the Republican Party in general.

  1. Republicans are anti-abortion. They call it “pro-life” and their justification is that they think they know the will of their version of the creator of the universe.
  2. Republicans are pro-“unrestricted ownership” of guns. They call this “pro-2nd amendment” but the reality is that they don’t want ANY gun regulations. Instead, they like “Thoughts and prayers” as the appropriate was to keep us safe.
  3. Republicans want to impeach Biden. However, they don’t know why but they have “suspicions.” The claimed to have a star witness who, it turns out, is a Russian stooge who has just been charged with lying to the FBI and fabricating 100% of the evidence the GOP claims to have on Biden and his son, Hunter.
  4. Republican continue to side with Putin and against Ukraine. This baffles me.
  5. Republicans gave Democrats a list of demands for securing the border. When Democrats surprisingly gave in to all of the demands, the Republicans turned down the bill. Their rationale is that if the border is secured, then they won’t have anything to campaign on. Now, they intend to blame the border on Biden, completely ignoring that they voted against the very legislation they wanted to secure the border.
  6. The same week the Republican party turned down billions to secure the border, the voted to impeach a Democrat in charge of securing the border. They are blaming him for the border being weak while, at the same time, voting against legislation that would secure the border.

Let’s take a look at the leader of the Republican Party – Donald Trump

  1. One of the few people in the history of the world to have a casino go bancrkupt.
  2. Claims Democrats want to change the name of Pennsylvania.
  3. Had his Charitable foundation shut down because he was using the funds on himself.
  4. Had Trump University shut down due to fraud.
  5. Was found guilt of slandering a woman he sexually assaulted. Fine over $80 million.
  6. Claimed that being famous meant he could grab women ‘by the pussy.”
  7. Has a trial starting next month about hush money paid to a pornstar he had sex with while his wife was pregnant. Hush money is not illegal but using his money for this purpose and then calling it a “legal” expense is. So is using this money to influence and election by keeping the woman quite while he was running for office.
  8. Today, was fined over $350 million for falsification of financial records.
  9. Has a trial in May for stealing and refusing to return dozens of highly classified documents.
  10. Said he would not support NATO countries even though they were in compliance with the treaty.
  11. Will be going on trial for election interference in Georgia.
  12. Trumps college proffessor in Economics claimed that Trump was the dumbest student he ever had.
  13. Trump routinely disparages the men and women of the armed service even though he never served a day in his life. He claimed bone spurs kept him out of Vietnam but there are no records to support this.
  14. Told over 35,000 documented lies while in office.
  15. Sides with Putin over the United States in nearly every instance when he had the opportunity to choose.

Both of these lists represent just the bits that I can think of as fast as I can type. The lists are far from complete but I feel they are very representative of the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

In a nutshell, the Republican Party thinks you are stupid. Donald Trump is a dim bulb conman.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


“Dog catches Bus!!”

This just in: The GOP is so incompetent that it would be funny, if not so tragic.

The Affordable Healthcare Act was dubbed “Obamacare” by Republicans to demonize what has become an extremely popular bit of legislation. Granted, it’s not perfect. My annual healthcare costs continue to rise. However, it is far better than before.

Once it was passed, Republicans spent years claiming that not only was Obamacare a big failure but that they had a better plan. If only they were in charge, they could fix everything.

Then, in 2016, the Dog Caught the Bus.

By this I mean, the GOP came into power. During the next 4 years, they did nothing to improve healthcare. They had no plan. While this became immediately apparent, it was surprising to find that they didn’t even want to talk about healthcare.

For 4 years, the GOP did ZERO to improve healthcare.

So much barking about healthcare but when they caught the bus, when they were actually in charge, they had no idea what to do.

Fast forward to today. To this afternoon.

Republicans made huge demands on border policy. To get their way, they held ransom, badly needed money for the Ukraine war.

“Give us what we want or we’ll let Putin take Ukraine!!”

So, the Democrats said, “Okay.”

The GOP quickly huddled together and said, “Oh shit. Now what are we going to do?”

Once again, they caught the bus. They got their way and have no idea how to handle it.

Getting their way is the opposite of what they wanted. To them, Obamacare and the Border are the same thing. Just a couple of issues to be pissed off about. A couple of issues to hold up and say, “Vote for us and we will fix this.”

Then they catch the bus. In the case of the border, they got what they wanted and no longer had anything to hold over the Democrats. Why vote for a Republican campaigning on border issues when the Democrats are willing to implement what the Republicans are promising to do if elected?

Their solution: Move the bar.

“Yes, you gave us what we wanted but that is not really what we wanted. We don’t want to solve this issue. We just want to be able to pretend that we will solve it but only if we are elected.”

That last bit is the part that they are not supposed to say out loud, but they have.

In recent days, there have been numerous instances and sources saying that Trump has told them to walk away FROM ANY border deal so he can campaign on the issue. He can’t promise to solve something if it is already solved.

Catching the bus and not knowing what to do with it is the perfect example of the Republican Party’s inability to govern.

Forget the Trump train wreck. Yes, he is the bigger issue but even if he didn’t exist, the GOP is still a mess.

This inability to govern has gone on for decades.

Just had to put this out there.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
