The Age of Exhausting Embarrassment has begun

Donald Trump took office today. He did this because more Americans voted for him than voted for Harris.

This leaves me with a feeling of grave disappointment. Trump is gonna be Trump; that is not what bothers me. What bothers me is that he tells us exactly who he is and people think that he is just what we need.

A Nobel Prize wining economist blames “Intellectual illiteracy.” In other words, we are stupid. I agree.

I have a few concerns right away.

  1. Ukraine will be forced to settle with Russia, giving up massive amounts of real estate in the deal.
  2. The environment is going to take a hit.
  3. I don’t think he can deport all the immigrants that he says he is going to deport but unless he is able to handpick the really nasty ones, the gang members, he is going to ruin families, businesses and the economy as his deportation numbers go up.
  4. No one wins trade wars. Tariffs will cause trade wars. Get ready for inflation.
  5. Say goodbye to NATO
  6. Say goodbye to education
  7. Say goodbye to the rule of law
  8. Say goodbye to the standing of the United States on the world stage
  9. Say goodbye to the press
  10. And finally, it will only be a matter of days before he starts talking about a 3rd term. “A woman came up to me with tears in her eyes and said Sir, sir, can you please run for a 3rd term?”

When he started his last term, I wished him the best but had low expectations. Now, I know what to expect and it’s not going to be pretty AND it might never end. Ever.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
