For Trump, it’s all about the lie

A few days ago at the African Journalist conference, Trump walked out on the stage about an hour after the event was scheduled to start. He immediately blamed the poor equipment.

Late, we find out that there was a brief and quickly resolved issue with the sound system. However, the big reason he was so late was because he refused to go on stage if they were planning on fact checking anything he said.

Think about that for a minute.

You want to go out and state your case for being president and yet feel that you can’t do that and tell the truth at the same time.

His campaign consists of 2 platforms; both wrapped in lies.

The first platform is to promise stuff. He claims to be able to solve the Israeli war in a day. Keep in mind, he put his inexperienced son-in-law in charge of resolving this while he, Trump, was president. He was going to disarm North Korea…never happened. He was going to teach Iran a lesson…and now they are building nuclear bombs. He was going to solve the border crisis…never happened. He was going to eliminate the national debt but instead grew it at a record pace.

Platform #1 works. He tells people what they want to believe to be true so they cheer him. Never mind that he never delivers.

Platform #2: Name calling. He says things like, “Joe Biden was voted the worse president of all time,” and “Kamala Harris is the worst VP every,” or “I was the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln.” These mean nothing. They are made up. Just like when he said yesterday, “The price of groceries has gone up 60% or even 70%.” Just made up.

The common thing between these platforms; the lies and the name calling is the complete lack of substance.

This is why he does not want any fact checking. He doesn’t know any facts.

Try this…take a random 2 minute clip from his next rally. Look to see if there are any facts; any policy or any insight on how to govern. If you think he said something of substance, go online and see if its true.

Or, you can bury your head in the sand because he already said something you want to believe is true.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Tide Has Turned

In my last post, I said I was going to write a series of Trump posts showing his failings with tons of documentation. I decided that is not longer needed.

If I did write those posts, they would have covered his numerous sex “missteps” ranging from calling his 13-year old daughter “sexy” and wondering out loud what sex would be like with her to rape accusations and dozens of other similar issues. I would have covered his numerous business bankruptcies. I would have covered his criminal history from his 34 felony convocations to hoarding Top Secret documents and trying to overthrow elections. I would have highlighted his foreign policy failures including Afghanistan, Syria, the Kurds, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, North Korea, China, Hungary and Russia. As a military leader I may have mentioned his bone spurs, his “I like soldiers that don’t get captured” to his failure to visit Normandy because it was too rainy. I would have questioned his moral compass over things like his racist history and his propensity to lie as easily and as frequently as he takes a breath.

However, a few things have made all of this unnecessary.

First, Joe Biden dropped out and Kamala Harris stepped in swinging hooks from left field. She is smart, quick and articulate. She is skewering Trump with his own words and actions on a daily basis. Trump has no answer because he is an empty shell of a man. His marketing instructor in college famously said about Trump, “He was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”

If he debates her, it will be game over for the Republican party.

My guess is that if Trump took an IQ test, he wouldn’t break 100 which is considered average. I’m being generous here.

What else happened? Trump appointed the worst possible person to run as his VP. JD Vance thinks people with kids should have more votes than people without kids. He calls single women cat ladies. His political experience is under 2 years as a senator. But he has what Trump wants, a wiliness to invalidate an election if Trump should lose. Remember, Pence said “no” to that and is now no longer in Republican favor.

Equally new and important is Trump’s appearance yesterday at the Black Journalists Conference in Chicago. This was truly a “King has no clothes” event. Here is a link to it. This only lasts about 35 minutes and lays bare how truly and stupendously unqualified Trump actually is. The clips from this don’t do it justice. Watch it.

Harris, Vance and Trump. This should not even be close.

I think you could pick 25 people at random from everyone in the country and have a 95% chance of every single random person being more qualified to lead a country than Trump.

The biggest truth we should take from all of this is Trump is the absolute leader of the Republican Party. They are him. Keep that in mind when you go to vote.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
