Donald Trump is a False Idol for half of America

This just in: Alice in Wonderland is starting to seem more like a documentary about the thought process of the American public than a story about the absurd.

I saw an elderly woman interviewed a couple of weeks ago. When asked why she would vote for Trump, she said, “I lost my medical coverage and I believe he will make sure I get it back.”

I watched those words come out of her mouth and just shook my head. If she represents the average American, surely all is lost.

Let’s compare Trump to Biden


  1. He is about 10 years older than I would like him to be. It’s not that he’s out of touch. I’m more concerned with his health taking a bad turn and him becoming incapacitated. However, so far he looks to be in good shape with a sharp mind.
  2. Biden supports cancelling student debt. I oppose this unless it is accompanied by a plan to prevent the accumulation of future debt.
  3. Biden got us out of Afghanistan but was rather clumsy about it.


  1. Found guilty of rape.
  2. 4 indictments that include 91 felony counts from 4 different courts.
  3. Called for the execution of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for being disloyal.
  4. Promised to take over control of media institutions like Comcast and MSNBC because they were not nice to him.
  5. Found guilty of years of fraud by the Trump organization which is now going to be put into receivership and have all of its assets sold off.
  6. As president, he gave a huge tax cut to the wealthiest Americans adding trilliions of dollars to the national debt.
  7. As president, he ordered the Kurdish soldiers to be abandon so the Turks could swoop in and wipe them out. These has been our best allies against Syria.
  8. As president, he slow-walked national response to COVID causing an estimated 400,000 unnecessary American deaths.
  9. Trump University was found guilty of fraud, ordered to be disolved and to pay $25,000,000 in damages.
  10. Had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and then paid off the pornstar to keep him quiet.
  11. Told his staff not to allow wounded veterans to attend his public appearanced.
  12. Does not like soldiers that were captured.
  13. Avoided the draft due to bone spurs that have never shown up in any medical examination.
  14. Has more than 34,000 documented lies to the American public while in office.
  15. Wants to give Putin the land that Putin took from Ukraine.
  16. Has a long history of not paying for services rendered to him. Most recently, his lawyers.

But wait. That’s all about Trump. Let’s look at the Republicans…

  1. Want to execute Taylor Swift because she is encouraging people to register to vote.
  2. Want to impeach Biden even though they have no evidence of any crime.
  3. Routinely ignore subpoenas from Congress.
  4. Have multiple people listed as co-conspirators in Trumps effort to overturn the election.

Let’s interview a Republican and see how they repond.

Me: What is your plan to fix inflation.

Republican: No, you shut up.

Me: What is your plan to fix healthcare.

Republican: No, you shut up.

Me: What is your plan to end gun violence?

Republicans: Make sure everyone has a gun.

Me: What is your plan to cut spending?

Republican: Cut out food stamps, free school lunches and basically anything that might help the poor.

Me: What is your position on birth control?

Republican: No abortions. No birth control. No education about birth control

Me: Since there has been ZERO evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, what is your position?

Republican: Since we lost, we believe it was stolen. Our belief is our evidence.

Me: Why do you want to shut down the government?

Republican: Because Trump told us to. This way we can defund the DOJ and keep Trump out of jail.

Me: Aside from banning abortions and giving guns to everyone, what is your platform.

Republican: Platform? Platform?! We don’t need a stinking platform!

So there you have it. Everything I just wrote is easily verifiable.

And yet, nearly half of Americans will vote Republican because the believe Trump was sent to them by God.


Time to save the world.

Up, up and away….


I’ve made a huge mistake (Finale)

This just in: I intended to stay with Fox News for a month for all of my news information. I was wondering if I would come to like the hosts. Perhaps I would become acclimated to their perspective. I wanted to be able to see “the other side” of things and this seemed like a good idea.

I lasted 8 days.

I basically saw ZERO news in 8 days. Well, aside from some hurricane coverage.

Here is a typical segue: Sean Hannity is preparing for a commercial break and says, “When we come back, Senator J.D. Vance is going to tell us what a disaster the Biden administration has been.”

Take that and repeat it over and over and over again. No specifics. Nothing like, “Biden did this and then the following happened.” No. It was more like, “Liberal policies are ruining our country.”

What’s a liberal policy?

Or then there is the “San Francisco is defunding its police department.” No one from San Francisco is interviewed. No mention of the police attack by Republicans on January 6th. No mention of ignoring the rule of law when it comes to the 91 Trump indictments. No. Just “Liberal policies are ruining our country” and wild accusations that even a child can see to be nonsense.

However, they keep on putting out the same dirty pile of nothing. I guess that they do this because there is an audience for it.

Imagine that. A large portion of our country tunes into Fox News every day to find out what they should be mad about.

There are no solutions discussed…ever.

It’s as if they walk out their door in the morning and find something they don’t like. “It’s a beautiful day today but liberals want you to spend your hard earned dollars funding China’s global warming hoax.”

The hosts, throughout, are cringe-worthy. I thought I might get used to it but every time one came on I would think, “How do you go home at night and face your children knowing what you did today?”

So, I gave up.

I didn’t go back to MSNBC or CNN not because they are biased but because they only present one side of the story. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying, “They all do it.” Fox is an outright propaganda machine peddling hate. The other side just spends too much time telling me what a criminal Trump is; something I already know.

I like ABC.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
