Wedge Issues

This just in: We like to think that elected officials, those that we choose to govern us, will base their actions on facts. We like to think that when they run for office, they will try to differentiate themselves based on values. “Here is what I believe in.”

The Republican Party has long abandoned this type of behavior. Instead, they tell you what they want you to believe about their opponent. “My opponent is a pedophile. Yes, there is zero evidence to back this up but because I said it…there is a chance that it might be true to vote for me because I said something that you want to hear.”

This brings me to the topic of Wedge Issues. To me, these are issues that are either completely false or are seen as a way to capture “single issue voters.”

Pro-LIfe: Republicans want you to believe that they are pro-life and thus, their opposition must not be. This appeals to voters that want an issue where they can take a stand to feel good about themselves while not actually doing anything. Keep in mind, these Republicans that want to control a woman’s right to control her body, are the very same people that didn’t want to wear masks to protect others during the pandemic.

Gun Control: Republicans want you to believe that Democrats want to take away your guns. Never mind that Democrats have never said this. So, people vote Republican on this issue because it makes them feel patriotic, “Republicans are standing up for my second amendment rights.”

Masking during the pandemic: Republicans made a big show of standing up for their right to not wear a mask. Never mind that wearing a mask protects others far more than it protects the mask wearer. “I am a tough person that refuses to wear a mask because I am not afraid to give you a deadly virus.”

Voter Fraud: Trump claimed voter fraud because he is delusional and can’t cope with the idea that his streak of personal failures continues to grow. Republicans seized on this idea because it allows them to keep non-Republicans from voting. “Stop the steal by keeping non-whites from the voting booth.” Notable is that the very few instances of voting fraud I had seen evidence of in the last 2 years has been by Republicans.

Critical Race Theory: This is a rarely taught, college level topic that investigates society’s role in racism. Research has been unable to find a single instance of this topic being taught below the college level, anywhere in the country. “As a Republican, I am against teaching our kids that they are racists.” This statement, of course implies that Democrats feel the opposite.

All of these are examples of Republicans, not earning your vote by accomplishing something, but rather trying to scare you into not voting for the other side.

Who falls for this stuff?

Well, I was in Kentucky a couple of weeks ago. A guy comes up to me and says, “This company is socialist because they make us have co-pays in our health insurance.” When I asked what was socialist about this practice that is ubiquitous across the country he said, “I’m in favor of the white Christians that fought for our country.” At his point, I began to wonder if this person was even capable of feeding himself.

He will vote the exact opposite of how I will vote. His vote will cancel mine.

I’m not always right but I do my best to be informed. It’s my duty to question what I hear and not to simply believe something just because I want it to be true.

Here is a music video:

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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