Roe V. Wade etc

This just in: There is so much wrong with today’s Republican Party that I just don’t know where to start. How about with Row v. Wade.

First of all, I have no skin in this game. Personally, I don’t care if abortion is a Federally protected right or not. Well…I care a little but I’m not directly impacted.

Having said that, I find the hypocrisy of conservatives rejoicing at the presumed Supreme Court action to be both astounding and predictable.

Republicans are nothing if not hypocritical.

Let’s make a list…

  1. The party of “family values” loves Trump who was married 3 times and paid off a porn start to stay quiet about their fling while his current wife was pregnant.
  2. The party of “small government” interferes routinely in non-governmental issues such as abortion.
  3. The party of “fiscal responsibility” ran up an 8 trillion dollar debt in just 4 years with nothing to show for it.
  4. The party of “the constitution” is actively working to suppress the vote and supports the violent insurrection of January 6th.
  5. The party of “democracy” has several vocal members supporting Putin. This includes their party leader, Trump, who recently claimed Putin is a genius.
  6. The party of “pro-life” instantly abandons its concerns for human life once birth has occurred.
  7. The party of “Repeal and Replace” Obama care has yet to come up with even a 1-page outline of a plan to do so.
  8. The party of “Democrats are pedophiles” recently had a multi-page list with backup documentation published on Reddit that listed hundreds of elected Republican officials that had been found guilty of child pornography. Here is a link to a sample.

I think you get the picture.

Here is the sad part: In public view, for everyone to see, the Republican Party has failed, for decades, on every aspect of governance. The “say” things and then act like they actually “did” things even though they haven’t.

Don’t say, “show me your evidence.” To do that, I would have to tape your eyelids open and then block Fox news for a few days.

Here is the bottom line: We can’t have nice things because voters keep electing incompetent people. They elect incompetent people because they are gullible.

Don’t blame the Supreme Court for overturning Roe V. Wade.

Blame the people that voted for a Republican.

Here is a music video…

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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