Hypocrisy = Republican

This just in: I struggled with the title of this post. Part of me wanted to point out the close partnership between Republicans and misinformation. Part of me wanted to point out their lack of ANY platform. In the end, I decided Hypocrisy is their closest and most accurate descriptor.

Let’s start with abortion. My opinion is that they should be allowed. I have 3 main reasons for this: (1) The Constitution says so, (2) Women bear the burden and it is their body and (3) Making them illegal has no impact on the total number of abolitions; it just increases the number of “alley” abortions which puts the woman’s life in danger.

The Republican view: God made me do it. God wants me to be against abortions because he loves life. God loves life so I love life. Although I like freedoms, I only like them when they impact me. “me” being a white, male Republican legislature in Texas.

The sanctity of life and the value of freedoms is their rallying cry; as if the other party doesn’t like these things. “Vote Republican because we love puppies!!” tells their sheep that to not vote Republican is to not like puppies.

The sanctity of life ends, apparently, at birth. At that instant, the Republican Party mantra becomes, “Keep your lazy hands off of my stuff!” Speaking of abortion, the new Texas law prohibits abortion for rape. Texas justifies this by saying, “We will end all rape in Texas.” (note: Texas leads the nation in rape cases) They say, “You have 6 weeks to get an abortion” apparently unaware that 90% of women are unaware that they are pregnant at 6 weeks.

The appreciation of liberties ends once you want something different from what they want. You want same sex marriage, they will legislate against you. You want gay rights? They will legislate against you. You want to end the pandemic by using science? They will legislate against you. You want to save the planet for our children’s children? They will legislate against you. You want everyone to have the right to vote easily? They will legislate against you. You want fiscal responsibility? They will sell you on the scam known as Trickle Down economics. You want to get out of endless wars? They will sell you fear.

You want the truth? The Republican Party will give you propaganda.

I was watching Morning Joe this morning and they had on the Georgia Lt. Governor, a Republican. He actually said the following, “Americans support Republicans on 9 out of 10 issues.” There are two things that are really weird about this: (1) I can’t name a single Republican issue unless its pro-guns and anti-abortion and (2) I can’t think of a single issue that Americans favor the Republican position over a Democrat position.

One last note on this abortion issue. I am not a woman but I believe that a woman that chooses to have an abortion does so after giving it an agonizing mental debate. It is not, “I think I’ll go buy some shoes and then get an abortion on the way home.” It is not easy and it is a decision that they know they will carry with them their whole lives. I trust them to make a decision that is right for them.

I trust them to make the decision that is right for them.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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