Laziness Results in Fascism

This just in: If I ever had to sit in a room with a bunch of elected officials to try and resolve some very simple issue, “what’s for lunch?” as an example, I would would be soon looking for a window to jump out of.

There are objective arguments and subjective arguments. Take math as an example of an objective argument. Someone presents a research paper for peer review and it gets trashed. Why? The argument goes like this: “I trashed this because in line 3 you failed to carry the 3 and thus reached a wrong solution.” Everyone could agree on that. Everyone.

In a subjective argument, someone at a school board meeting says, “We need to burn all books that have any content that contradicts the bible.” An opposition argument may be, “Who says that your interpretation of the bible is correct and how do you know that you know the will of God?” The first person will fire back with, “No, you shut up.” Both convincing arguments and the winner is simply a matter of opinion.

Politics, which should be packed with object based arguments is nothing more than a bunch of voices spouting unsubstantiated opinions with a belief system that says, “The louder one is the more right one is.”

So count me out.

I have dibs on this position of non-participation. I expect better out of you.

Local, state and national offices are being filled with people wearing QAnon t-shirts because the rest of us have more important things to do.

Thus, we get the government we deserve.

I feel that we may be reaching a tipping point where one of two things will happen. First, we may say, “Enough of this bullshit” and get some rational people to run for office. Alternatively, we may just say lazy and let the QAnon idiots take over.

Interestingly, the choice is completely ours.

So get out there and participate. I’ll watch.

Here is a cute video…

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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