What a Fool Believes

This just in: I think that there is wrong-think amongst the American populace. Excuse my Orwellian “newspeak” language but I feel that “wrong-think” is an apt description for how we view our political structure. Of course…this only applies to people that aren’t me.

Let’s start with my theory, developed through observation, that there are 3 types of Republicans. (1) There is the man on the street; in rural America. This person is a loyal Republican and has been so for generations. (2) There are the super rich that will never have enough for themselves. Finally (3) Elected Republican officials.

Here is how the three operate together. The super rich pay the elected officials to take advantage of the gullible “loyalists”. All in one political party.

If it suits the Republican Party to hate Russia, then the elected officials say, “We hate Russia” and the loyalists agree. If the next week it suits the Republican Party to love Russia, they say, “We love Russia” and the loyalists agree.

If the Republican Party says, “BLM protests are too violent” the loyalists agree. If the Republican Party says, “Attacking the Capital is all a part of legitimate political debate” the loyalists agree.

If the rich need a tax break, they pay a Republican who tells the loyalists, “You will be getting a higher paying job because of a tax cut” and the loyalists believe. When the better jobs never happen, the Republicans do two things: (1) Collect their bribes from the super rich and (2) Blame the Democrats on the lack of new jobs.

When Republicans do everything in their power to stop Biden from accomplishing anything on his agenda, they blame Biden for not accomplishing his agenda and the loyalists agree.

When Donald Trump was found guilty of working with Russia to win the 2016 election, Republicans reported that the exact opposite was the actual findings; and the loyalists agreed in spite of direct and overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Having about 50 million Americans that practice virtually no critical thinking on their own is quite an advantage. The Republican Party can do whatever they want and 50 million people nod knowinging.

It’s like in the book 1984. At one point, a character notices that the enemy of the state seems to be the exact opposite of what he was told just a short time earlier. He never quite makes the effort to see that he is being told opposite stories. This enables Big Brother to claim progress in non-existent wars while giving the masses an enemy to be made at. In a Big Brother world, there is no need for critical thinking.

I find this both disappointing and frustrating.

I’m disappointed that we, as a county, are made up of so many sheep.

I’m frustrated that logical argument and direct evidence have no impact.

For example: Everyone wants bridges to be updated. When Biden fails to get the money because Republican opposed his agenda (just because they don’t want him to get credit,) then the bridges don’t get fixed. When you point out to a Republican loyalist that the reason bridges are not getting fixed is because Republican officials stopped it, the loyalists disagree. They can see the votes and still disagree. Ask they what they think happened and they will say, “Biden is a failure” as if this explained something.


Now for a music video.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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