Enemy of the State – Republicans

This just in: I have learned to hold it in; this frustration with politics. Every now and then I need to let off a bit of steam and this blog is my outlet. Time to let off some steam.

I fly a lot. Every time I go to the airport and get on a plane, I blame the Republican Party for the fact that I have to wear a mask. They didn’t create COVID but, when they were in charge, they did nothing to stop it. This was because they don’t know how to get stuff done. Now that the Democrats are in charge, Republicans actively try to stop efforts to stop COVID so they can blame the Democrats.

Let me summarize;

  1. When Republicans are in charge, they stop progress by doing nothing and preventing the minority party from offering to help.
  2. When Democrats are in charge, they propose massive legislation which then stalls in the Senate because they don’t have a 60% majority and thus, the minority Republican party can once again stop progress.

Do you want everyone to have free and fair access to the ballot box? Do you think the vote of the people should determine the outcome of elections? If the answer is “No” then you are a Republican.

Do you want infrastructure repairs and updating? If the answer is “No” then you are a Republican.

Do you want universal healthcare? If the answer is “No” then you are a Republican.

Do you think Science and Facebook are equally good places to get facts? If the answer is “Yes” then you are a Republican.

Do you think that the invasion of the Capital on January 6th was an FBI plot or just a bunch of pushy tourists? If “Yes” then you are a Republican.

Do you think Joe Rogen knows more about COVID than Dr. Fauci? If “Yes” then you are a Republican.

If you think a state legislature should be able to overturn the votes of the people in their state because they voted for a Democrat…Then you are a Republican.

Do you think Joe Biden won the election? If “No” then you are a Republican.

I think you get the point.

However, the Democrats have let me down as well.

Joe Manchin and Kristen Sienna are two Democrat senators that have sold their soul for money.

Diane Feinstein has been MIA.

Dems are failing to pass voting rights.

How do we fix this?


Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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