Evaluating what your vote means about you.

This just in: I’m about to get judgmental.

Let me give you an example. The Republican Party is basically the party of white supremacy. Not everyone in the party is a racist but most are enough so that they legislate to keep nonwhites from voting and immigrating. They also vote against nearly every equal rights bill that is put before them. Now, because they are primarily racist, to vote for them is to support a party that is primarily racist. It does not mean you are a racist…or does it?

Let’s begin.

If you vote for a Republican, you are voting for ignoring what the best scientists in the world are recommending with regards to handling the pandemic. One of Trump’s lead advisors has said that this cause more than 120,000 avoidable deaths in the United States. If you vote Republican, these deaths are caused by you.

If you vote for Democrats, you are voting to follow the advice of the best doctors in the world. You are voting for mandatory vaccinations, masking and all of the other things we can do to protect ourselves and our fellow countrymen.


If you vote Republican you are voting for the “promise” of economic growth and the lowering of the national debt. You are voting for what they actually gave you which is marginal growth and the largest debt and deficit in American History…by a large margin.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting for spending and taxation plans that pay for things all Americans need without putting they burden of financing it on the backs of the poor or future generations.


If you vote Republican, you are voting for the “promise” of massive infrastructure funding. The Republican Party promised this from the primaries in 2015 all the way through the end of Trump’s presidency. To be clear, you are not voting for infrastructure funding, you are voting for an perpetually unfulfilled “promise” of infrastructure funding.

If you vote for Democrats, you voted for the largest infrastructure funding bill in decades. You voted to have your taxes spent to make sure our country stays up with the rest of the world while making improvements that will benefit every person in the United States.


If you vote Republican, you are voting against the democratic idea that one person equals one vote. You are voting against free and fair elections. You are voting against self government.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting to allow all Americans the equal right to vote and equal representation regardless of the color of your skin.


If you vote Republican, you are voting for the “promise” of better healthcare, no….great and highly affordable healthcare. This is a promise the Republican Party has been making for generations. To date, they have not put forth a single bill to make this happen.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting for a party that supports universal healthcare. You are voting for a party that wants to make healthcare affordable to all Americans.


If you vote Republican, you are voting for a party that has voted down every single initiative to fight climate change.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting for a party that is leading the world in solving the climate crisis. You are voting for a party that sees jobs and better lives for our children through innovation and progress in “green” technologies.


If you vote Republican, you are voting for the promise of a stronger and safer America. You are voting for the party the entire world sees as corrupt and self serving when it comes to national interests. You are voting for the party that caters to China, Russia and North Korea. You are voting for a party that actively seeks the dissolution of NATO.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting for a party that sees strength in our international alliances. You are voting for a party that actively promotes democracy around the world while keeping a guarded eye on authoritarian governments.


If you vote Republican you are voting to keep immigrants out of the country. Specifically, immigrants that are not white or are not Christian.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting to improve our immigration system so that we can let in all natures of people seeking to live in a free democratic society.


If you vote Republican, you are voting for government by soundbytes and government by obstruction.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting for action; real action.


If you vote Republican, you are supporting armed insurrection to overthrow our government when the majority of Americans didn’t vote the way you wanted them to.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting for the rule of law.


If you vote Republican, you are voting for a massive transfer of wealth from the average person to the already extremely wealthy.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting for ALL Americans to enjoy Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Just sayin…

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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