The failure of government

This just in: Winston Churchill once said, “Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”

Without a lot of expertise about “all the others that have been tried,” I get his point and think he may be right.

Today, I’m making another list. This is a list of government failures and….since we are a democracy…these are our failures as well.

  1. We don’t have Universal Healthcare while dozens of other countries have shown how it can be made to work perfectly well. Rich people are unaffected by this fact.
  2. Drugs cost far more in the United States than in all other countries. Rich people are unaffected by this.
  3. While both political parties cater to special interests, only the Republican Party openly governs in accordance with the wishes of the highest bidder. Rich people benefit from this.
  4. Republicans can stop a voting rights act, even though they are the minority party in the country. Racists benefit from this.
  5. We can’t pass a Build Back Better plan that is aggressive on climate change. Big oil and coal benefit from this.
  6. We can’t raise taxes on the rich and on corporations to pay for the Build Back Better. The rich benefit from this.
  7. Misinformation is unregulated causing people to act in ways that are in direct opposition to their own benefit. Republicans, and thus the rich, benefit from this.
  8. We only educate our population through k-12 for free instead of paying for college education. The rich benefit from this.
  9. Child care and parental leave in the United States is far worse than in other countries. The rich are indifferent to this.
  10. White collar crime is rarely punished, is not timely and is disproportionately inadequate. The rich benefit from this.
  11. We do little more than pay lip service to climate change. The rich benefit from this.

Interesting, at least to me. I started making this list and decided after the first point, to make a quick note as to who might benefit. After 11 points, I began to see a trend. Another interesting point is that I cannot find a single failure of government that benefits the poor instead of the rich.

Reach your own conclusion.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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