The Texas Taliban

This just in: I see little difference between Texas and the Taliban.

With the Taliban, women are controlled by white men that run around armed to the teeth. The only difference between this and Texas is that the Taliban insist their women wear masks. Also, Texas men ride around in F150’s sporting confederate flags while the Taliban has a mix of used Toyotas and giant, indestructable vehicles left behind by the U.S. army.

I have a great Idea for a new show on the History channel. It will be based on the new Texas law banning abortions. I will call it Abortion Bounty Hunters.

Texas makes it a crime similar to terrorism if you get an abortion at 6 weeks or later. Note that most pregnant women are not even aware that they are pregnant at this stage. Anyway…if you are a private citizen, you can get money if you report someone getting an abortion or helping them get an abortion.

Now, the smart Abortion Bounty Hunter will not go after the women. Why? Because making abortions illegal does not lessen the number of abortions; it just makes people get them in alleys where the mortality rate is significantly higher than at a clinic. So, don’t go after the women because they may not live to pay up.

Instead, go after the person that gave them a ride to the abortion alley. Or, go after the person that lent them the phone to call Uber for a ride to abortion alley. Or go after a friend that may have said, “If I were you I would get an abortion.” Each of these can net you $10,000. Ka-Ching!!

On a completely unrelated topic…the governor of Florida is an idiot. In that state, any business or organization that asks for proof of vaccination will be fined $5,000. So, want to keep your patrons safe from anti-vaxxers? Only let people in the door that you have actually seen getting the vaccine.

I feel another History Channel show coming on…maybe something like Anti-Vaxxer/Anti-masker Vigilantes of the Everglades.

I can’t make this stuff up.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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