In just one day…the news

This just in: Please make it stop!

Yesterday, the Republican Leader in the House has said publicly that the Republican Party will not forget those companies that comply with a Congressional subpoena with regards to the January 6th insurrection. In other words, if these companies don’t help Republicans obstruct Congress, they will be punished. He said this publicly!

Yesterday, a 27-year old junior Republican Congressman seemed to promote violence as a response to the falsehood of Trump’s election loss being stolen. His spokesman said he was joking. I watched and didn’t see it that way.

Anti-maskers are taking school board meetings by storm. Threatening, shouting and bullying. Why? Because they want their children to have the freedom to spread COVID to other students. It’s really that simple.

Biden got us out of a forever war. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz, who fled Texas when the weather got bad, blames Biden for leaving people behind. Keep in mind that the Biden Administration started telling Americans that they would need to get out of Afghanistan LAST MARCH!!

As an ex-wrestler, I find Gym Jordan discusting.

Is there any difference between (1) believing that horse de-wormer will protect you from COVID and (2) believing that a multi-millionaire preaching on television knows the will of the creator of the universe?

Texas just passed a law that makes an abortion after 6 weeks a crime that is equivalent to terrorism. Doctors report that 90% of women are unaware that they are pregnant at 6 weeks.

At my hotel this morning, I had an egg, potato, ham, bacon and cheese thing for breakfast that was so good I think I may have experienced time travel.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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