Soundbites for the Intellectually Lazy

This just in: “The bullshit asymmetry: the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.” – Antonio Brandolini

I have used this quote before. It sort of goes along with the LBJ idea of “Make him deny it.” The thought is that if you are “denying, you are losing.”

Where am I going with this?

I have been watching Republicans for the last couple of years saying the most ridiculous things in support of Trump. For example: “The Mueller report completely vindicates Trump. Go ahead and read it for yourself.” They say this knowing that the Mueller report listed 10 instances of Trump obstructing justice. Not one. Not 4 or 5. 10!!

They tell you to read the report for yourself in order to increase the likelihood that you won’t. Faithful followers think, “My-oh-my… if he wasn’t telling the truth he wouldn’t say that…therefore…he is telling the truth.”

Today I watched one Republican after another say that there was nothing criminal or wrong in the whistleblower report. They even said, “Read it for yourself.”

They know two things when they say this. First, they know that someone like me will read it and then I will know that they lied. They know I have been doing this all along and therefore I know that they lie and am not likely to vote for them in the future. Secondly, they know those that are still Republicans are such because they don’t bother to check on the facts and will not do so in this instance.

The lies, in public, are just soundbites to be played on rural American’s conservative radio stations and on Fox News. These media outlets won’t play both sides, they will just play what the base wants to hear.

This makes everything fall into place. I once thought, “How can they lie like that when evidence that directly exposes them will be brought up within moments?” The answer: They don’t care. They are not lying for me. They are lying for the intellectually lazy. They are lying for people that still vote Republican.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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