Is Donald Trump a Republican Messiah or a Sex Offender?

This just in: The verdict is in on the Donald Trump trial.

You may ask: “Do you mean the tax/insurance fraud case in New York?” or “The insurrection case?” or “The hush money case?” or “The case of election interference in Georgia?” or “Stolen secret documents case?”

The answer would be: None of the above; at least, not yet.

The verdict that came in is for the defamation case where a woman accused Trump of raping her and his response was to ruin her career.

Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Not guilty of rape. That was never the charge in this case. Rather, guilty of sexually assaulting this woman and then denying it and thus ruining her career.

You probably already knew this, unless you listen to Fox News.

I did give Fox a listen this morning. While the other networks were all about Trump being found guilty or Republican Santos being indicted for fraud (he’s the guy that keeps lying about everything) or about gun control or about the debt ceiling or about Republican scoffing at the idea that a trial by one’s peers is even fair..while this was on other networks, Fox reported that a dog won the Westminster dog show.

Fox also reported that at 9:00 am they would be covering evidence that Hunter Biden’s laptop showed all kinds of criminal activity. I turned in at 9:00 am and there was one sentence that said something like “Later today will be the report Biden has been fearing.”

This is like the Pillow Guy spending 2 years saying, “Next week I’ll reveal all my evidence that the election was stolen.” By the way…still waiting on that big reveal.

So, a little hairy dog won a big prize and soon, we will hear more about something that will be released at a later date.

Fox news viewers are glued to their TV’s waiting for the next teaser.

Me…I have a world to save.

Up, up and away…


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