The problem – Uneducated Rural America

This just in: Although the mid-term elections didn’t turn out nearly as bad as prophesized, I still find myself disappointed in the fact the nearly 50% of Americans think that the Republican party will either (1) accomplish something that benefits people in general or (2) will save people from the evil secret plot of the Democrats.

It all comes down to education, critical thinking and an open mind.

Of course, I credit myself with all three of these traits while, at the same time, acknowledging that I may be the delusional one.

Let me just throw a few names out there…

Hershel Walker, Jim Jordan, Donald Trump, Clarence Thomas, Lindsey Graham,

These people, and others like them, represent the worst that humanity has to offer and yet, they are the Best of the Republican Party.

I don’t want to go into details because (1) you already know and (2) if you don’t already know its because you don’t want to know and (3) listing the details would take years and cost thousands of lives.

The short version of the list is: (1) Lies, (2) Fear-mongering, (3) Lack of solutions to problems and (4) Ignoring the law.

I find all of these bothersome however its the last one that troubles me the most. It means you can do anything you want so long as you are famous or in a position of power. Trump pointed this out years ago with his, “Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Yesterday, Trump ignored a subpoena from a Congressional committee. The consequences – Nothing. I would be in jail. You would be in jail. Trump, is putting on the third green (aka not in jail).

This is all very frustrating to me. I don’t want the Republicans in jail. I want fair treatment under the law for everyone. EVERYONE.

On the bright side, Trump will declare his candidacy for president soon; possibly today.

The GOP infighting should be spectacular.

In the end, our government is broken but, our country is not.

We have criminals in office and gullible people willing to help keep them there.

And yet, we are still standing.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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