
This just in: One thing that I feel certain about is that someone has been radicalized. I’m less sure that that “someone” is not me.

Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m the one that is drinking the Kool Aide.

If so, how did that happen? I don’t watch Fox News so maybe I’m missing out on “facts”. I watch some MSNBC but am well aware of their biases. Most of my news comes from Reddit where virtually every news outlet is represented. It’s Front Page represents those articles that have been upvoted by readers as being legit, fair and newsworthy. Maybe this isn’t perfect but it’s as close as I can get to “real news.”

So, let’s suppose I have been radicalized. How would this impact my perception of reality? I’ll post a few opinions that I have about the Republican Party and you decide if I’m wrong; if my view of reality has been skewed.

  1. The leader of the Republican Party is Trump. He is possibly one of the worst human beings ever to gain public notoriety. He’s a life-long grifter, a liar, an insurrectionist and bully. The documentation supporting this seems to be vast. His incompetence while in office is well documented.
  2. I saw a guy on TV the other day say it was unfair that the Liberal Communist Media was picking on Trump. Think about that…Liberal….Communist….Media. Where did he get that from? What is a single example of a liberal media being communist?
  3. Republicans seem to have a political platform that boils down to: Let’s cherry pick some things that are not going well and blame Democrats. The implication is “Since we noticed inflation, you should assume that we have a secret plan to fix it.” They don’t.
  4. There is a Far Side cartoon where a book from treating different horse ailments is “Shoot.” This reminds me of the Republican solution to every economic problem: Tax cuts for the rich (aka trickle down economics). Note: not only is this one of the most widely panned economic policies of all time, it is the very same policy that nearly sank the economy in the UK just a couple of weeks ago.
  5. Republicans seem to have an affinity for Putin.
  6. Republicans seem to be very tolerant of Racism.
  7. Republican have absolutely no problem looking you right in the face and claiming that Trump won the last election. They do this while being well aware that it is a lie.
  8. Republicans work hard at voter suppression as a way to win elections. Why not try doing so with sound governing solutions.
  9. It there is a Republican platform beyond “blame Democrats” it is, “Stop the Democrats from achieving anything that will make them look good.” In other words, if the Democrats had a magic potion to cure cancer, the Republicans would vote against making it available.

In the end, my Radicalization has not resulted in my “opposition” to policies but rather my “disgust” at behaviors.

For example: If someone wants to win by suppressing a vote, just say so. Don’t be such a coward that you need to hide your motive. Just say, “I have nothing to offer so I need to keep that people that are likely to notice that from voting.” That would be so refreshing.

I’m tired of the lies and manipulation. It’s resulted in my radicalization; a state where I feel like the Republican Party has nothing to offer in the way of solution for anything. Radicalization has caused me to see Republican voters as being easily manipulated, intellectually lazy and at the very least, tolerant of racism.

This disappoints me.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


One thought on “Radicalized!

  1. Could not agree more – disgust and exhaustion from the Republican platform of lies, greed, intolerance, and all things lacking in human integrity.

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