Take a breath…then vote

This just in: Trump, the pandemic, the death of John McCain…all of this and more has revealed something about the soft underbelly of America – That being that fearful people walk amongst us.

These fearful (aka angry) people often call themselves Evangelicals. They think of themselves as Patriots. They are racists. They have temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. They believe in conspiracies and think “facts” are optional.

Gather all of these people into one room and you’ll find one common thread…they are all Republicans.

You can’t argue with them. I stopped trying a long time ago.

There is only one thing to do; only one way to make their whining fade into the background.


If you want laws enforced…vote out Republicans.

If you want hate to be addressed constructively…vote out Republicans.

If you want rationale and thoughtful government that is equally representative of all Americans…vote out Republicans.

Not voting is the same as voting FOR a Republican.

You matter. Make a difference.


Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


I want your opinion...try to be nice...

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