Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

This just in: According to many MAGA Republicans, if Donald Trump was the president today, there would be no war in Ukraine. Should you believe this?

The answer is NO. There is a reason for this. The Republican Party has a long history of promising and then not delivering.

Let’s just take a couple of examples.

How many of you are enjoying the replacement for Obamacare that the Republicans promised you would get as soon at they were in power? No one? Really? Could it be that after a decade of promising to “Repeal and Replace”, they actually did nothing about it once they were in power? Ask them about it…crickets.

How many of you enjoyed filing your taxes on a post card and then watching as our national debt dropped after the Republicans passed a massive tax cut for the rich? No one? Really? Instead, we got a massive $8 trillion added to the national debt.

The Republican Party has made itself a national party by promising all sorts of things and then actually delivering nothing; excepts wealth to their donors.

It’s not like they do this some of the time or most of the time. They do it ALL of the time.

They are a 1-trick pony.

Why do we keep falling for this? The answer is psychologically based. We think things like “Well, maybe they can’t deliver on this or that promise but if only a little bit is true then its worth the risk.” Or, there is the “fear factor”. This is the same thing churches use to fill the tray. “Follow us or go to hell.” Republicans will tell you that you will lose your guns, or a recession will hit or we’ll be thrown into a needless war. All just made up to feed your fear.

Here is the news…not even a little bit is true.

As educated voters, we need to stop being Charlie Brown when Lucy offers to hold the football for him to kick.

Here is a music video…

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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