Let’s Compare!

This just in: I’ve decided to compare how three entities feel about various issues that affect all of us. These entities are (1) The American public in general, (2) The Democrat Party and (3) The Republican Party. To get the American public response, I’m typing in the question in my Google browser.

Issue #1: How do you feel about money in politics?

American Public: 65% to 77% want money out of politics

Democrats: Routinely vote to try to get money out of politics

Republicans: Routinely vote to maximize money in politics

Issue #2: Should there be more gun control legislation?

American Public: 70% say yes.

Democrats: Yes

Republican: No

Issue #3: Do you support the latest pandemic relief spending bill?

American Public: 70% say yes

Democrats: Yes

Republicans: No

Issue #4: Do you support the Biden $2 trillion infrastructure bill?

American Public: 66% to 79% support the various major parts of the bill. Americans that identify as “republican” suddenly drop their support to 45% when they hear that it is Biden’s bill.

Democrats: Support

Republicans: Against

Issue #5: Do you support DACA (immigration issue regarding kids brought in)

American Public: 74% support it

Democrats: Support it

Republicans: Against it

Issue #6: Do you support raising the taxes on the very, very rich to pay for stuff?

American Public: 54% said yes

Democrats: Yes

Republicans: No

Issue #7: Did you support the Republican tax cuts in 2017

American Public: 34% said yes

Democrats: No

Republicans: Yes

Issue #8: Do you support the current voting rights bill in the senate?

American Public: 67% say yes

Democrats: Yes

Republicans: No

I know there are many, many more issues that I could go over but you get my drift. The Republican party supports money and the power that money brings to them. They do not represent democracy nor the people that vote to put them into office.

Just sayin…vote for whomever you want to.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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