The “low bar” of tolerance

This just in: Whenever I see a gun’s rights advocate on TV, I can help but think, “That is the last person in the world who should have a gun.” The same seems to be true with White Supremacist’s. When I see one of these “haters” on TV claiming to be a member of the superior race, I think, “If there were 2 people left alive on the entire planet and that white supremacist was one of them, he wouldn’t be my first choice for picking someone to be superior at anything.”

There was a time in my life when I felt comfortable in my “non-racist” shoes simply because I had some black friends or I treated blacks and whites the same. I could see racism but so long as I turned my back on it, I was in the clear. No guilt.

I remember going to my cousin’s house once a year. They lived up in the hills here in California. The “N-word” was common at their house. At a very young age, probably 6 or 7, I understood that the cousins I loved were basically uneducated and had been taught to be racist by their parents. Kids know these things.

As I grew up, my keen sense of right and wrong got dulled. Friendships, puberty, sports….they all vied for center stage in my life and I never once noticed that among those friends I held most dear, were racists.

Facebook changed that. Now separated by decades, I see kids that I grew up with posting the nastiest, racist things I could imagine. One kid, Sean R., posted that Obama was, “a sand nigger.” I blocked him immediately. That was a few years ago. Since then I have blocked dozens of people for similar instances.

“Blocking” racists on Facebook is not enough. Not any more. I need to actively speak out as well as to actively listen. My position today is that racism must be confronted. It is not okay with me and I will let you know that is how I feel.

If you post a complaint on Facebook about “Poor me, I have to select from two languages at the ATM because illegals won’t learn English.” I’ll tell you that is racist.

And…I will not change a single mind.

There are several reasons that I will be ineffective. One is that racists don’t think they are racist. They think they are right. This is why I mentioned “actively listen” above. If someone calls me out, I will not knee-jerk some justification for what I may have said or done. I want to really look at my actions; especially if they were enough to have someone else call me out. I’m not perfect. I guarantee I’ll make a mistake. I’ll judge someone wrongly and only by self-reflection will I be able to fix that about me.

Another reason I will be ineffective at stopping racism is that it is taught to us by our parents. We learned that it was not only justified, but they racism was expected. Parents never say, “Okay son, time for your racist lesson.” No, they’ll teach by showing. They’ll use derogatory words. They’ll blame their failures on others. Kids see this. Kids learn.

I think 2 things need to happen for us to start ridding ourselves of racism. First, we need to elect leaders that will constantly promote tolerance of races, religions, countries of origin and sexual orientation. Secondly, we need to actively show harsh intolerance of leaders that don’t.

Let’s take a quick quiz…

Which political party is against LGBTQ rights?

Which political party told us that Mexicans are rapists?

Which political party told us that people from Muslim countries are terrorists?

Which political party is slow to denounce acts of white supremacy?

Which political party blames China and Chinese for United States’ poor response to Covid?

Which political party thinks that it is okay to make it more difficult for black people to vote?

Which political party thinks non-white countries are “shit-hole” countries?

The answer to all of these is, of course, the Republican Party.

This political party reigns supreme where I grew up; down near Bakersfield. I still have a lot of friends there and, by far, they are not racist. But some are and I miss them, knowing that they will never become something different. It hurts me to write this but as I said earlier, I can no longer just turn my back on this issue and act like I have done enough.

I grew up Republican. But things changed for me. The Republican Party of today is as racist as a crowded KKK rally. Forget, for the moment, that the GOP is all about QAnon, lack of science, fake news, climate change denial, corruption, anti-vaxxer and anti-masker. Forget all of that. Knowing that they are undeniably racist should be enough.

It is for me.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


2 thoughts on “The “low bar” of tolerance

  1. I unfriended Sean Any years ago due to his posts…..I have unfollowed so many friends recently. I stand with you against racism.

    • Yes Jim growing up in a town where most black people were basically living in the same area due to racist behavior of the past. I am not proud of the fact that I didn’t see that I basically turned my back on it and had no reason to see it as any other thing than normal. I was part of the problem when I was younger but once I started working in a world that was much more diversified I changed much of my outlook on life. I am not WOKE but I am waking up

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