Golf Hazards

This just in:  Last week, I threw my 6-iron over a fence.

I didn’t plan on it.  It just happened. 

I saw a video on YouTube that said, “Swing your golf club and then let it go.  It will fly in the direction you are aiming your shot.”  Sound advice so I thought that I’d give it a whirl.

The setting: I’m at a driving range in San Diego.  I’m getting ready to play with 6 of my old Navy buddies.  We do this every year.  So, I’m warming up and for some reason, that YouTube video came to mind.  Since the driving range is not really a range; more of just a net you hit into, it seemed like the perfect time to throw a club.

So I did.

However, being unused to this idea, I held on a little too long.  The result was the club, instead of flying into the net 10 feet in front of me, actually flew about 30 yards over my head and landed in an area directly behind me that was surrounded by a tall fence with a locked gate.

There was no way in other than going over a fence that was specifically designed to not be climbed.  I eventually made it over and only tore both my shirt and my pants.  No worries though.  I had my club back. 

The return trip looked like a piece of cake as there was a ladder on the inside of the fence where I now found myself.  I used it to get up the fence but then, had to jump down from about 6 feet up.  No climbing down slowly because that was a sure way to rip my clothes even more.

I made the jump and twisted my ankle.  I rolled around for a bit of dramatic effect before getting up to dust myself off.  That was when I came face-to-face with the grounds keeper who had been watching the entire episode from a few feet away.  A grounds keeper that also had a key to the gate that was currently locked.

He just smiled and asked if I was okay.

It’s been two weeks now and I’m still limping.

The moral of the story here is obvious – Fuck YouTube.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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