How to keep a secret

“For three to keep a secret, two must die.” – Benjamin Franklin

Sure, I want the person that got the most votes to be the president of the United States. However, there is one group that I would choose over that majority.

If there was an entity that was so efficient that it could control tens of thousands of voting stations, voting machines, the US Postal Service, those overseeing voting and all of the other bits and pieces of the machine that is the United States, voting system…if there was an entity that was so efficient it could control all of these and change the outcome of the National Vote for president without leaving a single shred of evidence…I would want that entity to be in charge.

I don’t think that three people could successfully steal a twinkie from the local market without leaving any evidence; including security video surveillance. They especially couldn’t pull it off if the store was told “Next Tuesday, 3 people are planning on stealing a twinkie from you.”

Yes, Trump’s lawyers would stand outside a courtroom and claim they had all sorts of evidence. This was plastered all over the “Websites for the Gullible” and on Faux News. These same lawyers would then go into the courthouse and the following would happen:

Trump Lawyer: The election was stolen and there was fraud everywhere.

Judge: Let’s see your evidence.

Trump Lawyer: Well, we don’t have any but we will.

Judge: When?

Trump Lawyer: Let me get back to you on that.

The reason the lawyers would lie to you but not to a judge is that you can’t disbar them while the judge can. By the way, they never came back with evidence which is why 60 of these lawsuits were thrown out.

So, voter fraud never happened.

Sure, some guy tried to vote for his dead mom or some neighbor threw out another neighbor’s ballot. These guys are just stupid/idiotic outliers. I would take a bet that more people misspelled their last name on a mail in ballot than cheated on the election.

This should be clear and indisputable.

I guarantee it is clear to Trump and every single Republican that voted to ignore the votes of millions of Americans because “Their guy lost.”

Now, a mob attacks the capital chanting, “Merica!” “Hang Mike Pence” “Stop the steal.”

Where did they get these ideas?

The Republican Party and Trump. They promoted the anger with information that they knew to be false in an attempt to overturn the will of the American people.

And then they did the most amazing thing…

After the coup attempt, Republican seeing fingers being pointed their way said, “Hey, this is a time to heal, not make accusations.”

To this I say, “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.”

Every single Republican that voted to overturn the election should be expelled and tried for sedition.

Every. Single. One.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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