2 minutes of hate

This just in: I recently watched 1984 (I do this every few years). There are so many things in this story that ring true. In the story, there are big TV screens everywhere. Big Brother watches you through the TV’s. Every so often, it’s time for the “2 minutes of hate.” Everyone stops what they are doing and yells at the TV while an announcer talks about the various “enemies of the state”. Everyone gets worked up by the propaganda on the screen.

I think FOX news is a lot like this.

For example, yesterday, Fox Host Tucker Carlson said things like, “Why should we trust this vaccine? Why doesn’t anyone tell us how effective it is? Why is it such a big secret?” This type of rant went on and on.

The thing is, Every. Single. Channel. That is not on Fox, routinely answers all of these questions and has been doing so for months. Tucker Carlson is just throwing out something for people to hate; something for them to get mad about.

Last week, out of nowhere, Carlson started complaining about women in the military getting pregnant. He thinks the military needs to be more masculine. Notable that he has ZERO experience serving in the military himself. He just wanted to give Fox viewers something to hate.

In 1984, the main character, Winston Smith, has a job that is basically, rewriting history.

This seems like one of the first chapters in the Republican playbook. The GOP is now claiming that the capital was stormed on January 6th by people that are law abiding who only wanted to get turkey legs from the local food trucks; They certainly would never hurt the police. Apparently the 140 officers that were injured in this attack, one killed by the crowd, either don’t count or…this never happened; at least according to the rewrite.

Some might equate this “rewrite of history” to hypocrisy. I know I do.

The GOP did all they could to stop the recent economic recovery package from passing; this, even though 75% of Americans wanted it. Now that it has passed, Republicans are scrambling to take credit.

Mitch McConnel says getting rid of the filibuster will stop the senate from being productive; completely ignoring the fact that the senate is completely unproductive now and has been for the last 6 years.

The Republican Party is corrupt and racist. This is really not something that people dispute short of rewriting history. “Yes I spoke at the White Supremist rally but I was only there to sell Tupperware” or “Yes, I did sell my stocks to take advantage of the economic collapse caused by the pandemic but I only wanted to make money that I would pass on to the poor; but I just forgot that last step and accidentally bough myself a new house instead.”

Now that this post is up, Republicans can read it and….hate.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


I Interview Republicans

This just in: I have been watching CPAC highlights over the last few days. This is a conference in Florida where Republicans get together and masturbate. The reviews have not been stellar so I thought I’d talk to a few “composite” Republicans to get their take.

Me: I see that you are all about Freedom and the Constitution. At least, I heard a lot of people saying they would “fight” for such things. Does this mean that you now support voting rights?

Republican: Of course we support voting rights; specifically the right to block people from voting against us. We also support the right to lie about election outcomes if we lose the election. It’s really all about freedom baby!!

Me: But when you tell gullible peo….I mean….when you tell Republicans that the election was stolen, even though you know it was not, aren’t you really trying to make the election be overturned in the most un-democratic and anti-constitutional method possible?

Republican: Look, there is tons of evidence that the election was rigged.

Me: They why don’t you share that information?

Republican: We will…in a couple of weeks.

Me: Moving on…why don’t you wear masks at the convention in accordance with the recommendations of the best medical minds on the planet?

Republican: It’s all about freedom. We should have the freedom to infect and kill as many fellow Americans with COVID-19 as we want.

Me: Kind of like your position on guns?

Republican: Exactly!!! You really get me.

Me: Since you brought up the pandemic, tell me about your plan to help the economy recover. You seem to be against the 1.9 Trillion dollar bailout that has the support of the greatest economic minds in the country.

Republican: We have a plan. We will be releasing it in a couple of weeks.

Me: Staying with the pandemic, it looks like it is really putting a strain on healthcare and causing extreme financial distress for many families unable to afford healthcare. What is your plan to help with this?

Republican: A couple of weeks…

Me: Texas looks like they screwed the pooch with their “Freedom Electrical Grid” where they allowed profit-seeking power companies to be in charge. What say you?

Republican: Texans have the freedom to fly to Cancun if they don’t like the weather. Just ask freedom loving Ted Cruz.

Me: Staying with economic issues, why are Republicans against raising the minimum wage? People making starvation wages are a huge financial burden on the rest of the country.

Republican: If people want to make more money…they can move to Cancun.

Me: What?

Republican: In two weeks…

Me: Off the record (fingers secretly crossed), it appears that you have no position on anything. You have no plan to solve anything. Your only hope is to influence people by saying the words, “Constitution” and “Freedom” over and over again while banging your hand into your fist.

Republican: Off the record? You are correct. But…it works! High five!

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


What a Fool Believes

This just in: Quite possibly my greatest disappointment to arise from the Trump presidency is not Trump’s behavior but rather, what our reaction to his behavior has told me about our country.

My plan now is to make a list of the things that people are willing to believe. Now, of course, I’m doing this from my Hero Castle high on the hill as I look down on the lesser beings however, let me say this, “I am far from being immune to believing in conspiracy theories.”

For example, I believed Bush had evidence of WMD’s in Iraq in spite of his inability to show any evidence. I once believed that Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy is spite of the fact that the only argument against it was that he made a better than average shot.

It’s easy to get caught up in these theories. Especially if everyone around you believes in them AND its a conspiracy that you “want” to be true AND you take no steps to investigate the validity because you don’t want to find evidence that is counter to what you want to believe.

Having laid out all of this “fine print”, let’s get to my list:

  1. With zero evidence that a court would be willing to accept, people believe Trump when he claims the election was stolen from him.
  2. People believe that there are actually people walking on the planet that know, for certain, the existence of God as well as his exact will for you with regards to behavior. There are millionaires today that exist simply because people pay them to pretend to be the spokesperson for the entity that created the entire universe.
  3. People believe that COVID-19 is a hoax.
  4. People believe that the Republican Party is not a corrupt money-grab but is actually a group of elected people whose priority is to represent the will of those that put them into office.
  5. People believe that Climate Change is a hoax and cite as proof, there is still snow in the winter.
  6. People believe that unregulated Capitalism is the best way to run an economy.
  7. People believe that undocumented immigrants are the reason that all of the high paying jobs are out of reach of high school dropouts in the rural south.
  8. People believe that vaccines cause autism.
  9. People believe that wearing masks is a government experiment to see how easy it is to get the masses to do something that is completely unnecessary.
  10. People believe that Trickle-Down Economics is something that actually works.
  11. People believe that Donald Trump loves America because he said so.
  12. People believe that Blue Lives Matter unless they are protecting the U.S. Capitol against insurrection. In that case, it’s okay to kill as many as you can.
  13. People believe that the statement, “We need to find ways to stop gun violence in our schools,” translates into, “We need to take away everyone’s guns.”
  14. People believe that the color of their skin (white) makes them superior to the color of the skin of other people (specifically, non-white skin).
  15. People think “entertainment” shows like Hannity or Fox and Friends are the same thing as real news.
  16. People think the Democrat Party is harvesting material from the bodies of children to create life extending potions for themselves.
  17. People think the people that stormed the Capitol wearing MAGA shirts and hats were actually anti-Trump people that were trying to make Trump look bad.
  18. People think only they are worshiping the right deity and everyone else that does not agree with them is wrong. This is only a problem when they try to squash those that believe differently. A ban on Muslims traveling to the United States for example.
  19. People believe that mass shootings are government sponsored events to justify taking away guns.
  20. People believe Donald Trump.

I could make a list of things people don’t believe. For example, people don’t believe that science is any more accurate than posts on Facebook. But, I’ll save that list for another day.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


How to keep a secret

“For three to keep a secret, two must die.” – Benjamin Franklin

Sure, I want the person that got the most votes to be the president of the United States. However, there is one group that I would choose over that majority.

If there was an entity that was so efficient that it could control tens of thousands of voting stations, voting machines, the US Postal Service, those overseeing voting and all of the other bits and pieces of the machine that is the United States, voting system…if there was an entity that was so efficient it could control all of these and change the outcome of the National Vote for president without leaving a single shred of evidence…I would want that entity to be in charge.

I don’t think that three people could successfully steal a twinkie from the local market without leaving any evidence; including security video surveillance. They especially couldn’t pull it off if the store was told “Next Tuesday, 3 people are planning on stealing a twinkie from you.”

Yes, Trump’s lawyers would stand outside a courtroom and claim they had all sorts of evidence. This was plastered all over the “Websites for the Gullible” and on Faux News. These same lawyers would then go into the courthouse and the following would happen:

Trump Lawyer: The election was stolen and there was fraud everywhere.

Judge: Let’s see your evidence.

Trump Lawyer: Well, we don’t have any but we will.

Judge: When?

Trump Lawyer: Let me get back to you on that.

The reason the lawyers would lie to you but not to a judge is that you can’t disbar them while the judge can. By the way, they never came back with evidence which is why 60 of these lawsuits were thrown out.

So, voter fraud never happened.

Sure, some guy tried to vote for his dead mom or some neighbor threw out another neighbor’s ballot. These guys are just stupid/idiotic outliers. I would take a bet that more people misspelled their last name on a mail in ballot than cheated on the election.

This should be clear and indisputable.

I guarantee it is clear to Trump and every single Republican that voted to ignore the votes of millions of Americans because “Their guy lost.”

Now, a mob attacks the capital chanting, “Merica!” “Hang Mike Pence” “Stop the steal.”

Where did they get these ideas?

The Republican Party and Trump. They promoted the anger with information that they knew to be false in an attempt to overturn the will of the American people.

And then they did the most amazing thing…

After the coup attempt, Republican seeing fingers being pointed their way said, “Hey, this is a time to heal, not make accusations.”

To this I say, “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.”

Every single Republican that voted to overturn the election should be expelled and tried for sedition.

Every. Single. One.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


I have the answer

There is a 1-word answer to all of the following questions:

  1. Why were protesters allowed to storm the capitol?
  2. Who has been fanning the flames of racism and hate in our country?
  3. Who has been lying to the American people about the election results?
  4. Why did over 4,100 Americans die yesterday from Covid-19?
  5. Why is Trump still in office?
  6. Who blocked economic relief for months?
  7. Who told you that Covid-19 was a lie?
  8. Who enabled Trump at every turn for the last 4 years?
  9. Who is actively working against a national healthcare system?
  10. Who is actively working to reduce/eliminate Social Security?
  11. Who opposes raising the minimum wage?
  12. Who actively works to keep the opposition from voting?
  13. Who thinks Climate Change is a hoax?
  14. Who tried to overturn the election on Jan. 6th?
  15. Who ruined the reputation of the United States around the world?
  16. Who fights fiercely to keep big money in politics?
  17. Of the two political parties, which do studies show, by far, act against the wishes of those that elected them?
  18. Which political party leads the poorest states in the country (by far)?
  19. Which political party doesn’t want to get rid of the Electoral College because then “the most votes will count.”
  20. Which political party acts as if either (1) they are stupid or (2) they think you are?

The 1-word answer is: Republican

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The End of a Tragic Presidency

Trump is gone. The only thing left is for us to watch about 3 months of temper tantrums as Trump struggles to overturn a democratic process while complaining about how unfairly he’s been treated.

Here is what I want to see happen under Biden in no particular order:

  1. Rejoin the Paris accord.
  2. Overturn all of the environmental protections that Trump overturned.
  3. Staff his cabinet with Republicans and Democrats. I like Warren for Sec. of Treasury. I think Budajudge needs to be in their someplace. I think the Attorney General should be from an opposing party. Obama would be a great Secretary of State…or maybe put his wife there.
  4. Fix the tax code. This means repealing a code that benefited me; the one recently passed by Republicans. Tax businesses and the wealthy in accordance with dominant Economic thought…not with “how can I benefit my donors?”
  5. Get money out of politics. So long as this does not happen…Trump will happen again.
  6. Fix the rapidly expanding gap of income inequality. We benefit when we don’t leave people behind.
  7. Fix college debt. I have only seen one plan for this that I like – one where you can pay off $10K a year by doing volunteer work.
  8. Drop all of Trump’s tariffs. Tariffs have a role but Trump’s imposition of them was childish and worse than ineffective. They actually hurt our economy.
  9. Racism off all kinds needs to be confronted…without rest. Hate against color, against religious beliefs, against country of origin, against political affiliation – there should be no room for this kind of hate in a modern society.
  10. Restore belief in science. Fix the CDC for example. Climate change needs to be understood as something real. Economics is not just doing what you want without consequences.
  11. The State Department has been decimated. We’ve lost experienced people but more importantly, we have lost global respect.
  12. Call out and put an end to the birthing places of destructive thought. Fox news should not be allowed to call themselves news. Qanon, militias etc, all need to be dug out of their holes and discarded. We have aircraft carriers to fight other military enemies. We need to go after these misinformation sites with the same level of effort.
  13. Invest in infrastructure. Yes, the debt is huge but, borrowing money right now is really, really cheap and we need a way to get people back to work. Don’t just sent them checks. Send checks to people that take a job to rebuild.
  14. Fix healthcare. I don’t know how to do that but…we have several other countries that have figured it out so let’s ask them some questions.
  15. Get rid of Gerrymandering
  16. Get rid of the Electoral College
  17. Rethink “2 senators per state.” For example, South Dakota has 2 senators which is about 1 senator per 450,000 people. In California, we have 1 senator per 20,000,000 people.
  18. Our “balance of power” does not seem to work. A corrupt president can be controlled by Congress and the Supreme Court…unless…Congress is led by sheep like Mitch McConnel or if the Supreme Court is packed with partisan judges.

Now, every time I post one of these lists…I immediately think of things that I left out…But…this is what I have so far.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


My Covid Survival Guide

This just in: It’s been more than seven weeks since I got on a plane. This is the longest period of time for me that this has happened for the last 30 years. I travel a lot and now, being stuck at home, I have to find a way to survive.

Here are a few things that I am doing. I’m not saying you should do them as well but…they work for me.

Routine: I have things that I make myself do every day. I don’t want to simple sink into my couch, eating Coco Puffs and watching reruns of Leave It To Beaver. To make sure I do something, I have, of course, a list. I have 20 things to do every day and my goal is to do at least half of them. My list includes things like spending time learning a second language on Duolingo (an app that I strongly recommend). Reading a book is on my list as is writing a story or a blog post. I pick up a guitar and strum it a bit (that’s all I know how to do) and then I get credit for advancing my guitar skills. If I go to the driving range (which is now allowed), I get a check on my list. At the end of the day, I should be able to look back and say, “Today, I did something worthwhile.”

Exercise: This is a tough one. For me, I have three keys things that define my exercises: (1) It has to be something I can do easily so I don’t find an excuse not to do it (2) It can’t hurt my “old man” back and (3) I pace myself. So, every day I either do pullups or pushups. Every day I do core work and yoga (these help my back). Every day I ride my stationary bike for 25 minutes and walk at least 4 miles. I try to never over do exercise. My natural tendancy is to do just a little more every day. However, if I do that, I’ll eventually get to the point where there is too much to do and I won’t do it. So, I pace myself and stop when I plan on stopping even if I think I can do more.

Food: If you know me, you know I love food. When I have a lot of time on my hands, my mind naturally defaults to “A donut would be nice right about now.” So, I do a few things to fight this. First, my list of things to do includes one thing “Not to Do.” I actually get a check on my list for not eating anything sweet. Secondly, I track my weight and if I come in at over 200 lbs, I have to record that figure in red. For some reason, I find it motivational to try and not have any red numbers in this list. Thirdly, I use a smaller plate for meals whenever possible. Avoiding dessert has very little impact if you eat 5,000 calories a day of other stuff that is not considered dessert.

Relationships: We all need time to ourselves as do our spouses. Years ago, my wife and I came to an agreement about CAVE TIME. At any time, either one of us can say, “I need some cave time.” This is a way of saying, I just want to be left alone for a bit. There is nothing bad about it. It’s not saying, “I don’t want to be around you”…instead, its saying, “For now, I just want to be around myself.” When one of us wants cave time, it is immediately granted without question and no hard feelings are ever incurred.

Binge TV: I watch the morning new and the evening news and then I binge. I have Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu. The Hulu package costs half as much as my Direct TV package and offers more channels and services.

Fear: The future is unknown. Thus, we can make up whatever we want to make up about what may happen. We each get to choose what we want to let occupy our minds. If you choose to be fearful of the future, fine. However, I recommend realizing that you are afraid of something that has not yet happened. Want to get out of that Fear Rut? Make a gratitude list. My experience is that you can’t be grateful and fearful at the same time.

Now…gotta go save the world.

Up, up and away…

Donald J. Trump is a Coward

This just in: I’m not a psychologist but I like to play one on Facebook. In this “opinion” piece, I will lay out my case for Donald J. Trump, our Commander In Chief being labeled as a coward.

Let’s start with the easy stuff. He went to a pseudo-military school so that he could play “brave soldier” and then suddenly developed a rare form of bone spur that kept him out of an actual war. By “rare” I mean he has the only bone spurs in history that self-healed. This is why he doesn’t have them any more.

Another easy one – He’s a bully. We all learned at a very early age that the bully on the playground was actually a coward. Bullies never pick on the bigger kid. They choose battles where they are the overwhelming favorite and then attack.

Trump is illiterate. Now, there are varying degrees of illiteracy. One thing that all illiterates have in common is the fear of being discovered. They don’t want you to know that they can’t read or, as in Trump’s case, ready very poorly.

Trump fires people by text message. He does not have the strength of character to see these people face to face. Only when they are not around does he fire them and then call them things like “disgraceful”.

Trump never takes the blame. The one bedrock of leadership; that one thing you learn by just ready in the introductory pages of a leadership text is that the Buck Stops Here. A leader takes the blame for everything underneath him. If his CDC failed him, it’s not the CDC’s fault. As the leader, it’s Trump’s job to make sure the CDC is capable. Trump, however, overseas nothing. He waits for something to happen and then, if it’s good, he did it. If it’s bad, he had nothing to do with it.

Trump is a misogynistic racist. I put these two together because they are both inspired by the fear of being out performed by someone that others may see as inferior. Keep women down because if they outperform you, then you will hear about it on the playground, “Trump got beat by a girl.” The same is for Hispanics, Islamics and Chinese. Yes, Trump uses them as scapegoats but at the very core, he fears them.

Trump idolizes bullies. This is a birds of a feather thing. Think Putin, Kim Jong Widebody, Erdogan, Xi Ping whatever. He fears them so he saddles up next to them. He then does their bidding. For example, Putin said he didn’t interfer in our elections and Trump supports him as he trashes the entire NSA. Erdogan says, “We are coming into Syria so get out of the way.” Trump does as he is told.

Trump praises North Korea since the alternative would be to face the fact that he has failed miserably. He fears facing this fact.

Trump is homophobic. People that are homophobic are really just afraid that they may be gay themselves and are afraid you may notice that.

Trump didn’t close down Airlines from China until after the airlines did it because he feared making such a big decision.

Trump didn’t use the Defence Authorization Act because he feared that there would be push-back and that would make him appear wrong.

Trump has abdicated his leadership role in the pandemic so that he can take credit for the work of others while not taking the blame at any step along the way. (He claims to have saved millions of lives so far)

Trump only keeps relatives and lapdogs in his inner circle. Qualifications are not required; only loyalty. He fears the truth getting out.

At no point in the last 3+ years have I looked at Trump and not seen a coward.

Now I ask myself: “Is it important that our leader have courage?”

In my humble opinion, I’d rather have a leader that says, “We have a major problem on our hands and I’m going to do what I think is best to fix it” as opposed to the Trumpian path of “I’m afraid to act so instead, I’ll pretend everything is fine and maybe it will go away.”

We will not emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic intact and in short order because of one thing: We have a coward for a president.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Trump is the death of America

This just in: I have been sitting on my hands for some time now. Once upon a time, I felt that the corruption in Washington was so subtle that I needed to point it out. Trump wears corruption and incompetence like a badge of greatness.

But that isn’t the real issue. As always, the issue is that Americans, at least some Americans, seem to be okay with his performance.

Just today, I saw a post that said something like, “We are lucky to have a president that works 20 hours a day for free trying to save us.”

There is just so much that is wrong with this. First, Trump is not working for free. Just by staying at his own resorts when he golfs he earns tens of millions a year. He actually charges premium rates to those that must stay at the resorts to protect him. Trump gets up early but doesn’t report to work until around noon; the hours before that are spent rage-tweeting at the television. He has a reputation for skipping intelligence briefings and seems unprepared for most of what is thrown at him on a daily basis; prefering to lie as if he knows something rather than actually bothering to know something.

Let’s face it… America is no longer great. Yes, we have a largest economy in the world but that wealth is only felt by a very few. Yes, we have the best doctors and hospitals, but only for those that can afford them. Yes, we are a democracy but 25 other countries have higher rated democracies than us.

Now let’s talk Covid.

Once upon a time, we were a great country and we did great things. Need a vaccine? No problem. We’ll put the best minds in the world to work on it. Need testing equipment? No problem, we’ll bend the economy to make whatever we need and it will be ready right now. Need leadership? We have the strongest leaders that elections can give us.

Today…we have an ex-labradoodle breeder in charge of finding a vaccine. He replaces the actual expert that dared to say that Trump should not be pushing snake-oil cures to the virus.

I taught leadership for 2 years when I was in the military. Trump exhibits ZERO leadership skills. None. He doesn’t accept responsibility. He berates people in public. He show no loyalty to those that have risked everything to stand with him. He does not trust those that work with him. He has no ability to listen to the advice of others. He is hot-headed, especially at times when a cool head is needed.

These lack of skills are self-evident. He should be out of office. People are dying because of his lack of leadership on the pandemic. He was warned months in advance. He did nothing. He was warned weeks in advance. He did nothing. He was warned that is was on our shores and he told the American public is would be gone by April. He just made that up.

Just like he makes up everything else he is telling us about the virus. He made up the idea of injecting disinfectants into our body as a cure. He could have consulted with experts but instead, he is shooting from the hip.

I have a book entitled Everything Trump Touches Dies. I think we can take that title literally. Our democracy is dying. Trump is killing it and he doesn’t even know it. He actually thinks he is doing a good job.

Trump is damaged goods and I’m not sure how much blame we can hang on someone that is as mentally gone as he is.

However, the Republicans that were briefed on the pandemic and then sold stocks while telling their constituents everything was fine…these people are the problem.

People posting that Trump is heroically working 20 hours a day for free…they are the problem.

Mitch McConnell saying that he wants to allow states that are predominantly Democrat to go bankrupt…is a problem.

Putting a labradoodle breeder in charge of what should be a Pandemic Manhattan Project…is a problem.

Just sayin.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…



This just in: It has long confounded me that there are people that support Trump. I have a few theories. These don’t apply to everyone but there are enough separate buckets of rationale to create a fairly large base for him.

There are the racists.

There are the intellectually lazy.

There are those that benefit financially.

There are the evangelicals, which is really just a subset of racism.

Now I have a new category. A category that may be the biggest yet. A category that disappoints me the most.

This category is as follows: There are people that find Trump’s behavior acceptable.

Pretty simple statement. But I think it speaks volumes about the character of those that this statement describes.

These are bright, educated people. They are our neighbors. They understand what Trump does and says. They understand the impact that he has on our children, our families, our states and our country. They know what he has done to our standing in the world. They know the sideroad he has taken our country down; a sideroad to insignificance.

They know all of this and yet, they find it acceptable.

I don’t know how they can do this but I imagine that they are wonder how I can’t.

So now, when I come across a Trump supporter, I have a better understanding of the contempt that rises up within me; a contempt that is unwelcomed but hard to contain.

When I see a Trump supporter, I see someone that knows all about who he is and yet still find him acceptable.

To me…that is unacceptable.

Up, up and away…
