This just in: I recently watched 1984 (I do this every few years). There are so many things in this story that ring true. In the story, there are big TV screens everywhere. Big Brother watches you through the TV’s. Every so often, it’s time for the “2 minutes of hate.” Everyone stops what they are doing and yells at the TV while an announcer talks about the various “enemies of the state”. Everyone gets worked up by the propaganda on the screen.
I think FOX news is a lot like this.
For example, yesterday, Fox Host Tucker Carlson said things like, “Why should we trust this vaccine? Why doesn’t anyone tell us how effective it is? Why is it such a big secret?” This type of rant went on and on.
The thing is, Every. Single. Channel. That is not on Fox, routinely answers all of these questions and has been doing so for months. Tucker Carlson is just throwing out something for people to hate; something for them to get mad about.
Last week, out of nowhere, Carlson started complaining about women in the military getting pregnant. He thinks the military needs to be more masculine. Notable that he has ZERO experience serving in the military himself. He just wanted to give Fox viewers something to hate.
In 1984, the main character, Winston Smith, has a job that is basically, rewriting history.
This seems like one of the first chapters in the Republican playbook. The GOP is now claiming that the capital was stormed on January 6th by people that are law abiding who only wanted to get turkey legs from the local food trucks; They certainly would never hurt the police. Apparently the 140 officers that were injured in this attack, one killed by the crowd, either don’t count or…this never happened; at least according to the rewrite.
Some might equate this “rewrite of history” to hypocrisy. I know I do.
The GOP did all they could to stop the recent economic recovery package from passing; this, even though 75% of Americans wanted it. Now that it has passed, Republicans are scrambling to take credit.
Mitch McConnel says getting rid of the filibuster will stop the senate from being productive; completely ignoring the fact that the senate is completely unproductive now and has been for the last 6 years.
The Republican Party is corrupt and racist. This is really not something that people dispute short of rewriting history. “Yes I spoke at the White Supremist rally but I was only there to sell Tupperware” or “Yes, I did sell my stocks to take advantage of the economic collapse caused by the pandemic but I only wanted to make money that I would pass on to the poor; but I just forgot that last step and accidentally bough myself a new house instead.”
Now that this post is up, Republicans can read it and….hate.
Time to save the world.
Up, up and away…