Fire and the Theater

This just in: It is illegal to yell “fire!” in a crowded theater when there is, in fact, no fire. This comes from the Supreme Court saying that free speech doesn’t mean you can speak in a way that causes harm to others.

If this is true…does it only apply to theaters or the word “fire”?

How about telling people that if they evacuate a hurricane evacuation zone, FEMA will confiscate their homes? Republican are saying this a people are staying home when they should get out of town.

How about telling people that the reason your home was destroyed by a hurricane is because Democrats can control the weather? Republicans are saying this to demonize and create hate between people of different political beliefs.

How about telling people not to wear masks during a global pandemic?

How about telling people that vaccines are just a government plot?

How about telling people to get ready to war against their neighbor should Trump not win the next election?

How about telling people that people with different color skin than yours are eating your pets?

I could go on and on and on.

For me, there is no difference. The Republican Party is yelling some version of “fire” in ways that are harmful and dangerous.

Last night I was watching the Weather Channel as they gave out warnings and updates about the latest hurricane. “If you stay home, you may be killed.”

I switched to CNN and got more of the same information. Then Biden came on and pointed at Republicans like Trump and MTG. He told them to “stop it” in reference to the lies and false information they were propogating.

Next, I flipped over to Fox where they were saying, “We just want Kamala to stop funneling money from FEMA funds to illegal immigrants. This is a false statement. Fox knows it’s false but they get paid by having high viewership so they put it on because angry viewers gobble it up.

On a plane last Sunday, I sat next to the president of a Christian university that was severely damaged by hurricane Helene. He said the following:

  1. The private sector was great. They were out in force to help their neighbors. You could tell by the number of helicopters that were all over the place helping people. FEMA was nowhere around. He knew FEMA wasn’t there because “I would know a military helicopter if I saw one.” I wanted to ask him why so many mountain people had their own helicopters and why were they all equipped and trained in Search and Rescue. But I stayed quiet.
  2. I mentioned that the biggest newspaper in the state and his state’s governor both publicly stated how FEMA and the federal government were really stepping up to the plate and helping everyone. He said, “Of course they say that. If they don’t, Biden will cut off help.”
  3. He went on to tell me that private Christian schools like his were important because “No one else is going to teach today’s kids the morality they need to learn.”

This was a university president. I just nodded and pondered what it must feel like to be inside of a cult.

What can I do about this? What can you do?

My best advice is to vote.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


For Trump, it’s all about the lie

A few days ago at the African Journalist conference, Trump walked out on the stage about an hour after the event was scheduled to start. He immediately blamed the poor equipment.

Late, we find out that there was a brief and quickly resolved issue with the sound system. However, the big reason he was so late was because he refused to go on stage if they were planning on fact checking anything he said.

Think about that for a minute.

You want to go out and state your case for being president and yet feel that you can’t do that and tell the truth at the same time.

His campaign consists of 2 platforms; both wrapped in lies.

The first platform is to promise stuff. He claims to be able to solve the Israeli war in a day. Keep in mind, he put his inexperienced son-in-law in charge of resolving this while he, Trump, was president. He was going to disarm North Korea…never happened. He was going to teach Iran a lesson…and now they are building nuclear bombs. He was going to solve the border crisis…never happened. He was going to eliminate the national debt but instead grew it at a record pace.

Platform #1 works. He tells people what they want to believe to be true so they cheer him. Never mind that he never delivers.

Platform #2: Name calling. He says things like, “Joe Biden was voted the worse president of all time,” and “Kamala Harris is the worst VP every,” or “I was the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln.” These mean nothing. They are made up. Just like when he said yesterday, “The price of groceries has gone up 60% or even 70%.” Just made up.

The common thing between these platforms; the lies and the name calling is the complete lack of substance.

This is why he does not want any fact checking. He doesn’t know any facts.

Try this…take a random 2 minute clip from his next rally. Look to see if there are any facts; any policy or any insight on how to govern. If you think he said something of substance, go online and see if its true.

Or, you can bury your head in the sand because he already said something you want to believe is true.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Tide Has Turned

In my last post, I said I was going to write a series of Trump posts showing his failings with tons of documentation. I decided that is not longer needed.

If I did write those posts, they would have covered his numerous sex “missteps” ranging from calling his 13-year old daughter “sexy” and wondering out loud what sex would be like with her to rape accusations and dozens of other similar issues. I would have covered his numerous business bankruptcies. I would have covered his criminal history from his 34 felony convocations to hoarding Top Secret documents and trying to overthrow elections. I would have highlighted his foreign policy failures including Afghanistan, Syria, the Kurds, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, North Korea, China, Hungary and Russia. As a military leader I may have mentioned his bone spurs, his “I like soldiers that don’t get captured” to his failure to visit Normandy because it was too rainy. I would have questioned his moral compass over things like his racist history and his propensity to lie as easily and as frequently as he takes a breath.

However, a few things have made all of this unnecessary.

First, Joe Biden dropped out and Kamala Harris stepped in swinging hooks from left field. She is smart, quick and articulate. She is skewering Trump with his own words and actions on a daily basis. Trump has no answer because he is an empty shell of a man. His marketing instructor in college famously said about Trump, “He was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”

If he debates her, it will be game over for the Republican party.

My guess is that if Trump took an IQ test, he wouldn’t break 100 which is considered average. I’m being generous here.

What else happened? Trump appointed the worst possible person to run as his VP. JD Vance thinks people with kids should have more votes than people without kids. He calls single women cat ladies. His political experience is under 2 years as a senator. But he has what Trump wants, a wiliness to invalidate an election if Trump should lose. Remember, Pence said “no” to that and is now no longer in Republican favor.

Equally new and important is Trump’s appearance yesterday at the Black Journalists Conference in Chicago. This was truly a “King has no clothes” event. Here is a link to it. This only lasts about 35 minutes and lays bare how truly and stupendously unqualified Trump actually is. The clips from this don’t do it justice. Watch it.

Harris, Vance and Trump. This should not even be close.

I think you could pick 25 people at random from everyone in the country and have a 95% chance of every single random person being more qualified to lead a country than Trump.

The biggest truth we should take from all of this is Trump is the absolute leader of the Republican Party. They are him. Keep that in mind when you go to vote.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Trump Truths Part 1: My political positions

This just in: I have decided to write a series of blog posts about Trump. Each post will focus on a specific issue such as Foreign Policy, Sex, Business etc. I’ll try to minimize guesswork and stick with the facts; providing links where possible.

To do this, I think it only fair that I first lay out my political positions. While I’m a registered Democrat, I have zero party loyalty. I vote for the person that best aligns with my positions.

To set the stage, let’s start with my favorite quote from Abraham Lincoln: “The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves — in their separate, and individual capacities.”

For example, I can’t fight off Russia but as a country we can. I can’t build every road I need but as a country we can. There is a bit of socialism here in that we are nationalizing certain tasks for the common good because that is the most, and often the only way, to get something done.

Here are my political positions:

  1. The military needs to only as big as it needs to be to get the job done. If we don’t need more ships, we shouldn’t build more ships just because a congressman lives in state that builds ships.
  2. Education should be free. This includes trade schools and post-high school education.
  3. Healthcare should be free.
  4. By “free”, I mean I am willing to pay higher taxes for these things to take place.
  5. The Supreme Court of the United States should be held to the highest standards of ethics, judgement and impartiality. It should be easy to remove any of them that takes a bribe or attempts to interpret the law in a way that favors a political bias.
  6. Campaign finance should limit funds any one person or organization can give to a person running for office. By “limit” I mean something like $200 per candidate. Not the hundreds of millions Elon Musk will donate to get Trump elected. Money wins elections. We need to accept this fact and take steps to limit the money involved.
  7. If a politician knowingly posts or says something untrue, they should face an ethics ruling; one that could possibly expel them from Congress.
  8. We are a nation of immigrants. This is what makes us strong. Our immigration reforms should focus on streamlining the process for legal entry. We need the bodies. Diversity makes us stronger. Yes, keep out those that we don’t want or that come in illegally but our real focus needs to be on letting in those that want to do so legally.
  9. Russia is not our friend. I fully support the Ukrainian efforts to fight back. My biggest fear with a Trump presidency is that he will abandon Ukraine and embrace Russia. He is already Putin’s “useful idiot.”
  10. Promote science and fight back against “fake news”. The idea that people are not vaccinating their children is astoundingly uneducated.
  11. Diversity, in all of its forms, makes us better, stronger and much more interesting. There is no room for racism, for anti-LGBT, for antisemitism or anti-immigration. Let’s get rid of the hate.
  12. Get rid of guns. Maybe not all guns but we have to realize that we have more gun deaths than any other industrialized nation because we have more guns.
  13. Get religion out of schools – completely. Your belief in magic is different from mine.
  14. Age limits for elected national officials. I think Biden has done a great job. He is too old for another 4 years. Still, I’d vote for a rotten tree stump before I’d vote for Trump.
  15. Make voting easy.
  16. Make lobbying illegal.
  17. Keep NATO strong.
  18. Reel in Fake News media. I think Twitter/X has a lot of fake news. I think Fox News is a lot of fake news. I think MSNBC misleads by reporting with a strong left-leaning bias. I don’t know how to fix this but I know people watch Fox News and think the last election was stolen.
  19. Support the fight against Climate Change.
  20. Make high speed internet available for free (I know the taxes will go up) for everyone.
  21. Make sure no child goes hungry, ever.
  22. This may sound way off track but, I think the drug trade is ruining way too many families. I think we need to knock on the door of some neighboring countries and say, “Hi, we’ve given you a chance to clean things up and you haven’t so, we are bringing 20,000 soldiers down to clean out the trash. It won’t be pretty so you may want to stand back a little bit.”
  23. I think aid to Israel needs to be contingent on not killing civilians. At least indiscriminantly.
  24. Taxes on the top 1% need to go way, way up. I’m not jealous of their money but we need to tax money and they have it all so there you go. Don’t tell me about trickly down economics.
  25. Abortion needs to be legal everywhere in the country.

I’ll probably think up a few more but I think these are the Big Bites of my political positions. Looking out for each other, less anger and hate, more common sense…that can’t be too much to ask for.

My next post will cover Trump’s history of sexual misconduct.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away.


Why convicted felon Donald Trump?

This just in: I watch less and less political news. I find it frustrating and most of all, disappointing to see so many Americans who love Trump. By “so many” I mean any number greater than ZERO.

Let’s look at a few things that demonstrate what I mean:

  1. Trump is convicted of RAPE. The Republican response “witch hunt.”
  2. Trump is convicted of tax fraud. The Republican response “witch hunt.”
  3. Trump is convicted of fraud and election manipulation (34 felony counts). The Republican response “witch hunt”.
  4. Hunter Biden is on trial for not paying taxes on time (which he admitted to and eventually paid). Republican response, “The Biden crime family hates America.”
  5. When asked why they like Trump, the number one response is “I like his policies.” When asked to name one policy…silence.
  6. When asked why people don’t like Biden, the number one response is “I don’t like his policies.” When asked to name one policy…silence.
  7. Here is a link to some of Trump’s associates sentenced to jail time.
  8. Trump said he didn’t want a “nigger” to win the first season of The Apprentice.
  9. Trump was found guilty of racial discrimination when renting some of his housing units.
  10. Trump was ordered to shut down his “charitable” foundation when it was discovered that he was using it as his personal piggy bank.
  11. Trump has filed for bankruptcy 6 times.
  12. Trump has told more than 30,000 documented lies while president. His latest lie is that he never said, “Lock her up.
  13. Trump appointed the Supreme Court justices that overturned a woman’s right to an abortion.
  14. Trump is threatening to get rid of the constitution if elected. He has also threatened to jail his political opponents.
  15. Trump threatens to encourage Putin to attack NATO allies.
  16. Trump still has felony charges pending in Georgia for election interference and federally for hoarding highly classified documents.
  17. He is a historic deadbeat when it comes to paying bills.
  18. He throws people under the bus that have been loyal to him.
  19. Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election.
  20. Trump frequently incites violence.

So, there is the very strong argument for Trump: “I like his policies even though I don’t know what any of them are.”

There is the equally strong argument against Biden: “I don’t like his policies even though I don’t know what any of them are.” Hint…think about the Inflation Reduction Act or the Infrastructure Act to name just a couple.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Republicans…Where’s the beef?

This just in: Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”

Take a moment to think about that.

Now consider the following: While president, 6 months before the next election, Trump claimed there was a conspiracy to “rig” the election against him. With all of the power of the presidency behind him, he was apparently unable to stop the “rigging”. More interesting to me is the fact that he is claiming that there was a coast-to-coast conspiracy against him in the election. Still, he produced not a single bit of evidence.

Republicans: The election was stolen.

Democrats: Show us the evidence.

Republicans: We have it but can’t show it to you until next week.

Conclusion: Since evidence would certainly help the Republican case, the lack of them showing the evidence means that there is NONE.

How about this one:

Republicans: We need to protect our country from the Biden crime family.

Democrats: Show us the evidence.

Republicans: This guy told us.

Democrats: You mean the guy that admitted to lying to the FBI about Biden? The guy that admitted to getting his marching orders from Russian intelligence?

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Conclusion: Since evidence would certainly help the Republican case, the lack of them showing the evidence means that there is NONE.

How about this one:

Republicans: The Biden administration is doing nothing about the southern border.

Democrats: You mean he is doing nothing besides the mammoth immigration bill that was crafted specifically to meet the demands of the Republican party? The same immigration bill that Biden pushed for passage? The same immigration bill Republicans voted down because they wanted to be able to say, “The Biden administration is doing nothing about the southern border.”

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Conclusion: Biden offered to do everything the Republicans wanted. The Republicans turned it down citing that it didn’t do enough. They never specified what would be enough. They are not interested in the border other than using it against their political opponents.

How about this one:

Republicans: Biden is destroying democracy.

Democrats: How so?

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Or this one:

Republicans: Donald Trump will save America.

Democrats: How so?

Republicans: No, you shut up.

Let’s face it. The Republicans have not accomplished a thing for decades. DECADES. If I’m wrong, tell me.

Republican: Trump accomplished a lot by appointing 3 justices to the Supreme Court.

Me: That was not an accomplishment. A toaster could have done that. All he did was what the Constitution said he had to do. BTW, that Supreme Court voided Roe V. Wade.

I challenge you to tell me what Biden is doing to destroy democracy, to destroy freedoms, to destroy the economy.

I challenge you to tell me what Trump or the Republican party is going to do for the country.

Be specific. If you say, “Trump will do great things,” I’ll know you have nothing. If you tell me, “He’ll solve the problem in Israel.” I’ll ask you how…and you will then say, “Trump is a great negotiator,” and then I’ll know that you have nothing.

Note: This post is written out of frustration that Trump supporters seem to be cult members to me rather than rational thinkers.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


The Republican Trainwreck

This just in: I’m going to try to concisely list what I think is wrong with the Republican party. This will include their leader and presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Let’s start with just the Republican Party in general.

  1. Republicans are anti-abortion. They call it “pro-life” and their justification is that they think they know the will of their version of the creator of the universe.
  2. Republicans are pro-“unrestricted ownership” of guns. They call this “pro-2nd amendment” but the reality is that they don’t want ANY gun regulations. Instead, they like “Thoughts and prayers” as the appropriate was to keep us safe.
  3. Republicans want to impeach Biden. However, they don’t know why but they have “suspicions.” The claimed to have a star witness who, it turns out, is a Russian stooge who has just been charged with lying to the FBI and fabricating 100% of the evidence the GOP claims to have on Biden and his son, Hunter.
  4. Republican continue to side with Putin and against Ukraine. This baffles me.
  5. Republicans gave Democrats a list of demands for securing the border. When Democrats surprisingly gave in to all of the demands, the Republicans turned down the bill. Their rationale is that if the border is secured, then they won’t have anything to campaign on. Now, they intend to blame the border on Biden, completely ignoring that they voted against the very legislation they wanted to secure the border.
  6. The same week the Republican party turned down billions to secure the border, the voted to impeach a Democrat in charge of securing the border. They are blaming him for the border being weak while, at the same time, voting against legislation that would secure the border.

Let’s take a look at the leader of the Republican Party – Donald Trump

  1. One of the few people in the history of the world to have a casino go bancrkupt.
  2. Claims Democrats want to change the name of Pennsylvania.
  3. Had his Charitable foundation shut down because he was using the funds on himself.
  4. Had Trump University shut down due to fraud.
  5. Was found guilt of slandering a woman he sexually assaulted. Fine over $80 million.
  6. Claimed that being famous meant he could grab women ‘by the pussy.”
  7. Has a trial starting next month about hush money paid to a pornstar he had sex with while his wife was pregnant. Hush money is not illegal but using his money for this purpose and then calling it a “legal” expense is. So is using this money to influence and election by keeping the woman quite while he was running for office.
  8. Today, was fined over $350 million for falsification of financial records.
  9. Has a trial in May for stealing and refusing to return dozens of highly classified documents.
  10. Said he would not support NATO countries even though they were in compliance with the treaty.
  11. Will be going on trial for election interference in Georgia.
  12. Trumps college proffessor in Economics claimed that Trump was the dumbest student he ever had.
  13. Trump routinely disparages the men and women of the armed service even though he never served a day in his life. He claimed bone spurs kept him out of Vietnam but there are no records to support this.
  14. Told over 35,000 documented lies while in office.
  15. Sides with Putin over the United States in nearly every instance when he had the opportunity to choose.

Both of these lists represent just the bits that I can think of as fast as I can type. The lists are far from complete but I feel they are very representative of the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

In a nutshell, the Republican Party thinks you are stupid. Donald Trump is a dim bulb conman.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


“Dog catches Bus!!”

This just in: The GOP is so incompetent that it would be funny, if not so tragic.

The Affordable Healthcare Act was dubbed “Obamacare” by Republicans to demonize what has become an extremely popular bit of legislation. Granted, it’s not perfect. My annual healthcare costs continue to rise. However, it is far better than before.

Once it was passed, Republicans spent years claiming that not only was Obamacare a big failure but that they had a better plan. If only they were in charge, they could fix everything.

Then, in 2016, the Dog Caught the Bus.

By this I mean, the GOP came into power. During the next 4 years, they did nothing to improve healthcare. They had no plan. While this became immediately apparent, it was surprising to find that they didn’t even want to talk about healthcare.

For 4 years, the GOP did ZERO to improve healthcare.

So much barking about healthcare but when they caught the bus, when they were actually in charge, they had no idea what to do.

Fast forward to today. To this afternoon.

Republicans made huge demands on border policy. To get their way, they held ransom, badly needed money for the Ukraine war.

“Give us what we want or we’ll let Putin take Ukraine!!”

So, the Democrats said, “Okay.”

The GOP quickly huddled together and said, “Oh shit. Now what are we going to do?”

Once again, they caught the bus. They got their way and have no idea how to handle it.

Getting their way is the opposite of what they wanted. To them, Obamacare and the Border are the same thing. Just a couple of issues to be pissed off about. A couple of issues to hold up and say, “Vote for us and we will fix this.”

Then they catch the bus. In the case of the border, they got what they wanted and no longer had anything to hold over the Democrats. Why vote for a Republican campaigning on border issues when the Democrats are willing to implement what the Republicans are promising to do if elected?

Their solution: Move the bar.

“Yes, you gave us what we wanted but that is not really what we wanted. We don’t want to solve this issue. We just want to be able to pretend that we will solve it but only if we are elected.”

That last bit is the part that they are not supposed to say out loud, but they have.

In recent days, there have been numerous instances and sources saying that Trump has told them to walk away FROM ANY border deal so he can campaign on the issue. He can’t promise to solve something if it is already solved.

Catching the bus and not knowing what to do with it is the perfect example of the Republican Party’s inability to govern.

Forget the Trump train wreck. Yes, he is the bigger issue but even if he didn’t exist, the GOP is still a mess.

This inability to govern has gone on for decades.

Just had to put this out there.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


We are what we eat; that includes our thougths

This just in: I’m in Alabama this week. The people are great; really friendly. Politics is never brought up. But, the television here is either a hunting show, a home shopping network, some reality show about swamp-living or some version of Fox News.

This is what is available for consumption. This is what forms their opinion about the world.

I watched one Fox-type show for 30 seconds and this is what I heard, “Let’s face it. Trump had solved every problem with immigration.” Interestingly, I didn’t know this.

Then, on the actual Fox News show I heard, “Bidenomics is a failure.” This is in reference to Biden’s impact on economics. Now I have heard this before but only by Fox News. So, if all you watch is this news channel, you get a constant barrage of “the economy sucks and its all Biden’s fault.”

By the way, there are never any solutions offered up; just observations to complain and blame about. The evidence is cherry-picked. There is always someone willing to say, “I paid twice as much for my milk today as I did yesterday.”

So much anger. It comes from what the “Fox watchers” are being fed. To me, it feels like the entire Republican Party is auditioning for the Jerry Springer show. The more ridiculous the better. They are throwing chairs at each other and then turn to the camera and say, “Biden did that.”

How about we just look at a few facts…take the economy for example:

  1. Overall job numbers: – Biden: +14 million – Trump: -2.9 million
  2. Overall manufacturing jobs: – Biden: +815,000 – Trump: -154,000
  3. Highest labor force numbers of presidency: – Biden: 167,930,000 – Trump: 164,546,000
  4. Lowest unemployment rate of presidency: – Biden: 3.4% – Trump: 3.5%
  5. Highest unemployment rate of presidency: – Biden: 6.2% – Trump: 14.7%
  6. Lowest black unemployment rate of presidency: – Biden: 4.7% – Trump: 5.3%
  7. Highest black unemployment rate of presidency: – Biden: 9.9% – Trump: 16.8%
  8. Lowest Hispanic unemployment rate of presidency: – Biden: 3.9% – Trump: 4%
  9. Highest Hispanic unemployment of presidency: – Biden: 8.5% – Trump: 18.8%
  10. Lowest woman unemployment rate of presidency: – Biden: 3.3% – Trump: 3.4%
  11. Highest woman unemployment rate of presidency: – Biden: 6.1% – Trump: 16.2%
  12. Lowest unemployment rate for those without a high school diploma of presidency: – Biden: 4.4% – Trump: 4.9%
  13. Overall GDP increase in dollars: – Biden: +$5.6 trillion – Trump: +$2.9 trillion
  14. Highest annual GDP growth rate of presidency: – Biden: 5.9% – Trump: 2.9%
  15. Lowest annual GDP growth rate of presidency; – Biden: 2.1% – Trump: -2.8%
  16. Highest Dow Jones Industrial Average: – Biden: $36,799.65 – Trump: $31,041.13
  17. Highest S&P 500: – Biden: $4796.56 – Trump: $3,803.79
  18. Highest Nasdaq: – Biden: $16,057.44 – Trump: $13,067.48

And today, the GDP growth from last quarter was 5.2%

Just sayin…

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


Trump for President?!?

This just in: Recent polls from this week suggested that Trump would beat Biden in several Battleground states which could result in Trump winning the presidency. Is this a good thing? Let’s Look.

Trump accomplishments while in office:

  1. Put in 3 Supreme Court justices who went on to overturn Roe V. Wade.
  2. Broke the treaty with Iran leading to Iran fast-tracking its nuclear program and aggressively funding several terrorist groups; one of which is HAMAS.
  3. Signed a major tax cut for the rich which is by far, the number one reason we continue to have soaring deficits.
  4. Delayed action on COVID response which, by some estimates, led to over 450,000 avoidable American deaths.
  5. Opened up several protect natural habitats for exploitation by Big Oil.
  6. Tried to pull the United States out of NATO.
  7. Conspired to overturn the election that he lost.
  8. Promoted an attack on the capital.
  9. Told a documented 30,000+ lies to the American public.

Trump accomplishments outside of office:

  1. Found guilt of massive banking and insurance fraud in the state of New York.
  2. Found guilty of rape
  3. Charged with stealing Top Secret documents.
  4. Charges with attempting to overtime the election results in Georgia

Biden accomplishments while in office:

  1. Passed the American Rescue Plan which financially protected millions of people adversely affected by COVID.
  2. Passed a $1 trillion infrastructure plan to repair roads, waterways, bridges, and railroads and to bring high-speed internet to rural communities.
  3. Brought unemployment rate down to 3.5%
  4. Ended the Republican war in Afganistan.
  5. Steadfastly supports Ukraine
  6. Signed the Inflation Reduction Act which includes brining down drug prices for millions of Americans.
  7. Passed the CHIPS act bringing microchip production back to the United States.
  8. Appointed the first black woman to the Supreme Court.
  9. Reestablish America as the leader of the free world.
  10. Tamed inflation
  11. Last quarter saw a GDP growth rate of over 5%. This is far above anything Trump saw.

What has neither Trump nor Biden done while in office:

  1. Immigration is a major problem. Ready workers are at our borders while companies struggle to perform due to a lack of labor in the United States.
  2. The Affordable Healthcare Act, meant to be an interim step towards fixing healthcare remains untouched and thus, unimproved.
  3. Racism and hate continue to run rampid.
  4. Gun violence continues to be normal.
  5. Military spending still dominates our budget.

In summary, Trump is a failed president and a convicted rapist facing 91 felony charges. He has no plan on governing beyond imprisoning those that he feels are disloyal to him. Biden has accomplished a lot; all in the name of making America stronger and a better place to live. As far as things not accomplished, presidents are not Gods. However, Biden continues to work on making things better. Trump…not so much.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…
