The right side of History

This just in: I’ve decided to take a look into my crystal ball (all superheroes have one) and let you know what I see.

At some point in the future, hopefully not too distant, I see the following…

  1. People marvel at the idea of discrimination against people due to their sexual orientation. In fact, they rejoice at the variety of choices they freely indulge in without judgement.
  2. Religion as a “matter of faith” has been completely abandoned as a mainstream practice. It is replaced by science-based searches into “who we are” and “why are we here?”
  3. The color of one’s skin is celebrated as a contribution to the highly valued concept of “Diversity.”
  4. All people, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, beliefs, intellect, wealth, education, heritage, location of birth and every other trait, are considered equally valuable to society and welcomed equally everywhere.
  5. Fact-checking is so instantaneous and widely accepted that News Agencies and Politicians have completely abandoned attempts to mislead.
  6. Science matters.
  7. Protecting the Earth’s ecosystem is the top priority of every person; a priority instilled at the time of birth and maintained throughout one’s life.
  8. Hunger and poverty are so far in the rear view mirror that they have become the stuff of scary stories told around campfires; Stories that scare us and then make us laugh because they are so unlikely.
  9. Freedom from fear is a mantra. The people of the world recognizes this as a wind that blows through all of us. We actively work together to help each other through this when it’s our time in the breeze.
  10. There is no more war; no more guns. Disagreements are worked through with thought and integrity. Violence is eliminated as the proverbial “last resort.”

There you have it. Just a peek. Reading back through all of these, I find #9 to be the most likely precursor to the others. So long and we have unbridled fear, we will behave like the barbarians whose DNA is still strong in all of us.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…


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