Free of Facebook

This just in:  This morning, I deactivated my Facebook account.

This is sort of a big deal in a weird way.  I really never went to Facebook very often; probably averaging less than 5 minutes a day on the site.  However, I posted stuff there all the time.  I posted cute animal pictures and news articles that I would read and think, “The world needs to hear about this.”  Now that I don’t have a FB account, I can’t post there.  This will take some adjusting on my part.

In the meantime…

Have you ever seen one of those videos where someone is playing music for cows?  I tried this the other day.  I started with a handful of cows and eventually 20 or more showed up.  Here is the video…

Leveraging his stupidity…

There seems to be a lot of news today about Trump’s top cabinet members referring to Trump as “Dumb” or “Idiot” or some other such descriptor.  Here’s the deal…I don’t know it they actually did say those things.  However, I have no trouble believing that those close to Trump find him….simple-minded.

One of the key “fall back” positions of Trump supporters is to say, “He is just pretending to be dumb so that he will win in the end.”  I’m not sure how this works but when you are out of straws to grasp at…anything will do.

Comment Section…

I’m having trouble getting the comment box to appear on this site.  I have a trouble call in and expect to have the box up and running soon.

Time to save the world.

Up, up and away…






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